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TRUTH AND FICTION.   What have you heard or what is your opinion of Common Core Standards? Essential Question.

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2   What have you heard or what is your opinion of Common Core Standards? Essential Question

3   For 10 years, the U.S. has placed in the upper half of the worlds 57 industrialized nations.  Top countries were Finland, Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea. U.S. was 26 th  What do the top performing nations have that we didn’t?  ANSWER- National Education Standards  “Global Grade: How do U.S. Students Compare” Why couldn’t we measure up?

4   For decades, top performing countries have had a common thread.  They all follow a standardized curriculum that is nationally accredited and evaluated.  In 2009, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association for Best Practices (NGA) coordinated a state led effort to develop standards to make us competitive on a global scale  It should be noted these organizations are not governmental agencies, but a consortium of civilian organizations National Standards

5  Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards on Vimeo Intro to CCS Development

6   From 2009-2011, both CCSSO and NGA coordinated an effort for common standards  CCS were designed by teachers, administrators and education experts  Designed to teach k-12 skills to graduate high school and begin an entry level career.  Standards are research and evidence based and rely on higher order thinking skills. The Birth of CCS

7   Class is student driven  Designed to engage students in high level thinking.  Student encouraged to thing critically.  Desired outcome is for students to make an argument and defend a position.  This has several benefits like creating critical thinkers while identifying flaws in logic. Higher Order Thinking

8   It is not a government directed program  It does not tell teachers how to teach  It does not direct instructional methodology  It does not allow for 2+2 to equal 10 HOWEVER, TEACHING CCS REQUIRE ALL OF US TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX TO PROMOTE HIGHER LEVEL THINKING!!!!! What CCS is not.

9   44 States and DODs schools have adapted common core.  How does CCR affect JROTC?  How will the curriculum be rewritten?  Will we have to relearn how we teach. ANSWERS; It doesn’t, it won’t have to be, and we have been teaching common core all along CCS and JROTC

10   THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION  What you will learn to do  What you will know at the end of the lesson.  “What you will learn” and “What you will know” are in the first two pages of each JROTC Lesson into  That leaves “The Essential Question”  What is an “Essential question’ Some Suttle Nuances

11   In “Understanding by Design” Grant Wiggins says “Such questions are broad in scope and timeless by nature”  They are a key inquiry in a discipline  It helps students make sense of complex or complicated ideas  It is the “ice breaker” for a common core lesson Essential Question

12   Causes deep and relevant inquiry into the big idea  Provokes deep thought, lively discussion  Requires students to consider alternatives, weigh evidence and support and justify their answers  Stimulates vital and ongoing thinking of big ideas  Makes meaningful connections with prior learning  Naturally recurs, creating opportunities to transfer to other topics “Understanding by Design Guide”, Grant Wiggins When is a Question Essential

13   U4 C1 LET 2 Text “Achieving a Healthl Lifestyle”  AT YOUR TABLE, DEVELOP AN ESSENTIAL QUESTION FOR THIS LESSON. How do I Create an Essential Question

14   Pick an JROTC lesson, it is on page one or two.  “Skills and Lessons You will Learn Along the Way”  Key is to tie the list to the actual instructional methodology  Refer back to the list frequently as lesson milestones are achieved.  Review, review review  Scaffolding !!!!????? What you will learn?

15   What are the key points every cadet should take away from the lesson.  Likewise, refer back to these objectives as they are taught in the classroom.  Facilitates the higher order thinking process  Application, debate, discussion and defense. What you will know?

16   Death by Power Point is dead (80s tec in 21s cent)  Innovation, collaboration, and inventiveness are key  Allow for all uses of technology in the classroom  Invite and encourage strong debate and discussion  If possible, let the kids teach and you moderate  Flipping the Classroom.  Teach outside the box!!!! CCS Methodolgy

17   JROTC is already teaching common core  Many great methodologies are out there Review SOMETIMES, I MAKE REALLY BAD DECISIONS

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