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SECOND GRADE Room 119 Worried! Scared! Feel like crying!

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4 Worried! Scared! Feel like crying!

5 PYP: PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME Lifelong learners Encourage curiosity, ask questions, wonder Think aloud, take risks Validate, don’t give answers

6 UNITS OF INQUIRY WHO WE ARE Relationships and well being. HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES Imagination and creativity. HOW THE WORLD WORKS Forms of energy.

7 UNITS OF INQUIRY SHARING THE PLANET Conservation of resources. WHERE WE ARE IN PLACE AND TIME Physical geography and human interactions. HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES Products and the role of different people in a process.

8 READING DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) RAZ-Kids Books Just Right Books Five Finger Rule Book-in-a-bag: reading log, parent support and active participation Library: flexible schedule

9 HOW CAN I HELP IN READING? Provide time every day for your child to read on his/her own. Read aloud to your child … don’t forget your mother tongue. Listen to your child read. Read aloud and talk. Ask your child to retell one of the books he/she is reading. Stop and wonder.

10 Encourage your child to re-read a sentence when it doesn’t make sense. Point out punctuation marks as you read aloud. “Oops, an exclamation mark! I’d better read that a little louder”. Point out ways to figure out words: Sound it out. Look at the picture. Break the word into smaller words. Read on. Think what would make sense. Help your child find Just Right Books. Talk about books you enjoyed as a child.

11 WRITING Developmental process/stages Invented/Temporary spelling Word study and spelling checks Writing process: Prewriting (generate ideas) Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

12 EDM: EVERYDAY MATHEMATICS Students are actively involved in their learning (whole class, small group, individual) Revisits concepts regularly (spiral curriculum) Frequent practice of basic skills (journals, home links and games)

13 HOW CAN I HELP IN MATH? Create a homework routine. Read the Family Letters (online) and Home Links. Ask your child to explain. Use questions to help. Be accepting of mistakes. Play math games. Share real-life math situations

14 HOMEWORK Homeroom = 15-20 minutes Spanish = 10-15 minutes Reading is in addition to other assignments. Students: responsible for their work: quality and independence. Establish a routine: consistency regarding place and time. Parents: supervise and interact, sign Student Planner daily.

15 BEHAVIOR TRAFFIC LIGHT Based on “Class Agreements” Daily performance and self-assessment Immediate school-home communication Parent support

16 SNACK AND LUNCH Nutritious, varied. Promote trash-free lunchboxes. Avoid unnecessary wrappers.

17 PARENTS ARE PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Class interruptions. Communication via e-mail, notes. Sign Student Planners. Label all belongings. Written excuse for child’s absence.

18 VISIT OUR WEBPAGE Click on the link below to access our webpage.


20 Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

21 Thanks for coming! Questions? ¿Preguntas?

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