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Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation ALYSOUN TAYLOR-HALL NOVEMBER 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation ALYSOUN TAYLOR-HALL NOVEMBER 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation ALYSOUN TAYLOR-HALL NOVEMBER 12, 2014

2 Writing Your Thesis or Dissertation Entering the conversation Establishing good research habits & tools Conducting your literature search Getting ready to write Writing:  Introduction  Abstract  Body  Conclusion Finishing your thesis General writing tips Uploading & Resources

3 About Me BA in English w/Concentration in Professional Writing Certificate in Technical Writing MBA Program Coordinator for Ph.D. in Engineering Program Technical Writer/Editor for CEPRO research group Adjunct Instructor for EGR 3350: Technical Communication for Engineers and Computer Scientists

4 Entering the Conversation Research as an ongoing conversation You are being invited to join the conversation Start by listening to what’s already been said Practice good manners

5 Establishing Good Research Habits Document as you go Keep a research notebook/journal Archive your data Learn to use available tools LaTeX: Be sure to check out Dr. Slater’s “archiving data” link Thesis and Dissertation Handbook: handbook

6 Conducting Your Literature Search Conduct your own comprehensive search Start with current publications, but be sure to check older resources as well Follow up on the works cited in relevant publications Talk to other researchers in your field Contact Phil Flynn, Engineering Librarian, for assistance with your search: 775-2533

7 Conducting Your Literature Search Document your search from the very beginning Use available tools and resources RefWorks: Jab Ref

8 Getting Ready to Write Audience Analysis Who will be reading your thesis/dissertation? Types of Audiences  General/lay audience  Expert audience  Executive audience What do your readers know about your topic? What do they need to know? Tip: As a writer, you sound “smart” when your reader can understand your ideas

9 Writing Your Introduction Write your introduction first Use your research notebook/journal Lay out your argument for your topic Organize your thesis to support your argument

10 Writing Your Abstract Generally a 1-page document that summarizes your research Write for more of an executive audience  Keep sentences relatively short and direct  Limit explanations of complex concepts  Assume that many readers will only read the first page Focus on your motivations  Why does this work need to be done?  Who will benefit?

11 Writing Your Abstract Allow plenty of time for revision Ask other readers to read your abstract  Ask someone unfamiliar with your topic Your abstract should be as clean, clear, and concise as you can make it Good practice for writing research proposals

12 Writing the Body of Your Document Remember audience analysis  What does your “expert” audience already know?  What do they need to know? Remember to cite as you go  Graphs, figures, tables  Any language that is not your own Some readers will skip around, so each chapter should stand alone to some extent  Point readers to where they need to go within the document

13 Writing Your Conclusion Provides a satisfactory stopping point for the reader Generally relatively brief  No need to restate the entire abstract  In a thesis or dissertation, conclusion should emphasize findings and future work  Highlight original contribution The only other part some readers will read  Make sure the conclusion is well edited

14 Finishing Your Thesis Allow plenty of time for revision and finishing Edit your document thoroughly  Use spell-check and grammar tools  Hire an editor if necessary  Follow the Thesis and Dissertation Handbook handbook Include Acknowledgments  Be careful of personal acknowledgments Request a Format Check

15 Style Guides How do you know what format to use for your citations? Style guides provide specific guidelines: Examples: MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian Provide specific guidance on many style issues, including citations Many disciplines have a standard style  Examples: Psychology uses APA; English uses MLA Unfortunately, Engineering does not have a standard style guide

16 Engineering Styles What style should you use? Check the University Libraries website to find style guides for your discipline: Check publications in your discipline and follow their format Ask your professor or advisor Ask the University Librarian

17 Uploading Convert your document to a PDF Follow instructions on SoGS website dissertation-handbook-procedures Binding options

18 General Writing Tips Understand how readers process your writing Your goal is to make the reader’s job as easy as possible Save their energy to focus on your ideas, not your writing Effective writing doesn’t tire the reader

19 General Writing Tips Understand how readers process your writing, cont. Limitations of short-term memory Present the information in the most logical order for ease of processing Allow frequent breaks so readers can process what they’ve read and move it out of short-term memory  Parenthetical information demands more from your reader

20 General Writing Tips Punctuation provides sign posts to guide your reader through your document  Punctuation works best when it meets subconscious reader expectations  Written punctuation does not follow spoken “breaks” in the sentence  Learn to punctuate according to American English norms  Good punctuation  Keeps your reader from tiring  Allows your reader to focus on your ideas

21 General Writing Tips Use active voice: Subject Verb Object not Object Verb (implied Subject) I will take out the trash not The trash will be taken out Active voice is far less tiring than passive voice

22 Examples Using Active Voice Examples: Passive: The steak was eaten by the puppy. Active: The puppy ate the steak! Passive: In this work, questions were investigated... Active: This work investigates questions... More on Active Voice: resources/qwrtcntr/resources/handouts/activepassive.htm resources/qwrtcntr/resources/handouts/activepassive.htm

23 General Writing Tips But... vary your writing style occasionally Maintain reader interest Too many sentences in the same style begin to sound “sing songy” Invert the order of a few sentences Combine two sentences  But make sure you do this correctly (not run on)

24 Help with Writing Skills EGR 3350/5350: Technical Communications for Engineering and Computer Scientists University Writing Center

25 Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Workshop Held every year in the fall Sponsored by the Graduate School Contact Lisa Lewandowski: 775-2976

26 New Workshop Get Your Cite Right for Engineers Sponsored by the Dunbar Library Taught by Phil Flynn and me Walks through the research process from beginning to end

27 Resources Useful web resources for research writing: The School of Graduate Studies Thesis and Dissertation Handbook: dissertation-handbook University Libraries: University Writing Center:

28 Resources Other University-based Writing Websites:  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center:  Rensellaer Center for Communication Practices:  Purdue Writing Center Non-university-based, but still good:  Grammar Girl:

29 Questions?

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