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Maryland juvenile Justice System Maryland juvenile Justice System Brandon Selby Jordan Reyes.

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2 Maryland juvenile Justice System Maryland juvenile Justice System Brandon Selby Jordan Reyes

3 Maryland’s system today There are different types of cases that go to juvenile courts some of them being Delinquency Child in Need Assistance (CINA) Child in Need of Supervision (CINS) Termination of Parental Rights and Adoptions

4 To be charged as an juvenile or adult? Intake officers at the Maryland Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) review juvenile cases deciding which ones to send to juvenile court. After reviewing a case and offering the child's and his family to discuss it, the intake officer may close the case and send the child to a diversion program for treatment and guidance Very serious cases involving a child 14 years or older bypass the intake officer and then juvenile court and go directly to the Circuit courts to be tried as an adult. The court cases are heard by a judge or a master

5 Order of The Court Once the case is brought to juvenile court, it will be handled by a judge or by a master. In emergency cases where the child’s well-being may be threatened or the child is considered dangerous, the judge or master may place the child in a juvenile detention center or temporary foster care for up to thirty days prior to the child’s adjudicatory hearing. At the preliminary hearing, the judge or master will give the child and his parents a petition listing the child’s charges. A trial on the charges takes place during the adjudicatory hearing. “A disposition hearing occurs after the adjudicatory hearing if the charges are proved In most cases of delinquent acts the children are sent to a detention center for a set amount of time in efforts to rehabilitate themselves and be placed back into society.

6 How has the State System Changed How has the State System Changed The major evolution of Maryland Juvenile courts was in 1902 dealing with Baltimore City. There was a law passed that would separate juvenile courts, it also defined delinquency and prohibited children under the age of 14 to be sent to prison. In 1916 the General Assembly passed the same law beyond Baltimore city to Maryland's other counties.

7 James Russell Trimble v. STATE of Maryland 300 Md. 387; Juvenile Convicted of -First Degree Murder -First Degree Rape -First degree Sexual Offense -Kidnapping & Assault. Juvenile was convicted for his crime which he committed at the age of 17 and was sentenced to death by the trial court.

8 Appeals Process The defendant appealed his sentence and overall conviction on the basis that he was mentally retarded and due to medication was wrongfully convicted. - Defendant was taking Thorazine at the time of his crime. It’s a prescribed to treat symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Side effects include difficulty telling the difference between things or ideas that are real. -Appeals court affirmed his conviction and sentencing siting that his insanity was a generated issue and due to his age his sentencing was just and therefore not shielded by the eighth amendment. In conclusion due to the severity of his crime the state opted out of jail time and programs that provide rehabilitation and reform in bad habits.

9 Grading Maryland’s Juvenile Justice System -Continual reform overtime -Improved rehab Services -More community-based programs While incarcerated.. -Short term residential programs - Behavioral award programs Why not an A?

10 Works Cited 300 Md. 387; "The Future of Children." Juvenile Court: A View from the Bench 6.3 (1996): n.pag. Web. 2 May 2012.. "Maryland: Juvenile Transfer Laws." National Center for Juvenile Justice. N.p., 6/03/2010. Web. 2 May 2012. < Laws.asp&xgt;.. "Maryland." Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defense Center. Genesis Theme Framework, n.d. Web. 2 May 2012... "Maryland." Think Before You Plea: Juvenile Collateral Consequences in the U.S. ABA: Criminal Justice Section, n.d. Web. 2 May 2012..



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