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Respiratory System.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System

2 Respiratory system structure
Upper respiratory system nose Pharynx larynx Upper part Functions: Filtration Warming Moistering Sound produce Lower respiratory system ( from the larynx down ) trachea bronchi Lungs Functions = gas exchange

3 Figure 23.1

4 The Nose Otorhinolaryngology Function: Filtering Air Odors Detection
(Oto= Ear, Rhino= Nose, Larynx= Throat) Function: Filtering Air Odors Detection Amplifies The Voice Moisture Addition Warming Air

5 External nose Cartilage Nasal bones

6 Nasal chamber surface Superior surface Lateral surface
Ethmoeid Sphenoied Lateral surface 3 choncae ( superior - middle - inferior ) 3 Meatuses ( superior - middle - inferior ) Meatuses function : produce air turbulence warm and humidify incoming air trap particles Inferior surface (floor of nasal cavity ) Hard palate + Soft palate Medial surface ( septum ) the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (superior) the vomer (inferior) septial cartilage (anterior)



9 Nostrils Coana nasal vestibule contain of nasal hairs first particle filtration system

10 Para nasal sinuses Maxillary sinus Ethmoied sinus Frontal sinus
Sphenoid sinus

11 The Pharynx A chamber shared by digestive and respiratory systems
Extends from internal coana to entrances to larynx and esophagus

12 The Nasopharynx Superior portion of the pharynx Contains :
pharyngeal tonsils C1 openings to left and right auditory tubes

13 The Oropharynx Middle portion of the pharynx C2
Communicates with oral cavity Contain of palatal tonsils


15 The Laryngopharynx Inferior portion of the pharynx C3 , C4 , C5 , C6
Extends to esophagus


17 Larynx Function : air way & sound production C3 ~ C6 4 cm Glottis

18 Cartilages of the Larynx
unpaired : thyroid epiglotic cricoid Pair : arytenoid corniculate cuneiform


20 The Glottis Two pairs of folds :
Vestibular folds or false vocal cords ( upper ) Vocal folds or true vocal cords ( lower )

21 Trachea Anterior to esophagus From the cricoid cartilage C6
At T5 it divides into right and left bronchi (CARINA ) Tracheal rings- composed of, in the shape of a “c” 15–20 tracheal cartilages ( hyaline cartilage ) : The “c” opens posterior to allow the esophagus to expand while swallowing Protect airway Trachealis muscle


23 Bronchial division R & L bronchus Lobar bronchus ( 3 in R --- 2 in L )
Segmental bronchus Bronchiole Terminal Bronchiole Respiratory Bronchiole Alveolar duct Alveolar sac


25 Lungs Base- inferior portion Apex- superior portion, narrow
Cone shaped organs Lie in thoracic cavity Separated by the mediastinum surrounded by the pleural membrane The pleural membrane has two layers: Parietal pleura Visceral pleura Base- inferior portion Apex- superior portion, narrow Costal surface Mediastinal -- contains 0f hilus

26 Right lung: Left lung: is wider is displaced upward by liver
Has 3 lobes: separated by horizontal and oblique fissures Superior Middle inferior Left lung: is longer cardiac notch Has 2 lobes: are separated by an oblique fissure Superior inferior 10 segments per lung Each segment contains lobules


28 Lobes (1)

29 Hillum

30 Radiographic Landmarks

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