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Chilliwack Public Safety Workshop Things you can do to help keep your home, your car, and you, SAFE!

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Presentation on theme: "Chilliwack Public Safety Workshop Things you can do to help keep your home, your car, and you, SAFE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chilliwack Public Safety Workshop Things you can do to help keep your home, your car, and you, SAFE!

2 Home Safety

3 “My home is private, safe and secure” “Chilliwack is a small town, so it’s safe…” “I can leave my door unlocked, either when I’m away or when I’m home” “There are no criminals in my neighbourhood” OR “Every other house is a grow op” “My neighborhood is not safe “ “Break-ins are common / on the rise” Perceptions Of Home Safety

4 Misconceptions – The Police will be available immediately, any time – Criminals are easily recognizable Common Practices /Mistakes – Leaving homes unlocked – Leaving valuables visible – ‘Advertising’ when you will be absent from your home, for example, when on vacation Home Safety

5 Lock it! – Secure your property – Make sure your lock works – Lock your doors, including the garage Engrave it! – CP has an engraver you can borrow – Permanent – Driver’s License or BC Identification Card number Log it or Lose It Campaign – See Handout Record it! – On a separate piece of paper, or digitally – Serial number – Make, model, colour – Any identifying marks Photograph it! – For things that don’t have easily recorded markings – Jewellery, art, family heirlooms, antiques Report it!

6 CPTED: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design” CPTED is “Changing the physical environment to prevent criminal activity and reduce the fear of crime” CPTED - A program that can help you to increase the security of your home

7 1.Natural Surveillance o Landscaping, lighting, fencing o “allow good people to see into areas and make bad people to feel they will be seen” 2.Maintenance o Reduce disorder, make the property look like the people who live there care o “good maintenance gives the impression that the neighborhood is vigilant” 3.Security Hardware o Deadbolts and locks, strike plates, eye viewers, alarms, engravings, security window film o “deny, delay, deter and detect crime and criminal intruders” CPTED concepts that you can use - see handout

8 Which property is safer? CPTED – Visibility

9 Get to know your neighbours Create a neighborhood Facebook page Email “Fan-outs” Consider block parties – summer barbeques Report suspicious activity – to the police, and each other Neighbourhood Connections

10 Lock your doors and windows Implement CPTED Make it seem like you’re home, even when you’re away Keep your valuables away from your windows Implement “log it or lose it” Connect with your neighbours Six Simple Rules of Home Safety

11 Vehicular Safety

12 Vehicular Safety Perception and Reality Theft from vehicles is not necessarily a night time activity Your possessions are not safe when visible from outside the vehicle It only takes a moment to break in to a vehicle – don’t give anyone a reason to!

13 Vehicular Safety We have experienced an increase in theft from vehicles in Chilliwack, as compared to the same period last year 2013 (Jan. 01-Feb. 23): 166 2014 (Jan. 01-Feb. 23): 208 This is an increase of 25%

14 1.Lock your doors, driving or parked 2.Keep valuables out of view, including spare change 3.Use anti-theft device, and / or a vehicle alarm 4.Keep your spare key in your wallet, not on the vehicle 5.Photocopy your vehicle registration and keep the copy, with your address blacked out, in your car; keep the original somewhere else 6.Do not attach personal information to your keys 7.Do not leave outgoing or incoming mail in your car 8.Do not leave your garage door opener in your car if possible 9.Park safely! – well lit and visible, or in your garage Nine simple tips for car safety

15 Personal / Family Safety

16 o Perception: “Nothing bad will happen to me” “This area doesn’t experience crime” “It is solely the responsibility of the Police to ensure my personal safety” o OR “It’s not safe to go out at night” “My town is crime-ridden” Personal / Family Safety

17 Reality: – Many crimes are not targeted; they are crimes of opportunity – Crime may be committed anywhere at any time – criminals don’t necessarily restrict themselves to one area – While the police provide service to all, they cannot be everywhere at once Personal / Family Safety

18 Be conscious of your surroundings; and stand tall and confident – be aware Don’t create opportunity – When you go out at night, go out with a friend, – Park in well-lit areas, look inside before getting in, have your keys out Carry a charged mobile phone Consider not carrying a purse – valuables in pockets or fanny pack Carry a whistle or personal safety alarm Do not carry a weapon Discarded needles – rare, but if you see one call the Fraser Healthy Options Mobile Clinic 604-798-1416 or the City of Chilliwack’s Public Works Department 604-793-2810, and it will be picked up What you can do to for YOUR Safety – see handout

19 o Identity theft is surprisingly common and involves the theft of information for the purpose of impersonation, typically followed by fraud o Identity theft/fraud affects thousands of people per year – 43% of individuals know someone affected by it o 71% of fraud in Canada is credit card fraud, with ID theft at 7% – All figures CPA Canada, 2014 Identity Theft

20 Be Vigilant – destroy old documents Retrieve your mail from the box immediately Do not carry unneeded personal information with you – passports, extra cards, birth certificate Properly dispose of old computer hardware – Erase sensitive data or destroy the hard drive Never share your personal or banking information online or over the phone! How to Protect from ID Theft

21 Crime Free Multi Housing Block Watch / Grow Watch Citizens on Patrol Speed Watch Victim Services Agri-Watch Community Based Crime Prevention Programs in Chilliwack

22 Agri-Watch

23 Agri-Watch will strive to reduce crime in the rural areas of Chilliwack through communication, information sharing and timely reporting Mission

24 Alberta Rural Watch since 1979 - Eyes and ears of Rural Alberta Community driven Involves entire community Crime Prevention

25 Coordinator Advisory Committee Community CPTED Target Hardening Signage Communication RCMP Liaison Reporting Training Information Sharing Elements of Agri-Watch

26 Take ownership It’s yours to protect More eyes and ears Communication promotes interaction Your Community


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