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AVID and the Common Core
An introduction to the California Common Core State Standards and how AVID Strategies support them. Dave Olney and Mike Horton, RIMS AVID
AVID and the Common Core
The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
Introduction to Common Core
The Common Core Standards (CCS) were developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices, and were formally released on June 2, 2010. The focus of the CCS is to guarantee that all students are college and career ready as they exit from high school. The committee determined what a graduate would need to be considered “College Ready” and then backwards mapped it to kindergarten. Kitagawa 3
What’s Different “These Standards are not intended to be new
names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to work together to build on lessons learned from two decades of standards based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep.” — CCSS (2010, p. 5) Emphasize not the same; original message was wrong (not similar/different); Level of knowledge needed more in depth; increase my level of teaching (teaching rigorously with a purpose); teach K with its connection with 1st and 2nd; ELA-juxtapose to Anchor standards (GATE, acceleration); Kitagawa
What Are the Benefits of the CCS?
Internationally benchmarked. Student expectations are clear to parents, teachers, and the general public. Allows for collaboration with other states on best practices, instructional materials, and professional development. Reduces costs to the state.
Overarching Goals for K-12 CCS
Ensure that our students are: Meeting college and work expectations. Prepared to succeed in our global economy and society. Provided with rigorous content and applications of higher knowledge through higher order thinking skills. 6
California’s Additional 15%
For California, 85% of the standards recommendation must be the CCS. 15% could be additional standards added by California to ensure the rigor. Kitagawa 7
California’s Additional 15%
Based on the following criteria: Substantively enhance. Address a perceived gap. Be defensible to classroom practitioners. Keep the original standard intact. Ensure the rigor of California’s existing standards is maintained. 8
What Does ELA CCSS Focus on?
Rigor. Application of learning to real world situations. Technology and media sources. Justification and evidence. Communication/collaboration. Expository reading and writing (80% by H.S.). Research.
What Does Math CCSS Focus on?
Conceptual understanding. Number sense in elementary. Application to real world problems. Rigor. Success in algebra and higher level mathematics.
Learning Logs Quickwrites and Reflections Process Writing Peer Evaluation Authentic Writing READING Deep Reading Strategies Note-Taking Graphic Organizers Vocabulary Building Summarizing Reciprocal Teaching INQUIRY Skilled Questioning Techniques Costa’s Levels of Thinking Socratic Seminars Tutorials Investigations Questions that Guide Research ORGANIZATION Binders and organizational tools Calendars, planners, and agendas Graphic organizers A focused note-taking system Tutorials and study groups Project planning and SMART goals COLLABORATION Socratic Seminars Tutorials Philosophical Chairs Group Activities and Projects Peer Editing Groups Service Learning Projects
Reading AVID Strategy Anchor Standards
Pre-reading inside and outside of text (R) Quickwrites/Reflections (W) Focused Cornell Notes (WOR) Marking, charting, annotating text, critical reading (R) Graphic Organizers (R) Summarizing (R) Dialectic Journals (W) Interactive Notebooks (W) Reciprocal Teaching (R) Socratic Seminars/Phil. Chairs (C) Anchor Standards Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
Writing Anchor Standards AVID Strategy Text Types and Purposes
Quickwrites and Reflections (W) Focused Cornell Notes (WOR) Process Writing (W) Authentic Writing – Dialectic Journals/ Interactive Notebooks (W) Research (I) Learning Logs (W) Anchor Standards Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Range of Writing
Speaking and Listening
AVID Strategy Socratic Seminars (IC) Philosophical Chairs (C) Tutorials (C) Reciprocal Teaching (R) Peer Evaluation (W) Questions that Guide Research (I) Group Activities and Projects (C) Anchor Standards Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Language Anchor Standards AVID Strategy Deep Reading Activities (R)
Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Deep Reading Activities (R) Vocabulary Building (R) Process Writing (W) Peer Evaluation (W) Peer Editing Groups (C)
Standards of Mathematical Practice
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Rigor and Relevance Standards call for a paradigm shift in instructional practice and student expectation. Brad
Brad 18
RIGOR relevance CST CCSS Practice Bk Real World
This helps us to understand how the CCSS fits into our current work. Plus it shows that we might need to start at a low level to reach the rigor of CCSS and the Real World. Real World Practice Bk relevance 19
Partner Dialogue If a teacher asks you what is the difference between our California standards and the Common Core standards – the benefits, goals, and implications, what would you say? Jenny
Implementation Timeline
2012 – 13: State Board of Education to adopt Revised ELD and Supplemental Materials aligned to the Common Core : Mathematics Framework aligned to the Common Core : ELA/ELD Frameworks aligned to the Common Core, scheduled date for new assessments/accountability system
RIMS AVID Write Path Training: Preparing for the Common Core
Write Path English Language Arts I and II Write Path Math I and II Write Path History/Social Science I and II Write Path Science I and II Write Path English Language Learners Critical Reading: Deep Reading Strategies for Expository Text I and II High School/Middle School Writing AVID Success Path Tutorology
Additional RIMS AVID Support
WICOR Walkthroughs Reading/Writing Peer Coaching Tool Regional Coach Support Coordinator Workshops
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