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Oglala Lakota College Graduate Studies Faculty Information 2014-15.

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Presentation on theme: "Oglala Lakota College Graduate Studies Faculty Information 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oglala Lakota College Graduate Studies Faculty Information 2014-15

2 Greetings! We have prepared this Power Point presentation because it is difficult for many of the graduate and adjunct faculty to all be present for an orientation. Also, because some of you may not have the time to fully read your contracts or the faculty handbook, the Power Point will include the expectations and duties that are in the agreement and handbook. All of the information is important, but what is outlined here are those items that should not be ignored.

3 Duties/Responsibilities 1.Submit attendance immediately after each class using Jenzabar per class. This ensures that we are aware of students who may possibly be at risk and we can intervene immediately. We can also see which classes are cancelled or not held. 2.Complete final grades using Jenzabar and submit signed copy to Registrar at Piya Wiconi by specified deadline. Submit all required department and course level assessments to the department chair when grades are due. Keeping grades in Jenzabar allows us to see if there are any students at risk. Entering grades would make the end of the semester reporting easier for the instructor. 3.Notify Department Chair, Center Directors and students of any class cancellations or rescheduled courses. We have recently had problems with instructors not notifying students of class cancellations. Please email, text or call everyone above in case of cancellation. 4.Submit mileage in timely manner. Adjunct Faculty traveling from home to the site of instruction, for the purpose of instructing a class, will be paid mileage for the entire round trip.

4 Attendance Submit attendance immediately after each class using Jenzabar per class. (This ensures that we are aware of students who may possibly be at risk and we can intervene immediately. We do attendance checks but cannot be effective in retaining our students if there is no data.) Attendance Policy It will be at the discretion of graduate faculty to establish their attendance policy as stated in the course syllabus. Due to graduate level course expectations, it is recommended that faculty drop graduate students who miss nine (9) course contact hours.

5 I understand I will not receive my payment until grades, attendance and departmental assessment requirements are turned in. Payment Procedures: 1.Graduate faculty and adjunct faculty will submit Student Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes Assessment Matrix to the Graduate Studies Department at the end of the scheduled course time. 2.Graduate faculty and adjunct faculty will return all course books/materials purchased by the Graduate Studies Department. 3.Graduate faculty and adjunct faculty will submit final grades and attendance to the Graduate Studies Department. 4.Upon receipt of all program assessment items and books/materials, Graduate Studies staff will sign off on the Graduate Studies Faculty Assessment and Materials Checklist. Payment Information

6 Scheduling Should class scheduling need to be changed from the set schedule, requests will be made for such change and determination given from the Director of Graduate Studies prior to implementation of the change. Any classes missed due to inclement weather, holidays or illness will be made up at a time agreeable to students and centers, with notification made to the Graduate Studies Office by the instructor prior to the makeup week, if at all possible.

7 Syllabus The final syllabus and class assignments of Graduate and Adjunct Faculty must be approved by the Chair of the Graduate Studies. Changes to current graduate course textbooks must be approved by the Chair of the Graduate Studies. All books/materials purchased by the Graduate Program for graduate courses will be returned to the program at the end of the class schedule or it will be deducted from salary amount if faculty/adjunct wishes to keep the books/materials. It is required to participate in all program and student assessment as related to the course and the Graduate Studies department; course assessment will be turned in prior to payment for the course.

8 Assessment Following the completion of each course graduate faculty and adjunct faculty must complete and submit a Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) matrix and a Program Outcomes (PO) matrix. The results of the assessment matrices are used to provide indicator of program effectiveness as well as assist in continuous program and curriculum improvement.

9 Grading Incomplete grades are strongly discouraged. Only extreme, extenuating circumstances should result in an incomplete grade which must be made up before a student may enroll in additional graduate level courses. Please report a student at risk in the Early Alert Messages section in Jenzabar so that we can provide intervention immediately.

10 Agreements  I agree to submit my attendance weekly via Jenzabar. (If you have difficulty accessing Jenzabar, please notify us or come to the Graduate Studies department and we will be glad to help you.)  I will notify academic department chairs of any missed and made up classes.  I agree to turn in course level assessments such as course level data, artifacts or as required by the academic department, along with grades before or on the required deadline date.  I agree that all departmental assessment processes are followed and that data is valid.  I understand I will not receive my payment until grades, attendance and departmental assessment requirements are turned in.  This agreement is predicated upon the College having sufficient enrollment to warrant holding a class in the course(s) indicated above. In addition, any adjunct instructor may be replaced by a full time faculty member. Your contract is contingent on sufficient enrollment and the unavailability of a full time instructor.

11 Wopila unkeniciyapi/pelo! Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the following: Richard Iron Sandy White Val Charging

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