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Does God Approve of Denominations (#2)

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1 Does God Approve of Denominations (#2)

2 Denominations Result of division, not unity, John 17:20-21; Galatians 5:20-21 Supplant the word and wisdom of God, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25 Honor men instead of God, Corinthians 1:26-31

3 The Church of Christ Divine ownership, Matthew 16:18
Divine construction, Eph. 2:14-22 Composed of Christians, Acts 2:47 One body under one head, Ephesians 1: ; 4:4 Purchased and saved by Christ’s blood, Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:23

4 The Church of Christ No worldwide organization, Hebrews 12:22-23
Local churches of Christ Independent assemblies of saints, Corinthians 1:2; Romans 16:16 Each congregation is sufficiently organized to do the work given to congregations, Acts 14:23

5 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
Distinct and unique from the denominations of men Because of its nature: Built by Christ Body of Christ One body in Christ Reflects unity of Godhead, John 17:20-21

6 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
Yet we hear: “The church of Christ is a denomination.” People reach conclusions based on their previous experiences, perceptions and misunderstandings, Matthew 16:13-14 Christians called a “sect” of Judaism, Acts 24:5 Gospel is “the Way” – Not a sect, Acts 24:14

7 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
Not a “movement” Not a sect of “an independent (American) denomination”

8 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“One of the new churches spawned by the religious ferment in early nineteenth-century America was the Disciples of Christ. Biblical literalists with an activistic faith, the early Disciples preached a “restoration of the ancient gospel”; their central plea was “to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.”

9 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“By the early 1830s the Disciples of Christ had emerged as an independent denomination and, under the capable and energetic leadership of Alexander Campbell, made impressive gains during the decades between and 1860.” -David Edwin Harrell, Jr. “The Sectional Origins of Churches of Christ”, American Origins of Churches of Christ, 45

10 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“The conservative wing of the divided movement, the Churches of Christ, has grown very rapidly in the half century since By 1961, according to the estimate in the most recent Yearbook of American Churches, the Churches of Christ had a membership of around 2,250,000.

11 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“Together with the more liberal segment of the movement, the Christian Church, it forms the largest and most significant religious movement native to America." -David Edwin Harrell, Jr. “The Sectional Origins of Churches of Christ”, American Origins of Churches of Christ, 47

12 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“The sectional bifurcation of the Disciples of Christ – using the name to refer to the whole movement—is one of the most vivid American examples of the bending of the Christian ethos to fit the presuppositions of the community.”

13 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
“All of the complex antagonisms in nineteenth-century American society-North and South, East and West, urban and rural, affluent and dispossessed—left their marks on the theology and institutional development of the group.” -David Edwin Harrell, Jr. “The Sectional Origins of Churches of Christ”, American Origins of Churches of Christ, 48

14 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
Jesus did not build a denomination, Matthew 16:18 (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 1:19) Possible to be a member of the church Jesus built and never be in a denomination, Acts 2:41, 47 Means denominations are not necessary! They are not approved by God!

15 The Church of Christ is not a Denomination
Apostles were not members of denominations, 1 Cor. 1:13 (3:3-4) A person can still be saved without belonging to a denomination, Acts 2:47 (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:16-18)

16 Denominations Fall will be great, Matt. 7:24-27 (22-23)
“…man-made institutions that neither are recognized in, nor sanctioned by, the Word of God.” No man’s death ever purchased and saved the church, Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:25 Only one church…the church of Christ Fall will be great, Matt. 7:24-27 (22-23)

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