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2 Earthwork Record System
The Earthwork Record System keeps a graphical representation of density tests and record of density tests for the earthwork portion of a construction project. It is the best method we know of to document that earthwork construction meets the requirements of the contract.

3 Earthwork Record system
The Earthwork Record System (ERS) is composed of form maintained by the Contractor (QC) and form maintained by the Engineer(VT). Question. What is the most important thing you can do for the IA inspector? Answer. The number 1 most important message from Earthwork IA is to understand the logbook.

4 Earthwork Record System
What is the function of the logbook? Used as the basis for accepting completed roadway earthwork. It contains forms and directions for earthwork construction.

5 Contractor’s Responsibilities
Quality Control? Plot roadway and drainage sheets Assemble the QC ERS Form Maintain the QC ERS throughout the project. Take QC densities Sample, split and test for proctors Maintain resolution and verification samples Sample for all QC lab tests QC takes resolution density tests Meet the requirements of the contract.

6 Department’s Responsibilities
Verification? Verify Contractor’s Results Review Earthwork Record System for completeness and accuracy. Provide the reference gauge for comparisons on new gauges brought to the project Sample for LBR Verification density testing Witness surface and depth checks

7 Department’s Responsibilities
District Materials IA Explain to project personnel what is needed to make sure Earthwork documentation can be understood. Provide the reference nuclear density gauge for initial comparison Review ERS to make sure any deficiencies are resolved Perform Quality Performance Reviews for technicians (QPR’s) Observe ongoing construction

8 Parts of the Record System

This is the Earthwork Record System maintained by the Contractor and consists of pages for: Earthwork Density Report Pavement Plot Summary of Proctors LOT Index and Special Conditions Stabilizing Mixing Depth Rock Base Thickness Random Number Generator


11 Earthwork Record System
Gauge comparison sheet Documents initial gauge comparisons required by A note requires gauge calibration sheets to be kept with the Density Log Books. The initial gauge comparison compares QC and VT gauges to the District IA gauge. Any new gauges brought out to the project shall be compared to the verification gauge.


13 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-2

14 Summary of Proctors Included in QC & VT Logbooks


16 Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship What is the Proctor The Proctor is a laboratory test which establishes a density standard that a contractor must achieve a certain percent of, in the field for a given material. The project and/or design specifications and standards will set forth a certain percentage of density value the contractor must achieve of the laboratory Proctor test performed for that particular material. Greater control of compaction effort is obtained in the laboratory. Field density is usually expressed as a percentage of lab maximum density (i.e. 100% of AASHTO T 99 or 98% of FM 1 T-180).

17 To understand the proctor you need to know:
Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship To understand the proctor you need to know: Unit Weight - the weight of a material occupying a unit volume. Wet Density - the weight of soil and water occupying a unit volume. Dry Density - the weight of just the soil solids occupying a unit volume. Moisture Content - the amount of water, in the soil occupying a unit volume, (generally expressed in Percent of Dry Weight).

18 How proctor relates to compaction
Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship How proctor relates to compaction Compaction is achieved by inputting energy to expel the air and water in the soil’s voids. Energy Air Water The reduction of these voids creates the following changes in the material: Air Water Increase in unit weight Decrease in compressibility Decrease in Permeability

Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship THE LABORATORY PROCTOR MAXIMUM DENSITY (B) @ OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (A) Dry Density (pcf) % Moisture 100% B Target Area This is the maximum achievable density for the compactive effort. 98% In these figures, “A” and “B” represent: A = Optimum Moisture Content B = Maximum Density 100% or the maximum that can be expected to be achieved. Typically the test involves running a minimum of 4 to 5 points, each at a different moisture content. Hence, we are able to draw a curve, the Proctor Curve, reflecting the maximum density at a given moisture content. Typically, specifications will require achieving either 100% or 98% of a Proctor value, therefore, as shown, we have also plotted the 98% data. Moisture contents falling less than the “Targeted Area” will typically be too dry to achieve maximum density. Those greater, will typically produce “mud”. Remember building sand castles on the beach? Dry beach sand just wouldn’t mold and the real wet sand, at the waterline or wave line was too soupy. But the damp sand in between these two was perfect, although sometimes you had to add some water from your beach bucket. Just Right Dry Mud A

Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship TWO TYPES OF PROCTORS MODIFIED PROCTOR STANDARD PROCTOR FM 1 T-180 (FM 5-521) Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using 10-lb. (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18-inch (457-mm) Drop 56 blows/ layer - 5 layers AASHTO T 99 (FM 5-525) Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using 5.5-lb. (2.5-kg) Rammer and 12-inch (305-mm) Drop 25 blows/layer - 3 layers The FDOT uses two types of Moisture Density Relations tests: Standard - AASHTO T-99, which employs the use of a 5.5-lb. rammer dropped from a height of 12 inches. Specimens are prepared in 4 inch molds. Modified - FM 1-T180, which employs a 10-lb. rammer dropped from a height of 18 inches. Specimens are prepared in 6 inch molds and a spacer disk used in the bottom of the mold. As road construction equipment and methods improved, it became apparent that construction methods were outdistancing testing methods. In an effort to have Proctor testing be more representative of what was being done in the field, the Modified Proctor was adopted by the FDOT. The Modified Proctor requires substantially more effort in the compaction process than the Standard method.

21 Student Manual Lesson 2- Moisture Density Relationship THE PROCTOR CURVE The plotted data, represents a curvilinear relationship known as the Compaction Curve or more commonly, the Proctor Curve. Unit Weight of Soil, lbs/cuft 119.0 118.0 117.0 116.0 115.0 % Moisture Dry Density, pcf 118.0 pcf @ 12.5% In the laboratory, the technician will then plot the measured unit weight of the 4 or 5 samples versus percent moisture, as shown above in the example. As shown above, the 10% moisture sample plotted at pcf and so on finishing with pcf at 14% moisture. A smooth curve is then drawn through these points (Proctor Curve). The high point of the curve, which does not have to be at a data point, is selected as the Maximum Dry Density at the corresponding moisture content. As shown above, this is reported to the nearest whole number in pcf and nearest 1.0 % moisture. 98% of max. density = ______pcf


23 Plots Computer plotted and page numbered.
Shall accurately illustrate the required testing (the first to the last lift placed). Changes or replots that reflect a change from the plan cross sections shall have a detailed note. Verification plots may be used at the option of the Project Administrator

24 Attach computer plotted graphs for the sections with:
Embankment Use a different bar chart for each pavement layer compacted separately. For the sections with no Embankment, the Pavement Plot sheet may be used. Drainage Attach plots for all Drainage structures that require testing. MSE Wall Construction A shorter section roadway graph, less than 500 feet may be used to plot sections of MSE wall construction.

All computer-plotted embankment graphs shall be corrected for excavation of unsuitable materials. The anticipated depth of excavation may be coded as an undercut depth, to provide a blank space for hand corrections. If the graph is re-plotted, make an appropriate note to identify deviation from the plans.

26 When there is no embankment

27 Coding the Density Log book
Roadway & Drainage Plots

28 Getting Started Download the DLB Plot Program to your PC from the FDOT website.

29 Required for Coding Roadway
Highest proposed pavement elevation Lowest existing ground elevation Code for unsuitable material Locate Shoulder break points and draw the 1:2 control line Code thickness of Asphalt, Base, & Subgrade Code pads for Shoulder base, Shoulder Subgrade, Sidewalk, etc.

30 Code Critical points for both Left and Right Roadways from each Cross Section


32 Ratliff Rd New Construction
PROJECT NUMBER PAGE NO: 1 SURFACE THICKNESS BASE THICKNESS SUBGRADE THICKNESS UNDERCUT 1.00 0.4 REMARKS: Ratliff Rd New Construction PAD PAD PAD PAD 4 RTSB RSSG LSSG LABEL .333 .479 .417 THICKNESS STATION STATION STATION STATION STATION STATION 6 STATION PROPOSED 17.80 18.50 18.75 19.10 19.50 19.80 14.50 14.80 14.85 17.30 17.20 17.00 EXISTING 32 89 STATION 19.80 19.70 19.69 20.05 PROPOSED EXISTING 17.00 15.70 16.40 17.20 STATION 36+00 37+00 38+00 38+50 PROPOSED 20.05 20.41 20.78 21.14 21.33 EXISTING 17.20 16.90 18.66 18.70 20.30 STATION PROPOSED EXISTING RECORD NO.________________ HEADER NO._______________

33 From Typical Sections

34 Elevation in Feet Bar Graphs Base Subgrade Shoulder Subgrade
Shoulder Base Shoulder Subgrade Existing ground level Proposed grade Stationing WH

35 x x x x x x WH

36 1-3-10 1-3-10

Elevation in Feet Bar Graphs Base Subgrade Shoulder Base Shoulder Subgrade Proposed grade Existing ground level Fill Explain the plot sheet- Each click brings in an item (Following page is a blow up of this sheet) EGL = Existing Ground Line. A plot is a 6” (150mm) profile of a specific length. Constant thickness as bars. Only variable depth is embankment. Grids are used to count # of lifts. (Explain and go over counting lifts) Emphasize and explain importance of “Plan Elev…..” Cut Stationing

38 Required for Coding Drainage
Flow line Top & bottom Structure elevation Length & size of pipe These values are manually read from the plans. This information rarely given in one place. May require cross referencing with plan/profile or summary of drainage structures.

39 Some structure tops & bottoms must be scaled from cross sections.
We need to find the lengths of pipe.





PROJECT NO_______________________________________ PAGE PIPE STRUCTURE ONE STRUCTURE TWO REMARKS LENGTH FEET/METERS SIZE INCH/MM FLOW LINE FLOW LINE TYPE NUMBER TOP BOTTOM NUMBER TOP BOTTOM Sta to 22+68 115’ RCP 18” S-1 16. 57 13.45 S-2 18.20 13.20 Sta Lt ’ RCP ” MES S-3A 22+78 to 27’ RCP ” S-3A S Sta X-Drain 75’ RCP 18” S-3 18.00 13.05 S-2 18.20 13.20 33+50 to RCP ” S S 22+68 to RCP ” S S 33+65 to RCP ” S S 33+65 to ’ RCP ” S S to ’ RCP ” S-7A S-7A 21+35 to ’ RCP ” MES S 24+00 to ’ RCP ” S MES 24+00 to RCP S S 24+43 to ’ RCP ” S S


46 Page 115 WH

47 Page 115 Test Locations X X X X X WH




51 What about Lot numbering?
Number LOTs combined with page number (Lot# - Corresponding Page #) Example Lot 11-27, means lot 11, and page 27 Start a new set of numbers for each type of construction on each sheet. i.e Pipe Backfill, Embankment, Subgrade, Base, MSE Wall

52 REMEMBER The District Materials Office is there to help
Check with the Materials Office about: Preliminary Pages Requirements of Lot Index Coding elevations from Plans Using the DLB Plot Program Other Logbook questions

53 Earthwork Record System
Common mistakes in the Density Log Book Missing density tests (both QC & VT) Missing dispositions/pre determined dispositions . Density tests are not taken at a randomly selected location. Lots for verification are not selected randomly The plotted graph elevations are not correct. Water Table is not noted with initial & date

54 Earthwork Record System
Common mistakes in the Density Log Book Embankment is placed over more than one untested lot. Nuclear density gauges are not compared before usage Test sections are not performed before thick lift compaction Notes are not used to explain the logbook

55 Nuclear Density & Speedy Moisture test Procedures

56 Film

57 Key Earthwork Specs

58 Recent changes to Stabilizing
914 describes material properties for the material used for stabilizing. The approval process was removed from this section. An acceptance program for local material has been added to Section 160

59 Witness - Sections 160 & 200 Thickness and surface checks are verified by witness & recording the QC measurements . Unless the Engineer requests, no holes are drilled for Verification Accurate measurements are important because payment for base is computed from QC measurements.

60 Requirements for max. 12 inch thick compacted Earthwork
Max. Lift Thickness Test Strip Requirements for 12 inch thick compacted lifts. – In the soil envelope - maximum allowed thickness of backfill is 6 inches. Requirements for max. 12 inch thick compacted Earthwork Material Embankment Pipe Backfill A-3 and A-2-4 soils with up to 15% fines No Test strip required Test strip required A-1, Plastic materials, and A-2-4 Materials with greater than 15% fines

61 Soil Envelope Section 125-8.3 What is the Soil Envelope?
The Soil Envelope is the ______zone and the _______zone for the pipe.

62 Reduced Frequency Testing
How many passing density tests are required before the contract allows Reduced Frequency Density Testing for; Embankment? _____ Pipe backfill? ______ requires LOTS to be selected randomly when reduced frequency testing is performed

63 125 – Pipe Backfill Plastic and Metal pipe backfill requires 95% of Standard Proctor for density. Concrete pipe backfill requires 100% of Standard Proctor. Structure backfill requires 100% of Standard proctor regardless of the type of pipe joining the structures.

64 Density Testing Pipe/Structure
What are the density testing requirements when a metal pipe is connected to a concrete structure? ____standard proctor for the metal pipe & _____standard proctor for the structure.

65 Location for Sampling and Testing
Acceptance Program & 125-9 Both QC and VT inspectors are required to select test locations, including station, offset and Lifts using a random number generator approved by the Engineer. A Chart has been added to the Earthwork Record System forms to assist with generating Random Numbers.



68 END


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