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Planting the seeds for the future Train-the Trainers (T3) Program 12 July 2014 DMC College Foundation Auditorium In partnership with.

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1 Planting the seeds for the future Train-the Trainers (T3) Program 12 July 2014 DMC College Foundation Auditorium In partnership with

2 Planting the Seeds for the Future JEDI4KiDS is planting the seeds for future developer communities. Our goals: to help children understand and learn computer programming. to inspire the younger generation to develop strong interest and confidence in programming Learning to code is an incredibly valuable developmental skill regardless if the child goes on to have a career in Information Technology.

3 JEDI4KiDS is a collaborative project: It was started by Filipinos: faculty members and researchers of the University of the Philippines ITDC and academician Gerald Concha of DMC in Dipolog City. JEDI4Kids is an interactive and fun computer programming workshop developed for children aged 10 -14 years old. About J4K

4 The Java Education and Development Initiative (JEDI) is a social project of Sun Microsystems (2006). JEDI4KiDS is part of the broader JEDI project, an open source form of Java instruction that provides free and open source courseware for colleges and universities. JEDI has been successfully implemented in hundreds of schools and has benefitted thousands of students (Ph & Abroad). Brief History

5 Proponents saw the need to teach programming at an early age. Coding allows children to think creatively and use their brain in a way they have never imagined. It allows them to feel confident that they can solve problems. If there is something they do not like, they can fix or change it. If there is something they wish they had, they can create it. Brief History

6 Devoxx4Kids held the first programming workshop for kids in Brussels, Belgium in 2013. DEVOXX4KIDS Devoxx4Kids developed similar open-source programs exclusively for kids 10-14 years of age in Belgium. It was a resounding success. Google, Oracle and IBM were some of the sponsors.

7 Children immediately gain access to a whole suite of free resources that enhance the learning experience. The courseware used is a combination of Java Education & Development Initiative (JEDI) and Devoxx4Kids materials, all of which are open source. About JEDI

8 Phase I Scratch Greenfoot Phase II Lego Mindstorms Phase III Alice Mindcraft The Courseware

9 To inspire interest in programming and the field of information technology. To cultivate creativity To teach logic. Our Goal

10 JEDI schools and partner institutions and JEDI teachers volunteer to deliver the JEDI4KiDS seminars in their communities for free. The Team

11 JP Petines IBM Gerald T. Concha DMC CCS Prof. Rommel Feria UPITDC Ito Gruet Adviser The Founding Partners

12 JEDI schools and partner institutions and JEDI teachers volunteer to deliver the JEDI4KiDS seminars in their communities for free. JEDI4KiDS welcomes any school, company, organization, or even individuals who commit to hold the workshop. School Integration and Partner Institutions

13 Interested organizations coordinate with the assigned Regional Coordinator. Partner Institutions

14 Volunteerism Our team members work in the spirit of volunteerism. This is not a profit organization but an outreach project. Planting the Seeds for the Future

15 J4K taps other organizations for: Materials Facilities Funding Volunteers and Expertise Venue Logistics Marketing Our Partnerships


17 Not all Filipino children have access to computers. There are not a lot of well-equipped venues for events eg schools, boot camps Some schools have computer laboratories but the units are often inadequate or have poor specifications Learning programming can be challenging We work in the spirit of volunteerism with minimal funding. Challenges

18 To reach out to as many communities as possible especially the underprivileged. Our Aim

19 JEDI4KiDS team visits recipient schools and holds workshops. J4K holds a mass training for teachers who commit to hold the training in their respective schools or communities. Host institution expresses intent and coordinates with J4K team and J4K arranges training. How J4K works: three ways

20 Can be a school, company or organization. Must have teachers or personnel willing to be trained, preferably with a background in JAVA programming. Must commit to holding a J4K Workshop no later than 15 days after the training. Must coordinate with the J4K Regional Coordinator. Being a host institution

21 J4K is an excellent worthwhile CSR activity. It is novel. It is cost-efficient. Being a Partner

22 Find out more

23 Planting the Seeds for the Future


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