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Dr. Mark T. Schenkel Belmont University

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1 Dr. Mark T. Schenkel Belmont University
Business Planning Dr. Mark T. Schenkel Belmont University

2 To Plan or Not To Plan . . . ? Pros Cons
Illuminates & clarifies the value proposition Facilitates resource acquisition & credibility in the marketplace Creates common “cognitive infrastructure” among key internal people that allows for synergistic efforts to develop Cons Irrelevant Can lead to dysfunction Researchability often inversely associated with financial attractiveness (Bhide) Traditional tools (e.g., discounted cash flow analysis) difficult to employ with confidence (i.e., lack of cash flow predictability, impact of small assumption changes) (Bhide)

3 Reasons For Plan Failure
Unreasonable Goals Goals Not Measurable No Total Commitment Lack Of Experience No Understanding Of Threats Or Weaknesses Customer Need Not Established Underemphasis on market & investors in favor of producer as constituency

4 To Plan or Not To Plan . . . ? Is This Really the “Right” Question?
The evidence suggests no How planning is conducted is a far more important question than if focus should be on the role of planning. Key issues: information and implementation Implication: quickly screening out losers Is an idea worth researching (e.g., does it meet or exceed the entrepreneur’s income requirements; low capital requirements; high margins for error; options for cashing in; sustainability of business model)? Example: Levi Strauss Creativity & “Me” needs Capacity for execution Competition Implications for sustainability

5 A Basic Conceptual Framework
Venture Goals & Values Resources & Capabilities Structure & Systems Industry Environment Competitors Customers Suppliers STRATEGY STRATEGY 5

6 Discovery-Driven Planning Approach
A process for systematically unearthing the implicit, and potentially dangerous assumptions and testing them in a series of “experiements” before freezing a strategy that may prove to be fatally flawed McGrath & MacMillan

7 Common Platform-Based Planning Errors
Proceeding as though assumptions are “fact” even in the absence of hard data (e.g., Euro Disney admission pricing) Have data, but fail to see implications (e.g., UPS – need for overnight delivery) Have data, but make implicit or inappropriate assumptions on ability to implement (i.e., form of overconfidence) (e.g., Estes – labor market) Start off with right data, but implicitly assume static environment and thus fail to notice key variable shifts

8 Discovery-Driven Planning Approach
Core premises . . . Degree of absolute risk can be offset with “proper” planning and control tools Future results cannot be extrapolated from well-understood and predictable platforms of past experience (i.e., knowledge); rather, the process inherently relies upon assumptions In short, the core premise of DDP is to build a reasonable model of the economics and logistics of the venture and assess the order and magnitude of the challenges, rather than attaining perfection in terms of plan accuracy (i.e., the platform-based approach).

9 Discovery-Driven Planning Approach
Plan alone is neither necessary nor sufficient!!! Emphasis is on integrating analysis and action (McGrath & MacMillan); “systematically thinking about how the risk reward ratio can be managed (Sahlman) Staging analytical tasks just enough to justify next action Plugging holes quickly to minimize risk E.g., people, opportunity, external context, deal (Sahlman) – dynamic / multidimensionality is key!!! “Evangelical” investigation (i.e., gaining sense of, and commitment where possible on future sales) Flexible perseverance (willingness to shape core strategic approach as necessary)

10 Discovery-Driven Planning
Key Question from the Business Plan: What do you need from your business? Reverse Income Statement Aspirations: income and wealth Target profits to reach income and wealth Estimate required sales Calculate unit sales I O

11 Discovery-Driven Planning
Operating Specs Sales and COGS activities Operations Distribution Equipment

12 Discovery-Driven Planning
Track assumptions List all assumptions used in planning Identify measures of assumptions Create assumption list to test progress Gather data to track assumptions

13 Discovery-Driven Planning
Test assumptions Based on time Based on sales growth Based on other key events Allows for adjustments on “the fly” Keeps focus on key issues

14 Types and Uses of Business Plans
Internal Debt financing Equity financing

15 Business Plan: Internal Use
Blue print for the business Organizes key issues Serves as “check list” Includes detailed marketing, financing, and operating sections

16 Business Plan: Debt Financing
Used for bank loans, landlords, and vendors Built from internal plan Narrative sections of the plan are summarized and condensed Financial sections in full detail Clear financing plan included: equity & debt

17 Business Plan: Equity Financing
Built from internal plan Only operating plan is condensed Financial and marketing plans in full detail Expanded industry discussion Clear financing plan included: debt & equity

18 Key Plan Components Mission Statement The Marketing Plan
Should identify stakeholders, values, competitive advantage, competitive market, product / service The Marketing Plan Know your customers!!! Think like your customers Identify a clear target market Know your competitors Inventory all competitors Inventory customer needs Create a competitive grid and/or strategic group map Know your marketing strategy (4-P’s)

19 Key Plan Components Financial Plan Operating Plan Income statements
Balance sheets Statements of cash flows (Direct method) Break-even analysis Operating Plan Map out flow of business Mgt Team, Advisors, & Staff Don’t forget space plan and costs!!! A cash flow statement is important to your business because it can be used to assess the timing, amount and predictability of future cash flows and it can be the basis for budgeting. A cash flow statement can answer the questions, " where did the money come from?" "Where did it go?" A loan officer will use cash-flow analysis techniques to evaluate the firm's ability to generate cash to repay a loan. Since 1987, the Financial Accounting Standards Board the rule makers of the accounting community have encouraged the use of the direct method. However, most companies continue to report operating cash flow by the indirect method. ***under the direct method, it is necessary to reconcile net income reported on the P & L statement to net cash flow from operations on the cash flow statement.

20 Using the Business Plan
Gives last chance to fail on paper Used in financing Used to establish supplier and customer relationships Used to recruit key employees Used to build commitment among team members Creates consistent blueprint Keeps focus during growth

21 Updating the Plan Significant changes: Additional financing
Business model Market Key assumptions Additional financing Sale of business Continuous team building and re-energizing commitment

22 Some Planning Do’s and Don’ts
Involve entire management team Short, logical, comprehensive, and readable Articulate critical risks, assumptions and why tolerable Disclose and discuss current or potential problems Be creative, but spell out how the investors will win Let realistic market and sales projections drive the assumptions underlying financials, rather than reverse Don’ts Unnamed, mysterious people on the management team Make ambiguous, vague, or unsubstantiated statements (e.g., estimating sales on what you would like to produce) Using jargon – limits the plans usefulness Spend money on “sizzle,” (e.g., fancy brochure development) instead, show the “beef”

23 Key Takeaway Points . . . Analysis and critical thinking are the beginnings and ongoing foundation of good business planning. Business plans should be comprehensive, yet facilitate an ease of understanding for participating members and investors in the venture so as to promote action! If a stakeholder is unclear on a point in the plan, then you have missed something redouble your efforts accordingly.

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