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Distribution and Biomass of Macrophytes Growing Near Streams.

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Presentation on theme: "Distribution and Biomass of Macrophytes Growing Near Streams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distribution and Biomass of Macrophytes Growing Near Streams

2 North End Graywood U.S.D.A. Project Macrophyte Study Sites Experimental Controls Beds dominated by milfoil near stream outlets

3 Eagle Point Long Point Old Orchard Point McPherson Point Sand Point

4 McPherson Point Gully Long Point Long Pt. Cove Hartson Point Cottonwood Cove

5 Sutton Point

6 Macrophyte Studies Project Goals: Monitor changes in biomass and standing crop, focusing on areas dominated by Eurasian watermilfoil near streams. Establish the relationship between nutrient loading, macrophyte biomass and standing crop Characterize changes in areas associated with control and experimental watersheds to determine the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing plant growth.

7 Graywood Gully #1 #2 Transects #3 2-4 quadrat samples collected by divers at 1, 2, 3, 4 m Swimmer tracks the perimeter of the milfoil while boat with Trimble GPS operator follows Plants are separated by species and weighed

8 August 2003 Average and S.D. for all sites. Each number is average of 2-4 quadrats.

9 Comprehensive data set now includes four summers.

10 Comparison of August Biomass Over Last Three Years 2001 vs. 2002 2002 vs. 2003 2001 vs. 2003

11 Changes in the distribution of Eurasian Watermilfoil within individual beds such as Graywood gully 1m 2m 3m 4m Stream 1m 2m 3m 4m Central 1m 2m 3m 4m North Stations are 100-150 m apart along shore NM = no milfoil

12 Annual Changes in Milfoil Bed Surface Area

13 Annual Changes in Bed Surface Area W 2001 W 2002

14 Annual Changes of Standing Crops in Milfoil Dominated Areas W 2001 W 2002

15 Relationship of Macrophyte Standing Crop to Average Daily Loading for USDA watersheds

16 Eagle Point Long Point Old Orchard Point McPherson Point Sand Point

17 Loading Prediction Curves for Long Point Cove and North Gully

18 Relationship of Standing Crop to Total Phosphorus Loading by Streams, Summer 2003

19 Progress: Better understanding of dynamic nature of milfoil growth Established possible cyclical pattern of bed growth Loading prediction curve for Long Pt. Cove Continued to document statistically significant relationship between stream loading of TP and standing crop Goals for 2004: North McMillan loading prediction curve Refine estimates of standing crops Comparison of trends in experimental and control beds Seasonal changes in sediment nutrient levels

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