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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of the Renaissance. Renaissance Instruments The Renaissance saw the development of a variety of instruments that closely resemble.

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Presentation on theme: "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of the Renaissance. Renaissance Instruments The Renaissance saw the development of a variety of instruments that closely resemble."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of the Renaissance

2 Renaissance Instruments The Renaissance saw the development of a variety of instruments that closely resemble those of today As with modern instruments, these were often grouped into “families”. The two most important families were the VIOLS and RECORDERS

3 The Viol Family The viols are often described as the ancestors of the violin family, but this is not in fact the case. Viols and Violins existed side-by-side and were used for different purposes

4 The Viol Family Viols were quieter than Violins and were designed to be played indoors Violins were much louder and more suitable for dance music and outdoor activities

5 The Viol Family The Viol has FRETS (like a guitar) but it is played with a bow. It has SIX strings whereas the Violin only has four What other differences can you see between a Viol and a Violin?

6 The Viol Family A Consort of Viols. What do you notice about the way they are being played?

7 The Recorder Family Recorders were also very popular instruments during the Renaissance period and are of course still played today

8 The Recorder Family The recorder also comes as a family of several instruments Many well-to-do families would have had “a chest of recorders” (a boxed set) and would have brought them out and played them as a means of entertainment

9 Other Renaissance Instruments

10 The Lute The lute is thought to have existed as far back as ancient Egypt During the early Renaissance, it was used principally to accompany singers Later, it became a solo instrument in its own right

11 The Sackbut The Sackbut is a brass instrument which is clearly the ancestor of the modern trombone

12 The Shawm The shawm is also thought to have existed in antiquity Shawms originated in the Middle East The Shawm is the predecessor of the modern Oboe


14 The Serpent The Serpent is a bass wind instrument It has finger holes like a woodwind instrument but uses a mouthpiece like a brass instrument It is no longer in use today, but is thought to be a distant relation of the Tuba

15 The Crumhorn Another reed instrument that originated in the Middle East The Crumhorn is no longer in use today and did not develop into a modern equivalent

16 The Cornett Cornetts sound like soft trumpets but are made of wood and have finger holes They often played with the Sackbuts The Cornet today is a type of Trumpet


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