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NYS PESH Training and Education

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Presentation on theme: "NYS PESH Training and Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 NYS PESH Training and Education
Hazard Communication 29 CFR Right-To-Know 12 NYCRR Part 820 NYS PESH Training and Education

2 NYS PESH Training and Education
Purpose To protect employees from chemical hazards in the workplace NYS PESH Training and Education

3 NYS PESH Training and Education
Hazardous Chemical Any chemical which poses a physical or health hazard NYS PESH Training and Education

4 NYS PESH Training and Education
Physical Hazards Combustible liquids and flammables Compressed gases Explosives Oxidizers Pyrophorics Reactives NYS PESH Training and Education

5 Flammable vs Combustible
Flashpoint - Minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to ignite Flammable Liquid - Flashpoint <100°F (Gasoline) Combustible Liquid – Flashpoint ≥100°F but <200°F (Diesel Fuel) NYS PESH Training and Education

6 NYS PESH Training and Education
Compressed Gases Oxygen Acetylene Chlorine Nitrogen NYS PESH Training and Education

7 Explosives/Blasting Agents
NYS PESH Training and Education

8 NYS PESH Training and Education
Oxidizers Initiates or promotes combustion in other materials NYS PESH Training and Education

9 NYS PESH Training and Education
Pyrophorics Will ignite spontaneously in air at or below 130°F NYS PESH Training and Education

10 NYS PESH Training and Education
Reactives When stored or used improperly, some chemicals can react with themselves or other chemicals and release dangerous materials NYS PESH Training and Education

11 NYS PESH Training and Education
Health Hazards Evidence exists that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees NYS PESH Training and Education

12 NYS PESH Training and Education
Acute vs Chronic Acute – effects appear promptly after exposure, usually within 24 hours Chronic – delayed effects following repeated, long duration exposure NYS PESH Training and Education

13 Types of Health Effects
Carcinogens Toxic agents Reproductive toxins Corrosivity Irritants Sensitizers NYS PESH Training and Education

14 NYS PESH Training and Education
Toxicity The ability to cause injury to a living system Neurotoxin Hepatotoxin Nephrotoxin Dermaltoxin Cardiotoxin NYS PESH Training and Education

15 NYS PESH Training and Education
Routes of Exposure Inhalation Ingestion Absorption Injection NYS PESH Training and Education

16 Dose – Response Concept
The effect of a chemical depends upon the amount and duration of exposure A substance could be helpful in small doses (drug remedy) but harmful in larger doses (poison) NYS PESH Training and Education

17 NYS PESH Training and Education
Hierarchy of Controls Engineering Controls – substitution, elimination, ventilation, enclosure Administrative Controls – work practices and employee rotation Personal Protective Equipment – Last resort because hazard still exists NYS PESH Training and Education

18 How to Protect Employees
Implement Effective Program Evaluate chemical hazards in workplace Transmit information to employees NYS PESH Training and Education

19 Hazard Communication Program
NYS PESH Training and Education

20 NYS PESH Training and Education
Develop Chemical List Evaluate workplace and develop list of hazardous chemical products present Also add to list those hazardous chemicals produced in workplace NYS PESH Training and Education

21 Examples of Common Hazardous Chemical Products
Fuels Asphalt Paints Cement Pesticides Road salt Calcium chloride NYS PESH Training and Education

22 Other Common Hazardous Chemical Products
Welding rods Oils and greases Hydraulic fluids Coolants Solvents and cleaners Oxygen and acetylene Battery electrolyte Adhesives NYS PESH Training and Education

23 NYS PESH Training and Education
Safety Data Sheets Obtain SDS for all hazardous chemicals present or produced Obtain from manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or on-line resources Organize SDS so they may be located quickly SDS must be readily accessible to employees during all shifts NYS PESH Training and Education

24 Information Required on SDS
16 sections – click on this link for the review of the 16 sections, then go to on-line database and show a sample, review the 16 sections

25 Labeling New requirements for labeling – go to the video and show the requirement for labeling as well as the pictograms.

26 Hazard Communication Training
Must be provided upon initial assignment and when new chemical hazard is introduced NYS PESH Training and Education

27 Training Must Include:
Summary of the standard and the program Hazardous chemical properties and methods that can be used to detect their presence or release Physical and health hazards associated with exposure Procedures to protect against hazards Spill and leak procedures Location of MSDS and written program NYS PESH Training and Education

28 NYS PESH Training and Education
Right To Know NYS law requiring that employees be provided with annual training on toxic substances in the workplace Must be provided during working hours, with no loss of pay, and in location convenient to worksite Required to keep records of training NYS PESH Training and Education

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