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Stress In The Workplace Our Approach

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Presentation on theme: "Stress In The Workplace Our Approach"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress In The Workplace Our Approach
Phil Atkinson Occupational Health Consultant Sue Grimshaw Stress Project Lead

2 How did we know we had a problem?
5.01% of workforce reporting sick or absent 40% of staff seen in Occupational Health reporting mental health problems cite work as the reason Anecdotal experience

3 Impact on individual, colleagues and organisation
Unhappy, de-motivated, disengaged, absence Colleagues Frustrated, antipathy to Trust Increased workload pressure from absent colleagues Disengagement Organisation Increased grievances and management problems High absence rates Inconsistent patient care Negative public image

4 Leading to Increased absence rate Reduced efficiency & performance
Reputation hinders recruitment and movement of staff Organisation left with a workforce lacking in skills & competency Impact on service delivery

5 Our Key Drivers for wanting to deal with Stress
To reduce stress levels To improve overall workforce well being. To have an organisation that performs effectively with its workforce fully engaged

6 Getting the timing right!
Organisation already in a change process namely: Introduction of the ‘Blackpool Way’ which identifies key skills needed for any member of staff working for the Trust. Introduction of Management Style Questionnaires to assist with Performance monitoring.

7 The Blackpool Way Four pillars which are Communication
Management Style Recognition Continuous Improvement

8 Barriers to the project
What problem? Stress makes people work harder Nothing to do with the Organisation Targets will be affected if we have to take our eye off the ball Everyone will claim to be stressed if we highlight it They should try my job

9 Our targets Reduction of Trust Sickness/Absence Rate - To 4.3% overall
Reduction of reported cases of stress as measured by Occupational Health by 30% Compliance with HSE Stress Management Standards

10 Key objectives for the project
Review of Sickness Absence Monitoring Policy Review of current Occupational Health services Identify key causes for those experiencing stress Training Needs Analysis to identify manager’s development requirements

11 Key Stakeholders Identified For The Project To Succeed
CEO Chairman Executive Directors Non-Executives Staff Side representatives The Workforce

12 Applying the Blackpool Way Principles to the Project
COMMUNICATION Meetings to highlight problems & our vision/solutions to managing it Web page development Focus groups to gain workforce thoughts, suggestions & issues Frequent progress reports to the workforce

13 Applying the Blackpool Way Principles to the Project
MANAGEMENT STYLE We utilised findings from : Blackpool Way Findings from 2006/7 Workforce Away Day Group work 2008 Focus Groups on Stress 1-1 interviews by the Project Lead Trust is implementing Leadership & Mgmnt Programmes to develop staff

14 Applying the Blackpool Way Principles to the Project
RECOGNITION Listened to the workforce for suggestions how to manage stress and implement examples of best practice. Saying thank you Giving praise

15 Applying the Blackpool Way Principles to the Project
CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT Action Plans NHSLA 100 % compliance Adhering to the HSE Management Standards

16 Outcome of Phase 1 Identified the issues causing stress to the workforce Recommendations from the Project Lead for designated Senior Managers to lead change on. Action Plans identifying key areas to target with robust timescales

17 Progress So Far Staff Survey Exit Questionnaires Appraisal of staff %
2006/7 response rate was % 2007/8 response rate was % Exit Questionnaires 3 new styles to use Dedicated staff to assist with completion Appraisal of staff % Sickness & Absence rate now is %

18 Next Steps – Phase Two Review of current services in Occupational Health Focus groups to ask workforce what they want e.g. well being initiatives Ongoing monitoring of Action Plans to ensure implementation of recommendations

19 Overall impact on the workforce if the Project succeeds
Staff will feel: Valued Supported Involved Happy at work A sense of worth Staff will have: Positive working relationships Career development A pride in where they work

20 Conclusion Seemed a ‘brave’ project at inception
We believed reduction of stress would increase the Trust’s efficiency not reduce it Has required a lot of negotiating and influencing skills BUT - we have found very few real barriers in practice

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