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The Illinois Student Assistance Corps

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1 The Illinois Student Assistance Corps
An ISAC College Access Initiative

2 Goal: Increase the number of students from the lowest income quintiles completing high school, enrolling in college, and COMPLETING a postsecondary program A Ground & Marketing Campaign to increase student awareness about college planning and options after high school All Access Illinois

3 The Corps 39 Community College districts 59 “Near Peer” Mentors
1 or 2 in Each Community College District Class of 2009 Graduates From a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences The Corps

4 The Corps Funded by US Department of Education Challenge Grant
2 year program Corps is especially relevant today The Corps

5 37 Community College Districts
6 District Regions: -Inner Suburbs -Outer Suburbs -Western Illinois -Central Illinois -Eastern Illinois -Southern Illinois

6 The Job Promote College Planning & Preparation
Focus on the lowest income and first generation families Focus on 9th – 12th Grade Students Work with students, teachers, counselors, CBOs Organize outreach events Offer career exploration, test prep, application assistance, FAFSA workshops, college-matching guidance The Job

7 The Training June – August 2009 Full-Time Residential Training
Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights Extensive Guest Faculty University of California, Berkeley Women Employed Oakton Community College University of Illinois, Chicago IACAC The Training

8 The Training Topics Include: College Access Marketing;
Career Counseling; FAFSA Line-by-Line Completion; Financial Aid 101; Community Organizing; Project Management; Event Planning; College Access Barriers The Training

9 Services Offered Financial Aid process presentations
FAFSA line-by-line completion workshops One-on-one student counseling Career exploration counseling Finding the right fit for college system exploration Anything else that is needed! Services Offered

10 The Corps So Far Fieldwork since August 2009
Reaching our target audience College Goal Sunday College fairs One-on-one counseling with students Community organizations, schools, The Corps So Far

11 Case Study: Waubonsee CC District
Priority high school: East Aurora High Breakdown: 2,717 students; 998 freshman, 431 seniors 82% FARM eligible Efforts at East Working with students one on one Early awareness Case Study: Waubonsee CC District

12 Case Study: Waubonsee CC District
Over 15 FAFSA completion events at virtually every high school in district Assisted over 300 families in the Aurora area complete the FAFSA who may not have otherwise Early awareness campaigns with high schools, community organizations Priority on one on one relationship building with target students Relationship building with teachers, counselors, community activists Case Study: Waubonsee CC District

13 About Us We are here to help students
How can we target first generation and low-income students? Think: if the sky was the limit, what other programs would be offered? We can help! About Us

14 ISACorps- Waubonsee Community College
Laura Armgardt (630) ISACorps- Waubonsee Community College

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