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Energy Management in a Resource – Starved Environment Channing Starke Director / Technical Services Advanced Air Filtration.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Management in a Resource – Starved Environment Channing Starke Director / Technical Services Advanced Air Filtration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Management in a Resource – Starved Environment Channing Starke Director / Technical Services Advanced Air Filtration

2 Resource Starved Environment Energy Usage Increasing Cost Increasing Labor Availability decreasing Budgets decreasing

3 From the Energy Information Administration Report - Annual Energy Outlook 2006 from 2004 to 2030 Commercial Usage projected to be up 75% Residential Usage projected to be up 47% Industrial Usage projected to be up 24%



6 Energy Management Recover excess fan energy being used Recover excess compressor / chiller energy being used Recover excess pump energy being used

7 Room coil (Before)

8 The same coil after Enzymatic Coil Cleaner


10 Aluminium microstructure (scale 143.0 μm)

11 Polystyrene representing the Aluminium microstructure Polystyrene (Representing Aluminium microstructure) Polystyrene impregnated with a blue food dye to indicate the action of an Alkaline Cleaning process penetrating pathways

12 Typical Acidic Coil Cleaner Acidic Coil Cleaner (HF, Hydrofluoric acid) Dilution Strength: 1 : 3* Cycle: 1 minute Very aggressive reaction is taking place ! * Concentration strength, as per product label, for foam cleaning of AC coils.

13 Acidic Coil Cleaner (HF, Hydrofluoric acid) Dilution strength: 1 : 3* Immersion cycle: 4 Hours Actual weight loss: 65.6672% Weight loss (%): 65.67 * Concentration strength, as per product label, for foam cleaning of AC coils. Exposed to the cleaner Master

14 Alkaline Coil Cleaner (NaOH) Dilution Strength: 1: 4* Cycle: 1 minute Alkaline Coil Cleaner (NaOH) Dilution strength: 1: 2* Cycle: 1 minute * Concentration strength, as per product label. Very aggressive reaction is taking place !

15 Alkaline Coil Cleaner (NaOH) Dilution strength: 1: 4* with water Immersion cycle: 4 hours Actual weight loss: 52.0531% Weight loss (%): 52.05 Alkaline Coil Cleaner (NaOH) Dilution strength: 1: 2* with water Immersion cycle: 4 hours Actual weight loss: 86.7604% Weight loss (%): 86.76 Exposed to the cleaner Master * Concentration strength, as per product label.

16 Alkaline Coil Cleaner (NaOH) Applied to the sample coil by spraying Dilution: 1: 4* with water Cycle after application: 2 minutes * Concentration strength, as per product label. Very aggressive reaction is taking place !!!



19 Bioactive Enzyme Coil Cleaner Non-acid, non-alkaline, non-toxic cleaning process Cleaning process can be used on all coils Will not damage heat exchange coils Broad spectrum enzymes break down all biological material Completely biodegradable, washes down the drain safely Enzyme Cleaner Dilution strength: 1: 20* Immersion cycle: 4 hours Actual weight loss: 0.0000% Weight loss (%): 0.00 Exposed to the cleaner Master * Concentration strength, as per product label.


21 Procedures Filters removed Pretest Air flow, temperature drop and coil delta P recorded. Pre-test and Post-Test Air Flow readings recorded using TSI VelociCalc Plus 8385. Surfaces and coils Vacuumed. Coil Cleaner applied and allowed to penetrate coil for 15 minutes. Coil rinsed with water and allowed to dry. Coil Treated with Coil Treatment. Condensate Pan Tablet installed into drain pan. Run Unit for at least 60 minutes and record Post-Test temperature drop, coil Delta P and airflow readings. Filters installed and system buttoned up

22 Energy Impact Evaluation Based on previous field results, a test @ building 38 was conducted following the protocol established Actual air flow (Traverse) and temperature readings were entered into a spreadsheet derived from the ASHRAE fundamentals manual. This formula estimates total energy and makes assumptions difficult to quantify with multiple chiller installations. It has proven to be a reasonably accurate estimating guide. Given the results, additional buildings AHU’s were cleaned and treated.






28 Comparison, Chilled water ΔT and ΔP pre and post cleaning and treatment.



31 Why Part of This Program? Equipped – Detailed measurement of what’s going on. Part of the building solution. “Recomissioning” No Conflict – don’t sell or install replacement equipment Concerned with the whole system

32 Why Energy As an Important immediate concern as IAQ Yearly repeat program maintains gains, air balancing independently confirms efficiency Further strengthens customer relationship, most maintenance is a cost, not R.O.I. Ability to more easily be incorporated in this years budget. Positive energy step that can be implemented now.

33 Contact Information Channing Starke Air-Vent Duct Cleaning / Advanced Air Filtration 190 South main Street, Ambler Pa. Phone- 215 641 0440 Cell- 973 592 2163 E- mail




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