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Staff And Patient Radiation Protection
Andrés Sinisterra Assistant Radiation Safety Officer for Medicine
Safety - Suave….... You are in the driver’s seat, so make it safe….!!!
Medical Radiation Doses in the US
Have increased ~ 6 times in past quarter century Increase use of computed tomography (e.g.: multidetector spiral CT) Increased Nuclear Medicine procedures More interventional procedures
A wave is a wave & nothing but a wave!
Radiation vs. Radioactivity
Energy in transit in the form of high speed particles and electromagnetic waves. Ionizing Radiation Radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from their orbits, causing the atom to become charged or ionized. Radioactivity Spontaneous transformation of an unstable atom and often results in the emission of radiation. This process is referred to as a transformation, a decay or a disintegration of an atom.
External vs. Internal Radiation Exposure
External Exposure – X-rays, Diagnostic Procedures. Internal Deposition – Contamination from nuclear medicine patient undergoing a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure resulting in an ingestion of radioactive materials by the staff. + = T E D E
Units of Radiation Exposure
Roentgen Measure of electrical charge produced in air 1,000 mr = 1R SSD ~3-10 R/min Measure of energy absorbed, usually in tissue or bone. 200 rad = transient erythema 1 Gray = 100 Rad Rad (Gray)
Units of Radiation Exposure
Rem (Sievert) Measure of occupational risk (cancer) from radiation exposure 1,000 mrem = 1 Rem 1 Sievert = 100 Rem 5 Rem/yr maximum limit 1 R = 1 Rad = 1 Rem
Image Quality Vs Exposure
Area of Interest Collimation
Calcification of the vas deferens. These bilateral asymmetric calcifications occur in the lower to middle portion of the male pelvis
A Question of Judgment…?
INCIDENT X-RAY PHOTOELECTRON Photoelectric effect occurs when an incident x-ray is totally absorbed during the ionization of the inner-shell electron. The incident photon disappears and the k-shell electron, now called a photoelectron, is ejected from the atom.
Primary Beam Scatter Radiation Leakage Radiation X-Ray Tube
Know Where Your Head Is At……!!!
Maximum Scatter plus Leakage
Minimum Scatter
Be aware of critically exposed areas
Head and shoulders knees and toes !!!!!
The greater the distance the greater the scatter
Know Where Your Head Is At……!!!
The greater the distance the greater the scatter
Under Normal mode, there is little magnification with the whole beam used to generate a bright image. Under Mag 1 mode, a smaller beam area is projected to the same II output. The resulting object size is larger, but the image is dimmer due to the less beam input. The ABC system would sense the brightness loss and either boost machine X-ray output, increase tube voltage, or a combination of both.
Mag Mode (Field-Of-View)
The following Table illustrates the effect of changing Field-Of-View, or magnification modes, for a typical fluoroscopy system Mag Mode (Field-Of-View) ESE (R/min) Increase Factor Normal (9 inch) 1.2 1.0 Mag 1 (6 inch) 2.9 2.4 Mag 2 (4.5 inch) 5.2 4.3
Inverse Square Law (X-Rays & Gamma Rays)
For a point source, the intensity varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source. Scattered X-rays X-Ray Tube 1 cm 10,000 2 cm 2,500 5 cm 400 10 cm 100 20 cm 25 Leakage Radiation
Control Booth = Background
6 5 4 3 7 15 1 m from edge 8 2 m from edge m from edge Control Booth = Background
Basic Radiation Safety Principles
Time Distance Shielding Contamination Control
Radiation Exposure Monitoring
Whole Body Radiation Badge Worn Underneath Pb Apron Collar Radiation Badge Worn Outside Pb Apron At Neck Level BLACK ICON RED ICON Extremity Radiation Badge Worn on Primary Hand Closest to Radiation Source
Collar Radiation Badge Whole Body Radiation Badge
Worn Outside Pb Apron At Neck Level Whole Body Radiation Badge Worn Underneath Pb Apron
Get The Lead Out but Watch Your Back !!
PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Get The Lead Out but Watch Your Back !!
ALARA Investigational Level I
Reducing Patient Dose During Fluoroscopy (And Yours)
Get off the pedal!! – Fluoro intermittently Collimate and only expose clinical area Use larger fields when possible (Magnification increases patient dose) Use distance of at least 30 cm for mobile units and 38 cm for fixed installations Use appropriate mA and KVp
Reducing Patient Dose During Fluoroscopy (And Yours)
Remember the egg timer!!! Be aware of the 5 minute timer (especially in high level mode) Have sufficient beam filtration > 90 KVp requires 2.5 mm Al to 3.5 mm 130 KVp Fluoro only when necessary Schedule annual QA of equipment
As Low Reasonably Achievable ALARA Level I
> 10% of the maximum quarterly exposure limit (125 mrem) As Low Reasonably Achievable ALARA Level II > 30% of the maximum quarterly exposure limit (375 mrem)
Dose The amount of energy deposited in any substance by ionizing radiation per unit mass of the substance. It is expressed numerically in rads (traditional units) or grays (SI units). Absorbed Dose Dose Equivalent Deep Dose Equivalent Eye Dose Equivalent Shallow Dose Equivalent Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Dose Equivalent Total Effective Dose Equivalent
Absorbed Dose - The amount of energy deposited in any substance by ionizing radiation per unit mass of the substance. It is expressed numerically in rads (traditional units) or grays (SI units). Dose Equivalent - The dose equivalent (H) is the product of the absorbed dose in tissue, the quality factor and all other modifying factors at the location of interest. The unit is the rem (R) or the sievert (Sv).
Deep Dose Equivalent (Hd) - Applies to external whole body exposure, means the dose equivalent at a tissue depth of 1 cm or greater. Eye Dose Equivalent - The external dose equivalent to the lens of the eye at a tissue depth of 0.3 cm. Shallow Dose Equivalent (Hg) - Applies to the external exposure of the skin or extremity. The dose equivalent at a tissue depth of cm averaged over an area of 1 cm2.
Committed Dose Equivalent (HE
Committed Dose Equivalent (HE.50) - The dose equivalent (H) is a given organ or tissue that will be accumulated over 50 years following a single intake of radioactive material. Effective Dose Equivalent (HE) - The sum of the products of the dose equivalent (HT) to each organ or tissue and the weighting factor (WT) applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated (HE = ‡” WTHT). Total Effective Dose Equivalent - The sum of the deep dose equivalent for external exposures and the committed effective dose equivalent for internal exposures.
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation Exposure
Cancer (Stochastic Effects, Carcinogenic) The Radiologist The Patient The Fetus Acute Somatic Effects (Non-Stochastic) The Radiologist The Patient The Fetus ( Teratogenic Effects) Mutagenic Effects
Radiation Exposure Limits
(State of Connecticut Administrative Regulations Sect ) Type of Exposure Rem Per Calendar Quarter Whole body; head and trunk; active blood-forming organs; lens of eyes, or gonads. Hands and forearms; feet and ankles. Skin of whole body. 1.25 18.75 7.5 (1,250 mrem) (5.0 rem/yr) (18,750 mrem) (75 rem/yr) (7,500 mrem) (30 rem/yr) Fetus 500 mrem Total Gestation (0.5 rem)
Conditions For Exceeding Quarterly Doses To Whole Body
Total Dose For Any Quarter < 3.0 rem Total Whole Body Dose <= 5 (N-18) rem All Previous Whole Body Doses Plus N = Your Age In Years Prior Dose Must Be On a Clear Record ! ! ! ! ALARA PROGRAM EXISTS ! ! ! !
Confidential Declaration of Pregnancy
NRC requires a signed declaration of pregnancy for occupational workers to limit exposures to 500 mrem/9months or 50 mrem in any one month.
Are we at risk of danger?
Background Equivalent Radiation Time
(Adapted From Ipsm Report 53) 5
Typical Effective Doses And Bert Values For Some Common X-Ray Studies To An Adult (Adapted From Ipsm Report 53) 5 2 years 6 Lower GI series 1.5 years 4.5 Upper GI series 1 year 3 Lumbar spine 6 months 1.5 Thoracic spine 10 days 0.08 Chest x-ray 1 week 0.06 Dental, intra-oral BERT (time to get same dose from nature) Effective Dose (mSv) X-ray Study
Other Effective Doses And Bert Values
2 years 6 Lower GI series 1.5 years 4.5 Upper GI series 1 year 3 Lumbar spine 6 months 1.5 Thoracic spine 10 days 0.08 Chest x-ray 1 week 0.06 Dental, intra-oral BERT (time to get same dose from nature) Effective Dose (mSv) X-ray Study
Radiation Exposures From ?
Smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day will add about 1,300 mrem/year to one's effective dose Flying from New York to London results in the absorption of an extra 2-3 mrem of cosmic radiation 6-8 mrem from NY to Japan
1,980 mrad to 6,300 mrad for 180 day mission
International Space Station ? .11 mrad/d to .35 mrad/day 1,980 mrad to 6,300 mrad for 180 day mission
Radiation Exposures from Consumer Products 1
1 Adapted from NCRP 95
Radiation Exposures from Consumer Products
1 1 Adapted from NCRP 95 2 BEDE = Bronchial Epithelial Dose Equivalent; WB = Whole Body; IDF = Ingestion Dose from Foods BMDE = Bronchial Mucosa Dose Equivalent; CGDE = Corneal Germinal Dose Equivalent; SODE = Selected Organ Dose Equivalent
Risks which Increase Chance of Death by 1 in 1 million a
a B.L. Cohen and I.S. Lee, ”Catalog of Risks Extended and Updated”, Health Physics, Vol. 61, Sept
More Risks which Increase Chance of Death by 1 in 1 million a
a B.L. Cohen and I.S. Lee, “Catalog of Risks Extended and Updated”, Health Physics, Vol. 61, Sept
Estimated Loss of Life Expectancy from Health Risks
Health Risk Average Days of Life Expectancy Lost Smoking 20 cigarettes/day (6.5 years) Overweight (by 20%) (2.7 years) All accidents combined (1.2 years) Auto accidents Alcohol consumption Home accidents Drowning Natural background radiation 8 Medical diagnostic x-rays 6 All catastrophes (fire, flood, etc.) 3.5 1,000 mrem (1 rem) occupational radiation dose 1 1,000 mrem (1 rem)/yr for 30 years 30 Note: Average U.S. occupational radiation dose is estimated at rem/year.
Purpose: There are certain x-ray guided procedures that could result in the delivery of a radiation dose to an area of a patient’s skin of sufficient magnitude to produce clinical symptoms. This program was developed to inform patients of this potential risk prior to such procedures, determine if a procedure may lead to a large skin dose and to follow up with the patient if there is a possibility of a skin reaction.
Policy: This program is applicable to personnel involved with the following x-ray guided procedures: Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Radiofrequency Cardiac Catheter Ablation Vascular Embolization Stent and Filter Placement Thrombolytic & Fibrinolytic Procedures Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography and/or Biliary Drainage
Policy (continued): Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Percutaneous Nephrostomy Urinary/Biliary Stone Removal Or Any other x-ray guided procedure that could expose the same area of the skin for more than 30 minutes
Policy (continued): For such cases, the patient must be informed in writing prior to the procedure of the risks associated with large x-ray skin doses. Appropriate follow up must be made, if after completion of a procedure, a large skin dose is possible.
1. Document the total x-ray “ON” time, not the duration of the procedure
2. For procedures with total x-ray “ON” time exceeding 30 minutes, determine what body area may have been exposed for the greatest duration and ESTIMATE the maximum fraction of the total “ON” time this occurred. 3. If the total x-ray “ON” time exceeded 30 minutes and the same area of the skin was irradiated for 30 minutes or longer, notify the Radiation Safety Office (2250).
4. The Radiation Safety Officer (or delegate) will estimate the maximum skin dose for the procedure.
5. The Radiation Safety Officer will provide a report to the interventionalist indicating the maximum estimated skin dose. 6. The interventionalist, upon receiving the RSO’s report, shall notify the patient or the patient’s referring physician if the possibility of a skin reaction exists. 7. The referring physician and/or interventionalist will provide treatment instructions to the patient as is medically necessary.
Prior to a procedure, the patient should be asked about previous fluoroscopic interventions.
Connective tissue diseases (e.g. scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, mixed connective tissue disease), diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and the homozygous form of ataxia telangiectasia have been associated with an increased sensitivity to radiation [9]. Some chemotherapy agents are also known to increase radiation effects. The history should include these risk factors. The patient should be advised about the potential higher risk . To avoid injuries when using an oblique or lateral beam projection, the patient's arm must be secured away from the primary beam. Direct exposure of the female breast, especially entrance-beam exposure, must also be avoided.
Radiation Biology
Radiosensitivity of Cells 1
As cells mature they become less sensitive to radiation As metabolic rate increases cells become more sensitive to radiation As reproductive rate increases cells become more sensitive to radiation Cell types that are most sensitive to radiation include lymphocytes and stem cells Cell types that are least sensitive to radiation include muscle and ganglion cells 1 Adapted from The 1906 Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau
Various degrees of sensitivity to radiation exist due to the type of tissue which receives the exposure Radiosensitive Radioresistant Breast tissue Heart tissue Bone marrow cells Large arteries Mucosa lining of small intestines Large veins Sebaceous (fat) glands of skin Mature blood cells Immune response cells Neurons All stem cell populations Muscle cells Lymphocytes
Radiation Induced Skin Injuries
TABLE 1. REPORTS RECEIVED BY FDA OF SKIN INJURY FROM FLUOROSCOPY Type of Procedure with Injury Report Number of Injuries RF Cardiac Ablation 13 Catheter Placement for Chemotherapy 1 Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) 3 Coronary Angioplasty 4 Renal Angioplasty 2 Multiple Hepatic/Biliary Procedures Percutaneous Cholangiogram with Multiple Embolizations * Food and Drug Administration, USA, Internet Site.
Radiation Induced Skin Injuries
TABLE 2. EXAMPLES OF SKIN INJURIES FROM FLUOROSCOPY * Patient Sex Age Procedure Injury A Male 40 Coronary angiography & PTCA, followed by 2nd coronary angiography Skin necrosis requiring 12x10 cm skin graft B Female nag RF catheter ablation Second degree burn (7.5x12.5 cm) C 25 Skin breakdown 3 weeks post procedure D 34 Draining skin lesions on back 3 weeks after procedure E 62 Balloon ablation bile duct Burn-like injury on back Anastomosis requiring a skin graft F 61 Renal angioplasty Skin necrosis requiring graft * Food and Drug Administration, USA, Internet Site.
Radiation Induced Skin Injuries
TIME TO THRESHOLD EFFECT THRESHHOLD DOSE, Rad NORMAL R/MIN HIGH R/MIN TIME TO ONSET Early Transient Erythema 200 0.7 hr 0.17 hr Hours Temporary Epilation 300 1.0 hr 0.25 hr 3 Weeks Main Erythema 600 2.0 hr 0.50 hr 10 Days Permanent Epilation 700 2.3 hr 0.58 hr Dry Desquamation 1,000 3.3 hr 0.83 hr 4 Weeks Moist Desquamation 1,500 5.0 hr 1.25 hr Late Erythema 6 – 10 Weeks Dermal Necrosis 1,800 6.0 hr 1.50 hr > 10 Weeks
Radiation Induced Skin Injuries
TIME TO THRESHOLD EFFECT THRESHHOLD DOSE (Gy) NORMAL R/MIN HIGH R/MIN TIME TO ONSET Early Transient Erythema 200 0.7 hr 0.17 hr Hours Temporary Epilation 300 1.0 hr 0.25 hr 3 Weeks Main Erythema 600 2.0 hr 0.50 hr 10 Days Permanent Epilation 700 2.3 hr 0.58 hr Dry Desquamation 1,000 3.3 hr 0.83 hr 4 Weeks Moist Desquamation 1,500 5.0 hr 1.25 hr Late Erythema 6 – 10 Weeks Dermal Necrosis 1,800 6.0 hr 1.50 hr > 10 Weeks
Free Radical Production from Irradiated Water
H2O H2O e - H2O H OH H2O + e H2O - H2O H + OH - OH + OH H2O2
Stochastic Effects (by chance)
Health effects that occur randomly. Effects that occur by chance, generally occurring without a threshold level of dose, whose probability is proportional to the dose and whose severity is independent of the dose. . (examples: cancer incidence and genetic effects)
Stochastic Effects (by chance)
1,000,000 persons buy a lottery ticket for $1,00 each. 999,999 persons will not get the large prize. Only one will win the BIG ONE. Return on scratch tickets is not certain.
Nonstochastic (Deterministic) Effects
Health effects that can be induced upon reaching an apparent threshold, and their severity varies with the radiation dose. examples: cataract in the lens of the eye, non- malignant damage to the skin
Nonstochastic (Deterministic) Effects
100 persons invest $1,000 at 5% interest Each person will receive $1,050.00 Return is certain
So....., how really dangerous is this so called “RADIATION??”
Industrial Radiation Accident
An example of a skin injury attributable to x-rays from fluoroscopy is shown in Figure 2.
This case, patient A in Table 2, is that of a 40-year-old male who underwent coronary angiography, coronary angioplasty and a second angiography procedure due to complications, followed by a coronary artery by-pass graft, all on March 29, 1990. Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Figure 2(a). Condition of patient's back six to eight weeks following multiple coronary angiography and angioplasty procedures Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Figure 2(b). Appearance of skin injury approximately 16 to 21 weeks following the procedures with small ulcerated area present. Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Figure 2(c). Appearance of skin injury approximately 18 to 21 months following procedures, evidencing tissue necrosis. Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Close-up view of lesion shown in 2(c).
Figure 2(d). Close-up view of lesion shown in 2(c). Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Appearance of patient's back following skin grafting procedure.
Figure 2(e). Appearance of patient's back following skin grafting procedure. Source: Thomas B. Shope, Ph.D. (HFZ-140) FDA/Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
6 month 23 month 10 month 22 month This patient received 3 TIPS procedures within a week 7.5 month Source: Koening, Wagner, et al., University of Texas Health Science Center
Radiofrequency Cardiac Catheter Ablation
Tissue necrosis 5 months after procedure, and deep ulceration with exposure of the humerus at 6.5 months Source: Koening, Wagner, et al., University of Texas Health Science Center
Following Proper Protection Procedures Minimizes Unnecessary Exposures
Remember ....!!! Following Proper Protection Procedures Minimizes Unnecessary Exposures
The End
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