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Traditional Clothing and Names in Spanish Speaking Countries!

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Clothing and Names in Spanish Speaking Countries!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Clothing and Names in Spanish Speaking Countries!

2 España

3 Traje/vestida de Flamenca
Most characterized outfit from Spain! But really, it only is from certain parts! It is usually a long dress, with ruffles and ‘Lunares”.


5 Traje de luces Term comes from the Oro (gold) or Plata (silver) and shinny beading the “toreros” and other members wear.

6 El torero Montera-Hat Corbatín-Thin tie Chaquetilla-jeweled jacket
Taleguilla- “leggings” Medias- Thin socks Camisa- White shirt Zapatillas- ballet flats Capote de paseo- Cape Why aren’t they called ‘matadors’?


8 Mexico

9 Traditional women’s clothing-Mestizo
Huipil-Sleveless tunic Quechquémitl-Closed shoulder cape Rebozo-shawl

10 Traje de Charro Typically worn by Mariachi singers or players. Originally from important and elegant people from Spain.


12 Baile Folkórico Women typically wear bright dresses with patterns, colors and ribbons to emphasize their movements


14 Argentina

15 Los Gauchos Equivalent to a “Cowboy”-a way of showing their pride for their country.

16 Ponchos botas campero


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