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I’ve been In Network Marketing Since 1998, and have met Several network marketers From other companies, and usually they will asks me about what Company.

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Presentation on theme: "I’ve been In Network Marketing Since 1998, and have met Several network marketers From other companies, and usually they will asks me about what Company."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’ve been In Network Marketing Since 1998, and have met Several network marketers From other companies, and usually they will asks me about what Company I am in. Their only reason for doing this, is to Find an “Angle” to try and PitchMe on why their Company is better than the Company that I’m already In. – To me, that’s the SIGN of an Amateur “Amateurs Look for Shortcuts and often Disrespect The Profession of Network Marketing” … I feel that it’s Entirely Disrespectful to the Other Network Marketers – especially the Business Partners of that Network Marketer, and it’s even disrespectful to the Network Marketing Industry itself, because these amateurs are “Pulling Networks Apart” - It’s a total & complete lack of respect for our Profession. BUT it’s been Happening since I got into the Industry - It’s nothing new to see happening throughout the industry Today, especially because of social media. The social universe has simply Made it easier for these unprofessional networkers to do, what they’ve always done…. Seek to break apart networks, for their OWN Personal, Selfish Gain.. BUT You and I have The Opportunity To Put an END to All that FOOLISHNESS Today!

2 Professional Network Marketers have studied are industry and Understand there Have already been 4 “waves” of transition, and growth. The Internet has brought On what is commonly known as “The 5 th Wave” of our industry – making it much More possible, for even MORE businesses to use the MLM ‘model’ to move Products and/or Services – Using “affiliates” and “independent distributors” - The Network Marketing Industry has Exploded – Today there are more companies Than ever and Tomorrow will be no slowing down. But also, as is the case in Business, Lots of the companies that launch, do not last … many go OUT of business. However, Every time a NEW Company Launches, SEVERAL MLM’ers leave their current MLM Team, While Trying to be 1 st in the NEW ONE – Some of them last, Most do not … And yet, SHOCKINGLY – most MLM’ers are IGNORANT when it comes to Understanding WHY Some of these Businesses Last, and others Do not Last – this is the result of Following Amateurs – Who are Simply NOT EDUCATED about our Industry at all … The Vast Majority of people in MLM don’t even know what the 5 th Wave is, so Naturally, MOST people in MLM are not even Prepared for it … So let’sTalk about how We will Prepare YOU – starting with your Understanding of the Network

3 Being a Professional vs Amateur is like NIGHT and DAY - ACT like Your LIFE Depends on it Professionals Read Books – Educate & Study Their Industry – Preparing For Opportunity

4 TopNetworkersGroup is lead by Professionals, who have Studied our Industry, Professionals who are Prepared to Lead others through Today’s Waters (and waves) Prepared ‘for Opportunity’ – having both Experience, and Understanding of Not only where the Industry is today, but where the industry is Going … With SOOOOO Many MLM Companies out there – and So many more to come, HOW do we possibly Manage it all, and Hold our NETWORKS Together? The Answer is, our 1mlmsystem – the ONE MLM System, “To Rule Them All” …

5 In this NEW AGE of Network Marketing you must focus not on who’s Company is Better, but on who’s Network is Better. You have always been building your ‘network’ Within a Company - ever since the Inception of the Network Marketing Industry However, by making it “about the Company” – your network’s loyalty Varies, and often does not Sustain, as they see NEW SHINY Balls in the Industry… Now, they start deciding ‘for themselves’ what company THEY feel is ‘better’ … rather than on Who has the best Network; and what role they are playing in making it better or not. Professional Network Marketers, like those of Us at TopNetworkersGroup – Understand that The Real Power of Network Marketing, is that It allows you and I to Create our OWN business Organization, that can stand for Decades or Centuries. Initially I had to pay $499 to build A Network; The INTERNET allows you and I To build our NETWORK For FREE ---- and Today We can USE these affiliate programs And MLM Companies to Pay OUR SELVES – for the network organization WE BUILD … TOGETHER!

6 With our System – The key is Don’t get “Hung Up” In the Programs or Companies …. Think of an MLM Company that offers Multiple Products or Services Under One Roof At First Glance this seems like a Good thing Right? It allows their distributors to earn from “Multiple Streams of Income” --- However – Should something happen to this company, there goes that distributors Multiple Streams … especially if their network breaks apart, in search of ‘being first in the NEXT BEST THING’ …. The TRUTH is … Your Network has Nothing to do with your Company You’re in… Your network has everything to do with … LOYALTY to Each Other … If YOU and YOUR Partners Stick Together, You WILL Continue to Earn $$$ So In other words … Success in MLM is about the NETWORK; not the Company -

7 Use our FREE Programs, just like the products and/or services that they are. Be a Customer of the Person that has Invited you to work with them, and build a HUGE Organization together. Then when you’re ready to Make Money; Participate in our $10 Level, $50 level, and/or $100 Level – going at your pace – Doing MLM “the Right way” All while growing a team of Well Trained Professional Network Marketers … who Understand the importance of Working and Growing “Together” … Join Our Team, Use our System to Build Your Network One Time $$ Stream #1$$ Stream #2$$ Stream #3$$ Stream #4$$ Stream #5$$ Stream #6$$ Stream #5

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