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Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (IN2P3-CNRS) Orsay, France LHCb upgrade meeting Tests tools for Analog and Digital parts  Typical acquisition sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (IN2P3-CNRS) Orsay, France LHCb upgrade meeting Tests tools for Analog and Digital parts  Typical acquisition sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (IN2P3-CNRS) Orsay, France LHCb upgrade meeting Tests tools for Analog and Digital parts  Typical acquisition sequence  Basic DAQ tests and results  Tools to test Analog part  First tests with AX FPGA  Tools to test A3PE FPGA (SSO & SSI)  Conclusion : next steps Caceres Thierry Duarte Olivier

2 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Reminder : Typical acquisition sequence LHCb upgrade meeting 2 December 16th 2011 Write Acq Register (PC) Beginning L0 sequence Time Discret Time 1 2 3 123 Beginning latency delay End of latency delay 123 Recording data in RAM (512 points) FIFO full Data readout by USB 25 ns to 65,5µs Trigger Generator  PC write start sequence bit of Acquisition (Acq) Register.  Beginning of L0 sequence.  Each trigger pulse involve pulse shape.  At the end of the latency delay recording 512 points of data (Max).  At the end of the record the system write one “end of acquisition”bit in the Acq_Register.  The PC scrutinize the Acq_Register, when the “end of acquisition” is high the PC download data with the USB interface. Write Data Ctrl

3 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Reminder : Basic DAQ tests LHCb upgrade meeting 3 Soft Trigger (or external) Trigger generator block Latency Trigger Generator Pulses Generator Spy FIFO (8 ADC channels) (96x512) ADC_0 (12 bits) ADC_1 (12 bits) ADC_2 (12 bits) ADC_3 (12 bits) ADC_4 (12 bits) ADC_5 (12 bits) ADC_6 (12 bits) ADC_7 (12 bits) Fixed value (Firmware) From Counters Trig ADC_7 [11] USB Interface Wr Clk 40 Mhz Latency Wr FIFO Wr FIFO All times adjustable Discret Time  Fixed data, counter and pulse stand in for ADC data from analog mezzanine December 16th 2011 A3PE

4 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Tools to test Analog part LHCb upgrade meeting 4 SPY_FIFO ANALOG_PULSE_ FIFO ClkUSB PATTERN_ FIFO setup_ register[8 ] 96 8 8 setup_ register[9 ] setup_register[9] {Add 0x1C} 96 A3PE RDWR RDWR RDWR (96 x 512) (8 x 512) (96 x 512) {Add 0x1F} {Add 0x06} 0 1 0 1 Buffer_FIFOs (12x8) USB wr 0 1 USB_data 8 8 USB data 8 8 8 x 12bits 96 8 USB_data 96 December 16th 2011 12 bit ADC data from Analog Mezzanine (x8) Analog Pulse ( 1 per ADC Channels) Clk 40 Mhz Wr : USB Rd : USB or 40 Mhz Wr : USB or 40 Mhz Rd : USB Wr : USB Rd : USB or 40 Mhz ADC emulationSPY data Trigger for Analog  FIFO pattern  Generate digital signals  Check FPGA computations  SPY FIFO storage of processing results  ANALOG PULSE FIFO generate trigger of analog pulses

5 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres First tests with AX FPGA LHCb upgrade meeting 5 A3PE FPGA AX FPGA Rd/Wr Register D Q Clk D Q D Q D Q Q D Q D Rd/Wr Register USB interface Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 0 Delay Chip I2C A3PE_Clk AX_Clk AX_Clk ?? A3PE_Clk AX_Clk 1,5v < VccIOB_Var < +2,5v) VccIOB_Var 32  Reminder : ProASIC3 families are based on nonvolatile flash technology => reprogrammable The latest antifuse FPGA family => Not reprogrammable A3PE AX Idea : RAM pattern to test the A3PE IOs functioning by exchanging data between the 2 FPGA (SSO and SSI) December 16th 2011

6 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Tools to test A3PE FPGA (SSO & SSI) LHCb upgrade meeting 6 From_AX_ FIFO A3PE CLK_1 ClkUSB To_AX_FIFO setup_register[10 ] 32 setup_register[11 ] RegUSB 32 _q3 AX500 setup_register[11 ] 32 BUSLSB AXTOA3PE BUSMSB AXTOA3PE 32 _q2 _q_q1 {Add 0x1D} (32 x 512) {Add 0x1E} (32 x 512 ) Rd Wr 0 1 0 1 32 Buffer_FIFOs USB_data 32 8 USB_data 8 32 USB_data 8 32 December 16th 2011 Wr Rd Idea : RAM pattern to test the A3PE IOs functioning by exchanging data between the 2 FPGA (SSO and SSI) Wr : USB Rd : USB or Clk_1 Wr : USB or Clk_1 Rd : USB  USB Rd / Wr the FIFO (To_AX and From_AX). From Delay Chip Ctrl. Wr / Rd pattern  Start / Stop and latency missing (not implemented yet) Sequence:  To_AX _FIFO Rd/Wr by USB  Start commande  Loop on to AX_FIFO until stop command  Programmable latency to capture data from To_AX_FIFO to FROM_AX_FIFO

7 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Conclusion LHCb upgrade meeting 7  Digital electronic is ok, several adjustment have been done (Tests with Carlos at LAL in November).  Do you have other needs of firmware to test the analog mezzanine ? ?  Started Production of third mother digital board (ready in Jannuary)  Should we considered a 8 channel prototype FEB for the end of 2012 with GBT ?  Packing is in stand by. Waiting for decision on GBT bandwith. December 16th 2011

8 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres LHCb upgrade meeting 8 SPARE December 16th 2011

9 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Reminder : Basic DAQ tests results LHCb upgrade meeting 9 Fixed value 456 h (1110) Fixed value ABC h (2748) Not connected FFF h ? Counters Channel 8[11] Trigger generator block 2047 4095 December 16th 2011

10 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres First tests with AX FPGA LHCb upgrade meeting 10 AX FPGA D Q Clk D Q Bank 1 Bank 0 AX_Clk 1,5v < VccIOB_Var < +2,5v) VccIOB_Var 32  Reminder : ProASIC3 families are based on not volatile flash technology => reprogrammable AX is the latest antifuse FPGA family => Not reprogrammable AX programmation with Silicon Scultor

11 Olivier Duarte / Thierry Caceres Clock tree LHCb upgrade meeting 11

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