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Psychology Psychology is the field that studies the human mind and behavior. Psychology seeks to understand and explain how we think, act and feel.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology Psychology is the field that studies the human mind and behavior. Psychology seeks to understand and explain how we think, act and feel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology Psychology is the field that studies the human mind and behavior. Psychology seeks to understand and explain how we think, act and feel.

2 Psychoanalytic Theory

3 The Mind The Mind is divided into two parts:
Conscious mind Unconscious mind The unconscious mind has more influence on personality than the conscious The conscious mind controls everything that is in our awareness like sensations, memories and feelings

4 Unconscious Mind The unconscious mind is divided into three parts:
Id – encourages us to seek physical satisfaction Superego – prompts us to do the moral thing not the desired thing Ego – referee between the two, and deals with external reality

5 Sigmund Freud Founder of Psychoanalytic Theory
Believed early childhood experiences fueled unconscious mind, although we might be unaware of these Believed dream analysis was a window into the unconscious mind and often used it to diagnose his patients

6 Learning Theory Humans are born with little instinct but much learning potential During childhood is when most human behaviour is learned Society can have a large influence on someone’s ultimate personality by controlling the way in which humans learn behaviour How a child is brought up can affect their personalities in the future

7 Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance Theory is the state of having two or more conflicting cognitions Ideas, beliefs, values, emotions Three ways to reduce Dissonance: lowering the importance of one of the discordant factors adding consonant elements changing one of the dissonant factors

8 Theory of Attitude Change
Six stages of Behaviour Change -Pre-contemplation (denial, refusal) -Contemplation (questioning) -Preparation (investigation) -Action (commitment) -Maintenance (transition) -Termination (completion)

9 Theory of Attitude Change

10 Social Scientists B.F. Skinner - that if the subject is correctly stimulated it will give the appropriate response, Theory of Operant Conditioning (learning can be programmed by consequences that follows a behaviour) Ivan Pavlov –Classical Conditioning, form of learning in which one stimulus, (conditioned stimulus) comes to signal the occurrence of a second stimulus, (unconditioned stimulus) Alfred Bandura – believed when humans observe behaviour they are more likely to practice it (good or bad)


12 Behaviourism Behaviorist's placed particular stress on the early childhood years, and the rules or practices parents use to raise their children because they believe these methods have a huge influence on the character of individuals even into adulthood

13 Abraham Maslow Analysis of human needs organized into a hierarchy ranging from basic survival through to the need for love, security and esteem. Maslow believed that these needs are similar to instincts and play a major role in motivating behavior

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