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Introduction  RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Energy sources from which power can be derived again & again ie; a journey to Infinity are termed as Renewable.

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2 Introduction  RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Energy sources from which power can be derived again & again ie; a journey to Infinity are termed as Renewable Energy Sources.  BIODIESEL: It is a concept being implemented globally to combat the crisis of running out of oil reserves looming over us

3 Sources of Bio-diesel  Biodiesel can be derived from various plants such as soy, rap seed, sunflower and more recently jatropha.

4 About Jatropha  Jatropha is a bush that grows in regions around the Equator, in areas that are too arid for other plantations. The Southern and Central regions of India provide an apt climate for Jatropha cultivation.  The bio-fuel industry and market is still in its infancy but is likely to become a major global industry sector in 5 to 10 years, providing solution to global strategic issues like sustainable development, energy security, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

5 Advantages of Jatropha  It is not eaten by animals and is a vigorous, drought and pest resistant plant and when planted as a fence repels rodents and the oil has medicinal applications.  A valuable export product at the world trade market.  Renewable  It is Biodegradable  Can be Domestically grown  Low emissions  No engine modifications required

6  Bio-diesel is Safer than gasoline  It is less flammable than gasoline  Bio-diesel is Non-toxic  Can be blended in any proportion with petroleum  diesel fuel  High cetane number and excellent lubricity  Very high flashpoint (>300°F)  Can be made from waste restaurant oils and animal fats

7 Disadvantages of Jatropha  Lower energy content 6-9% less energy per unit volume for B100 Effect of B2 – B10 on power less than 1%  Soybean oil-based biodiesel will start to crystallize at  around 0°C  Biodiesel is less oxidatively stable than petroleum diesel  Old fuel can become acidic and form sediment and varnish  There is limited supply of Bio-diesel  Cost is high and is feedstock sensitive  –Government subsidies allow biodiesel to compete with petroleum fuel

8 India: from Wastelands to Plantations  The Jatropha plantations are found in the wastelands of Central and Southern India

9 The 3 Constituents of Bio-diesel  Oil : The primary ingredient is oil or fat.This will be waste vegetable oil for the average producer at home, which may be collected for free in most restaurants.One can, of course, grow rapeseed or Jathropa and crush it for oil.  ALCOHOL:The most commonly used alcohol for the production of biodiesel is methanol.  Methanol scores above the others due to its easy availability from molasses from the sugarcane industry  KATALYSATOR:The last constituent is the Catalyst. Both KOH (potassium hydroxide, caustic potash) and NaOH (Sodium hydroxide, caustic soda) may be used.  The advantage of KOH is that the residual glycerine is much less toxic than when NaOH is used.

10 How to Make Biodiesel?  Biodiesel forms due to a chemical reaction called transesterification, meaning that glycerol in the oil is substituted by an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. In -- our case we use Methanol and NaOH (caustic soda) or KOH (caustic potash). catalyst  Vegetable oils + ROH Biodiesel + Glycerin


12 Why do we need Bio-diessel  Biodiesel's plus-points are obvious:  It is biodegradable. Biodiesel is 98% degraded while diesel fuel is degraded only 40% at the end of 28 days  It decreases soot-emission by 50%.

13 Schematic Diagram of IC engine converted to run on Bio-diesel

14 Biodiesel- the Lifeline of the Future  In addition, the exhaust emissions of sulphur oxides and sulphates (major components of acid rain) from biodiesel are essentially eliminated compared to diesel.

15 Can Biodiesel help mitigate Global Warming ?  Biodiesel reduces net CO2 emissions by 78 percent compared to petroleum diesel. This is due to biodiesel’s closed carbon cycle. The CO2 released into the atmosphere when biodiesel is burned is recycled by growing plants, which are later processed into fuel

16 Success Stories  "We have fully run Delhi-Amritsar Shatabadi Express on biodiesel. Now we plan to test biodiesel in automobiles. We have identified three depots in Rewari for plying Haryana roadways buses on the blended fuel says IOCL Chairman Mr.SARTHAK BEHURIA.  Bio-diesel processing cost in India is almost one-third of that in European countries and the US,” says C. S. Jadhav, director (marketing) Nandan Biomatrix. “Extracting bio-diesel in Europe costs around 0.799 euro while it costs between Rs 15 and Rs 17 in India,” Jadhav added. Another successful attempt to use bio-diesel is taking place at Tata Motors in Pune where it is running 43 of its 150 bus fleet on 10% bio-diesel.

17 Business Strategies 4 Economic boost  With its vast wastelands, and the global community increasingly rooting for alternate fuels, India could well become the global sourcing hub for both feedstock and processed bio-diesel. The industry is expected to be a $2- billion revenue earner within the next three years.  If projections of Petroleum ministry and Planning Commission get translated, India would attain a 20% mix of bio-diesel in all diesel run vehicles that will not only bring down the high dependability on crude oil import and create better environment but will also create 11 million jobs in the rural area.  India imports more than 70 per cent of its crude petroleum needs.

18 Conclussions  Biodiesel fuel as an alternative to petroleum based fuel  diesel fuel has many advantages Fuel cost still plays a major role Source material can affect biodiesel fuel properties substantially  While CO, HC and PM emissions are  reduced, NOx emissions may increase in some engines  Biodiesel shows some advantages over diesel fuel when Low Temperature Combustion


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