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Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes. Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation Brittle Breaks when stressed Ductile Bends when stressed.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes. Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation Brittle Breaks when stressed Ductile Bends when stressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes

2 Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation Brittle Breaks when stressed Ductile Bends when stressed

3 Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation Deformation is dependent on: 1. Temperature (Cold or Hot) 2. Composition (Soft or Hard) 3. Strain Rate (Fast or Slow)

4 Brittle vs. Ductile Deformation How does the Milky Bar deform when stressed? a. What if we froze it? b. What if we heated it?

5 Plate Tectonics

6 Crust – Uppermost part of the Earth Lithosphere – Crust and Upper Part of Mantle Mantle Core Convection

7 Major Plates – North American – South American – Eurasian – African – Pacific – Antarctic – Indoaustralian Others to note Juan de Fuca Nazca Arabian Caribbean

8 Types of Plate Boundaries Divergent (Tension) – Mid-Ocean Ridges East Pacific Rise Mid-Atlantic Ridge Convergent (Compression) – Subduction Zone – Cascade Mountains – Himalayan Mountains Transform (Shear) – San Andreas Fault

9 Divergent Boundaries Mid Ocean Ridges

10 Convergent Boundaries Subduction Zone – One Plate goes under the other plate

11 Convergent Boundaries Subduction – Ocean/Continental – Andes

12 Transform Boundaries Shear motion Plates slide past each other San Andreas Fault

13 Western US has all three!

14 Earthquakes Occur on Faults – a break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other (displacement has occurred) Measured on the Moment Magnitude Scale – Logarithmic scale Change 1 magnitude - 32 times more energy

15 Earthquakes

16 Focus (hypocenter) - the location inside the earth where the first rupture of the earthquake took place Epicenter- the point on the Earth’s surface that is directly above the focus (hypocenter)

17 Faults - Brittle Hanging Wall(Top)/Foot Wall(Bottom) Normal Faults Reverse Faults – Thrust Faults Strike-Slip Faults – Left and right lateral

18 Models of Faults High Fives

19 Folds - Ductile Anticline – oldest rocks in the middle Syncline – youngest rocks in the middle

20 California Seismicity

21 California Seismicity

22 Seismic Waves


24 Fold and Fault Model Compression! What types of faults will we see? What else do you see?

25 Earthquake Preparedness Have a pair of shoes next to the bed – Due to broken glass from windows or other debris Create Post-Disaster Kit – One at home and one in your car Drop, Cover, Hold On – Do not run to the doorway, find something to get underneath Don’t forget about aftershocks! K-12 Earthquake Lesson Plans

26 Tsunamis A tsunami is a series of sea waves most commonly caused by an earthquake beneath the sea floor In the open ocean, tsunami waves travel at speeds of up to 600 miles per hour The first wave is often not the largest Successive waves may be spaced many minutes (up to 30-40 mins) apart and continue arriving for a number of hours

27 Tsunamis

28 Since 1812, the California coast has had 15 tsunamis with wave heights higher than three feet; seven of these were destructive The worst tsunami resulted from the 1964 Alaskan earthquake and caused 12 deaths and at least $17 million in damages in northern California (2011 tsunami’s damages have not been totaled yet)

29 What to do! If you feel a serious earthquake, and you are near the shoreline: Get inland and up as soon as possible. – 100 ft in elevation or higher – 2 miles or more inland If the tide recedes, get away fast. Inform others to get to safety

30 Forces F=ma Force = mass * acceleration Units: – N (Newtons) = kg * m/s 2 – 1 Kilogram = 2.2 lbs – 1 Meter = 3.28 feet = 100 cm = 1000 mm – Gravity = 9.8 m/s 2

31 Forces Forces have both magnitude (size) and direction Unequal forces will cause a change in velocity

32 Forces Examples: – Box on table (steady state) – Box in hand (steady state) – Box in hand (change in forces) – Pushing a large box (static and kinetic friction) – Tension – Compression

33 Forces Examples: – Strike-slip faults: Stick slip Forces and friction – Normal faults: Tension – Reverse faults: Compression

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