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Partnerships Judy Dietrich, MA Education and Business Liaison Illinois Central College.

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1 Partnerships Judy Dietrich, MA Education and Business Liaison Illinois Central College

2 Who is ICC partnering with? What? When? Where? Why? How? 1. ICC Partnership Initiative 2. SMG – Manufacturing Partnership 3. SHCG - Health Careers Partnership

3 Partnership Initiative at ICC CCR Vision: Collaborative Partnership to prepare students to be college & career ready and successfully transition from high school to college and on to the workforce Illinois Central College  Vice President of Academic Affairs  Education and Business Liaison High Schools  Counselors, teachers and administrators from 28 high schools  Curricular Teams  Aligning Curriculum  Aligning Testing  Counseling Team  Administrative Team  POS- Programs of Study $$$ Supported by PTR- Pathways to Results Grants

4 SMG Vision: To promote the new image of manufacturing, educational pathways and career opportunities locally  Representative from local manufacturers  Steve Stewart, HR Director, Excel - Chairman  EDC – Economic Development Council for Central Illinois  Sally Hanley, Director of Business Development  Illinois Central College  Michael Sloan, Dean of Agriculture and Industrial Technologies  Judy Dietrich, Education and Business Liaison  EFE – Education for Employment  Tazewell, Francine Ghitalla  PERFECT, Chris Kendall  CIVIC, Lynn Curtis  WIA – Workforce  DCEO- Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity $$$ - Supported by Manufacturers & PTR Specialized Manufacturing Group

5 Specialized Health Careers Group SHCG Vision: To showcase health careers and job opportunities to area students  4 Major Hospitals HR Representatives  Methodist  OSF  Proctor  Pekin  EFE – Education for Employment (3)  Illinois Central College  Education and Business Liaison- Judy Dietrich  Health Careers Dean- Wendee Guth  Health Careers Advisor- Bridget Kelly  19 Programs – Program Coordinators  Perkins Special Pops- Lisa White $$$ - Supported by ICC and Health providers

6 Partnerships Outcomes 1. ICC Partnership Initiative  3 Partnership Meetings at business locations  HS Webpage  Common Core Alignment Teams  Showcase Businesses  Educator’s Days  Common Core Professional Development– ROE 2. Specialized Manufacturing Group  Discover Manufacturing Expo  High School Presentations  Manufacturing Bridge Class  ILworknet Regional Website 3. Health Careers Group  Health Career Expo

7 History of the Partnership Relationships Local Manufacturing Companies Interest and value ICC Knowledgeable and connected faculty Short term training Caterpillar, MATCOR,EXCEL, IBEW, Parsons Classes- GED, Adult Ed, Development Ed Associates & Certificates Secondary and post-secondary CTE- WBL Grants - PCCS- Tech Prep – Perkins EFE’s Common Core- POS EDC Strategy Groups Manufacturing Health Careers

8 Metrics How do we evaluate the success of our programs? Partnership Initiative  Membership  Surveys  Website usage  Partner project developments ( SWE )  Program Plans  Bridge Programs SMG  Attendance  Surveys  New hires  CAT six sigma project SHCG  Attendance  Survey

9 Development of Partnerships  How did we connect?  What challenges did we face?  What are our strengths?  How are we staffed?  How are we funded?  What worked and what didn’t?  What are the current business expectations and needs?  How have the business needs changed over time and how do we keep track of them?

10 Questions  Does ICC support college and career readiness for all students?  Has ICC adapted and changed to meet the needs of business?  Have we integrated stronger STEM skill development?  Are we attracting students to STEM careers?  Are we improving student preparation?  Are we empowering students to explore academic and career interests?  Are we engaging students in learning?  Is there a secret to developing programs? Thank you! Judy Dietrich Illinois Central College 309-694-5212

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