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What Partners Need to know. WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things.

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Presentation on theme: "What Partners Need to know. WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Partners Need to know

2 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 2

3 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 3

4 SUPPORT Who to contact Operations Technical System Updates Partner Updates Page 4

5 WHO TO CONTACT AT CERTIPORT Main Contact General questions Sales Representative Center Support Candidate Support Channel Support Specialists MOS, MTA, Adobe, IC3 Client Services Team Level 2 technical support Technical Support Team


7 >Partner Operations Support >Candidate Support >Center Support Respond within business day OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALISTS

8 PARTNER SUPPORT >Resolve operational problems >Detailed Reporting >Policy or Procedure Questions >Help with Portal Page 8

9 EXAMPLES OF REPORTS AVAILABLE We can run detailed reports on request Center:  Uploads  By Program  By date  Pass Rate  Sector  Center information NOTE: We will not give candidate information or results. Page 9

10 CENTER SUPPORT >Center activation >Program activation >Update center details Page 10

11 CANDIDATE SUPPORT >Name merge >Forgot password >Exam replacement >Missing certificate Page 11

12 >Partner supports the centers >Certiport supports the P artners >Center should contact partner not Certiport >If partner can’t resolve; the partner can call or email technical support for help TECHNICAL SUPPORT

13 TECHNICAL SUPPORT OPERATION TIMES >Weekends  6 am-10 pm Utah time  Email Support Only  Respond within 2 business hours  A remote session can be arranged Weekdays  6 am – 10 pm Utah  Phone and email support  Respond within 2 business hours  Remote session available

14 LEVEL 2 SUPPORT FOR PARTNERS >Have 5 in house Technical Support Specialists >Call or email directly  888-999-9830 option 9   Respond within an hour >If not resolved by phone/email- arrange a Webex session with partner and center  Need partner to be on the call


16 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PAGE >Certiport does 4 Outages a year >Need to communicate to centers >If dates change notice will be given

17 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PAGE: IQSYSTEM >iQsystem update:  Most are automatic uploads each time a center logins in  Recommend centers check for updates day before testing  If a complete uninstall or reinstall is necessary a communication will be sent

18 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: BROWSER LOCKDOWN >Browser lockdown is to keep candidates from exiting exam and searching for answers on the internet >Updates are to keep up with technology

19 CERTIPORT COMMUNICATIONS >Certiport sends a weekly update  Tuesday  Product information  Technical updates  Import notices >Partner is responsible for Communicating information to centers

20 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 20

21 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Names of products OrderingPayments Transferring Inventory Resolving mistakes Page 21

22 OUR PRODUCTS >Products start with:  Vendor-Version- (With) –product-Restrictions >Good for all exams within a Suite- do not sell individual applications >Products on ordering page are available to all partners  Can’t take off products  Can create products specific for partner or region Page 22


24 BUNDLES >Bundles are a combination of any two product items  Always have “with” if it is a bundle  Voucher with retake is most common Page 24

25 VOUCHERS AND RETAKES >Voucher is valid for a single test >Retakes are ALWAYS a Voucher >Vouchers can be bundled with practice exams > A Master is a combination of 4 vouchers with 2 retakes Page 25

26 DIFFERENT VERSIONS >Be aware of the different versions for a vendor > MOS 2003/XP will not work for 2007/2010 exams >Make sure centers tell you exactly what they need- version- exams or vouchers Page 26

27 LICENSES >Different types of license available >Licenses are restricted by # of Users or by # of exams >Can be restricted to a sector, region, or both Page 27


29 PURCHASE TAB >Click on Purchase and your options and prices appear by vendor, country, and sector

30 PURCHASING INSTRUCTIONS >Important to choose: Vendor, Country, and Sector  Double check country and sector are correct before completing order >Prices will change automatically between sectors >Find product and enter quantity >Click on “Check Out”

31 PURCHASING: CONTINUED >Choose Credit Card or Net Terms  Net terms works only the purchase does not exceed the credit limit >Enter the required information >Click “ Verify order”

32 PURCHASING: CONTINUED >Click >Finished or >New Order >Your receipt will show your order number and remainder of order information >You can print this out to keep as a record

33 PURCHASING CONTINUED >Exams are placed into account immediately after purchase and can be transferred to testing center >Vouchers are sent by email every 30 minutes to the address entered during purchasing steps

34 PURCHASE AND PAYMENT GUIDELINES >Credit limits  Limits are set once company financials are reviewed by Certiport  Limits can be increased after history of ordering and payments have been made >Exams show immediately after purchase >Vouchers are sent via email every 30 minutes with the exception of Midnight to 6 a.m. Utah time >Invoices are sent by email >Net terms for payment are 30 days >Wire information included on thumb drive under:  forms- Webster Bank Wire Transfer Instructions

35 PURCHASING GUIDELINES >Testing centers in your country will not be able to purchase from Certiport and be direct to partner for purchase

36 INVOICES >Invoice is emailed automatically after purchase >Invoice Lists:  Date ordered  Payment due date  Item purchased  Lists invoice #  PO number #



39 TRANSFERRING PRODUCT >Exam Inventory >Click Reassign Inventory

40 TRANSFERRING EXAMS >Destination dropdown shows available centers  Will only show centers which match current inventory ›If only business exams will only show business centers ›Only show centers available to partners territory  Click Next

41 TRANSFERRING EXAMS >Enter quantity of exams to transfer  Click Submit >Exams are placed in account Page 41

42 TRANSFERRING LICENSES >Same steps involved with transferring licenses as exams >Click “licenses” at top >Click “Reassign site licenses” >Center must accept license agreement before they can use >Center has one month to accept license before it automatically begins to count down time left.

43 WHAT IF I MAKE A MISTAKE What if I ordered the wrong product? Can cancel if all pieces of order are available. Can’t cancel if one exam has been used Contact Order correct product What if I transfer the wrong exams or center? Email Provide details and we will transfer you Within 72 hours of ordering

44 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 44

45 CENTER MANAGEMENT My Certiport Org Profile Activation of centers Multi- sites Page 45

46 MY CERTIPORT TAB My Certiport Tab shows: >Exam Inventory >Vouchers >Licenses >Center Contacts >Marketing Resource Library

47 MY CERTIPORT: HOME PAGE Program Status: Active/pending Logo License >Apply >Download logos Locator >Edit or View Testing center informatio n

48 MY CERTIPORT: LOGOS To receive vendor logos files: >Click Apply >Accept terms >Go back to Home page > Click Download >Accept agreement

49 MY CERTIPORT: CENTER LOCATOR >Click “Edit” or “View” >Great tool for commercial centers

50 TESTING CENTER LOCATOR Update locator details >Show or not show  Open to public >Add center message >Training >Certified courseware >Accept vouchers >Proctoring fee Page 50

51 TESTING CENTER LOCATOR >Directs candidates by searching: Vendor-Country-City >Centers show on locator after:  Administering an exam for the vendor given >Center will show on locator for 12 months after last exam


53 ORG ADMIN: ORG PROFILE TAB Org Profile Tab: >Main Info >Address >Contacts >Agreements >Add administrators >Add proctors Center can update information by clicking “edit” at bottom of page

54 ORG PROFILE-ASSOCIATIONS >Add organizational administrators to center  Use “find a user” box to add administrators  Default shows org members, click drop down to make org admin >Partners do not have ability to add admins for centers Page 54

55 ACTIVATING CENTERS AND PROGRAMS >Certiport must activate >Need to activate center and programs center will support Page 55

56 INACTIVATING A CENTER Only Certiport can inactivate a center Page 56

57 MULTI-SITES: PARENT AND CHILD SITES Multi-Sites: Are similar to resellers and has at least one parent and one child  Parent manages centers under them-Child  Examples of Multi-sites ›School districts ›Commercial training centers  Once active, child sites are active for all programs the parent has active  Parent can transfer and do reporting  Parent CANT order from Certiport

58 MULTI-SITES Parent registers child sites Parent buys inventory from partner Parent transfers inventory to child Page 58

59 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 59




63 EXAM DEVELOPMENT Certiport has the People, Tools, and Expertise to convert, develop and customize any exam Content Development Item banking Authoring Tools Workflow Management Collaboration Tools Psychometric Analysis Custom Look and Scoring

64 DELIVERED: TESTING SECURITY Browser Lockdown Locks the user into the exam environment by blocking access to any applicationLocks the user into the exam environment by blocking access to any application Encryption Watermarking items are displayed with an on-screen, unique code identifying the unique exam instance in sessionitems are displayed with an on-screen, unique code identifying the unique exam instance in session Extensive, real-time, audit trail logging Proctored Physically presentPhysically present Validate candidate by 2 forms of IDValidate candidate by 2 forms of ID All responses are stored in a data warehouse

65 LOCALIZATION 24 languages 70 releases 2011 Localization based on potential. Partners help with reviews Be part of BETA

66 WHAT PARTNERS NEED TO KNOW Operation and Technical Support Inventory Management Center Management Exam Development Other things to know Page 66

67 LEADS FROM CERTIPORT All leads are sent to partners We do not contact centers Respond quickly



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