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Planning for Travel and Transportation Management National Training Center Course #8300-25 Unit Eight Travel Management Plan Components.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Travel and Transportation Management National Training Center Course #8300-25 Unit Eight Travel Management Plan Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Travel and Transportation Management National Training Center Course #8300-25 Unit Eight Travel Management Plan Components

2 Execution What do the route designations really mean on the ground? Who will be executing the TMP? How will the content of the TMP be shared internally? How will the public remain informed about TMP execution? How will the TMP remain current? Where do we/they start? Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 2

3 Planning Products Unit One – Why, What, How?3

4 TTM Products Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 4

5 TMP Components Guidelines for managing and maintaining the system, including: – Route Specific Objectives and Classification – Engineering Interface (FAMS and BMPs) – GIS (GTLF) and Map(s) – Easements or ROWs – Provisions/Process for New Routes or Changing Uses – Sign Component *+ – Outreach Component + – Enforcement Component + – Monitoring Component *+ – Restoration Component * – Prioritization for Implementation * a GAO Performance Measure + Required by WEMO Lawsuit Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 5

6 Provision & Process… Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 6

7 New Routes Route Proliferation BLM Actions Authorizations Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 7

8 Types of Authorization Rights-of-Way APDs / Sundries Mining Notice/ Plan of Operations Grazing Authorizations Special Recreation Permits Other Misc. Land Use Authorizations Grandfathered Uses Other (e.g., Research Permits, Native American Access etc.) Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 8

9 BLM Actions Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 9

10 Unauthorized Routes Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 10

11 Keeping GTLF Updated Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 11

12 Monitoring & Enforcement Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 12

13 Decommissioning & Restoration Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 13

14 Outreach & Signing Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 14

15 Questions? Unit Eight – Travel Management Plan Components 15

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