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Women in Islamic Societies. Clothing ► In Afghanistan, and other places, some women are required to wear Burqas or similar articles of clothing ► Taliban.

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Presentation on theme: "Women in Islamic Societies. Clothing ► In Afghanistan, and other places, some women are required to wear Burqas or similar articles of clothing ► Taliban."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in Islamic Societies

2 Clothing ► In Afghanistan, and other places, some women are required to wear Burqas or similar articles of clothing ► Taliban government has mandated that women be fully covered by wearing such clothing.

3 Women and work ► A women’s primary responsibility is in the home to raise children. Some Muslims believe that if this is fulfilled, then they may leave the home to work, if their husbands agree. ► Qur’an puts main responsibility of earning money with the husband and asks wives to be obedient to them.

4 Marriage ► No age limits are fixed by Islam for marriage ► A young child may be married or promised for marriage ► Women are not allowed to marry a non- Muslim

5 Marriage ► Men are allowed to have multiple wives as long as  They have no more than 4  He must be able to provide for all of them ► Only 1-3% Muslim marriages are polygamous

6 Traveling ► Women are not allowed to travel independently or with other women ► In general, cannot travel 3 days without husband with her

7 Taliban ► Restrictive government has put more rules on women  Must wear burqa in public  Not allowed to work  Not allowed to be educated after age of 8 ► Until age 8, can only study the Qur’an  Women should not speak loudly in public

8 Taliban continued  Should not wear high heeled shoes, so not to draw attention to herself  All ground and first floor windows should be covered, to prevent women from being seen from the street  Photography and filming of women banned  Women forbidden to appear on balconies of their houses  Ban on women’s presence on radio, tv, or public gatherings

9 Mobility ► Dress restricts movement, work ► Women forbidden to ride bikes or motorcycles ► Segregated bus services to prevent men and women on the same bus

10 Health care ► No male doctor can touch a women  Few females doctors… means women have to travel far, or go without treatment ► Try to establish clinics, but medical supplies hard to get

11 Punishments for women ► Tip of thumb cut off for wearing nail polish (1996) ► Married woman caught attempting to flee with lover. Both were stoned to death. (1997) ► Woman found running informal school in her home. Children were beaten, woman thrown down the stairs and then imprisoned.

12 Punishment for Men ► Believe that men are duty bound to control women, so they are punished for female misconduct ► If women found washing clothes in river, she was taken home and her husband would be severely punished ► If taxi driver picked up unaccompanied woman, he faced jail sentence and her husband would be punished

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