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Pollution Mrs. Hobby’s 2007 Third Grade. Pollution Chase Rolader.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution Mrs. Hobby’s 2007 Third Grade. Pollution Chase Rolader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution Mrs. Hobby’s 2007 Third Grade

2 Pollution Chase Rolader

3 Littering There is a lot of trash that people throw out of their window and it is hurting the animals and it might kill them. We need to stop littering.

4 How to fix the Problem I need to fix the problem by asking people to stop littering. We can make signs telling people to stop littering. You need to help pick up the trash that people have done.

5 Pollution Curtis Cambas

6 Littering Littering is against the law. Littering kills animals and you don’t want that.

7 Fix the Problem I would help by picking up trash. Telling that littering kills animals we eat and could hurt us.

8 Pollution Destiny Jenkins

9 Smoking Smoking causes diseases. It pollutes the air and your lungs and can make you get sick.

10 Fix the problem Tell them to stop smoking. Say stop smoking it is bad for your lungs. It can make you sick You can die from smoking.

11 Pollution Emily Copeland

12 Smoking Pollution People smoke and it harms health and air. Trucks, cars, and factories sometimes put smoke into the air.

13 Fix the Problem I would make sure my car is running right. I would not buy anything from a factory that pollutes. I want the people to stop because it’s harming are Earth.

14 Pollution Grace Holewinski

15 Ocean Pollution There is a lot of garbage in the ocean. This kills fish and other sea creatures.

16 Fix this problem Stop throwing trash in the water. Don’t forget to put trash in the garbage.

17 Pollution Jamie Holloway

18 Poisonous Chemicals Chemicals can be very poisonous which can harm the earth, people and animals. It can poison people and animals which can kill that person or animal.

19 How We Can Help Stop it ? Get organic food it doesn’t have chemicals that could harm the earth.It doesn’t have pesticides.

20 Pollution Jaylen Mathis

21 Ocean pollution Some fish can get sick due to ocean pollution. Pollution can damage our oceans and animals in them.

22 How can we help? By picking it up. We could put more trashcans on the beach!-

23 Pollution Joel Hughes

24 Ocean pollution I’m not saying people always do this dumping on purpose although many do because it’s the cheap option.

25 Fix the problem Tell your family. Tell your friends.Talk about it with your teacher. Tell your friend to stop throwing trash into the ocean.

26 Pollution Maddy Estep

27 Smoking Pollution Cigarettes can make you get very sick. Smoking is very bad for people! Smoke puts pollution in the air.

28 Fix the Problem Stop smoking so you won’t get sick. Convince your friends not to smoke! Don’t buy anything from cigarette companies.

29 Pollution Mallory C. Neill

30 Ocean Pollution Some people think its okay to throw down trash on our beaches, but some trash could either hurt or kill animals.

31 How Can I Help I can help by picking up trash on the beach Some fishers leave large nets in the water that harms animals. If I see some one do that I can tell some one.

32 Pollution Maria Nunez

33 Smoking Do not smoke because people smell it and get sick.

34 Fix the Problem By asking others to stop smoking. We can make signs saying don’t smoke.

35 Pollution Noah Corlett

36 Bad Poisons Poisons kill animals that we have to eat. We have to be careful using poisons cause if we eat a animal has poison it will kill us.

37 Fix the problem Quit making poisons. Put poisons up on high shelves so babies can’t reach them. So if a baby has a poison in it’s hand take it away as fast as you can.

38 Pollution Rachel Johnston

39 Littering Do not throw trash on the ground. Animal could get hurt from this.

40 Fix the Problem We can make signs saying do not litter! Pick up after yourself.

41 Pollution Ricardo Ceron

42 Waste Waste is trash and things we throw away. Too much garbage in the land fill. People spend their money on cleaning waste up!

43 How can I help When I see garbage I stop to pick it up so the trash pickup man will not get mad. We I see people throw trash I go tell the police office.

44 Pollution Ryan Brown

45 Smoking Pollution We need to stop smoking. It is killing the animals. It is also bad for people.

46 Fix the problem When we see somebody we should try to get them to stop it. Tell the people how harmful smoking is for your lungs.

47 The End We hope you enjoyed our show about pollution. Please do your part to keep our earth clean and healthy for everyone. Thank you

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