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Ancient Egypt Describe the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and interactions among major civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt Describe the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and interactions among major civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt Describe the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and interactions among major civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East in ancient and medieval times H.3b.G

2 What does it take to start a civilization? What do you need to consider when choosing a place to live?

3 Table Brainstorming What do you know about Egypt? –Sphinx –Pyramids –Mummies –Desert

4 Characteristics Very little rainfall Rely on predictable yearly floods Nile - longest river in the world (4,160 mi) Nile Valley – lush and green on either side Late Spring and Summer heavy tropical rains in Central Africa and melting mountain snow

5 The Nile River Valley

6 Settling the Valley When floods recede they leave rich silt Early 5000 BC nomadic hunters and gathers Farming (Wheat & Barley), Hunting (Ducks & Geese), Water (Fishing) Harvesting – Papyrus (rope, sandals, matting, baskets, and paper like material)

7 Then what happened… Because of the geography (surrounded by deserts and waterfalls) farming villages prospered Monarchies begin forming – weak villages are absorbed by stronger ones Egypt splits into Upper Egypt (in the South) and Lower Egypt (in the North)

8 The Pyramids Built to give King’s eternal resting place Believed that Pharaoh’s soul guided kingdom even after death Preserved the body by embalming and mummification Many times wealth were buried with clothing, weapons, and other personal items.


10 Egyptian Monarchy 30 dynasties classified into 3 categories –Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms Basic characteristics of civilization develop The King (later called Pharaoh) was seen as a God Theocracy – ruled both political and religious Bureaucracy – headed by the King’s Vizier or Prime Minister performed powers delegated by the King

11 Old Kingdom Narmer (aka Menes) leads troops to conquer Lower Egypt Sets up the 1 st Government Beginning of the 1 st Egyptian Dynasty (ruling family)

12 Middle Kingdom Period of unrest Impact of rulers –Brought irrigation –Added land to Kingdom –Cultivated additional land for agriculture –Set up fortresses on the Nile –Launched Military Campaign on Syria –Constructed Canals for trading

13 The Fall of the Middle Kingdom Hyksos (HiHk Sahs) take over –Bronze weapons –Horse drawn chariots Egyptians were using copper and stone weapons while fighting on foot

14 New Kingdom Ahmose raises army & defeats Hyksos Title of Pharaoh begins Ahmose rebuilds Egypt – restores temples and reopened trade routes Following rulers used large armies to conquer lands

15 Hatshepsut ruled w/ husband and then in place of stepson Extensive building programs (funeral temples and tombs especially in The Valley of the Kings)


17 Amenhotep and Nefertit Broke with traditional ways of worshiping many gods People didn’t like it Priest lost power Egypt loses land When Amenhotep dies, priest restore power like it was previously

18 Ramses II (Ramses the Great) Creates permanent peace treaty with Hittites One of the biggest finds was a tomb that contained 50 of his 52 sons With Ramses death, Egypt declines and is taken over by foreign control in 945 BC


20 Contributions Hieroglyphics Science Achievements –Advances in Mathematics Number System and way to calculate volume and area Geometry used to survey flooded land –365 Day Calendar (movement of sun and moon) –Medical Expertise Human anatomy and scrolls from doctors on treatment of injuries

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