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ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems Martyn Clark SGS United Kingdom Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems Martyn Clark SGS United Kingdom Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems Martyn Clark SGS United Kingdom Implementation

2 2 SGS Group Established in 1878 - Head Office in Geneva, Switzerland Core business is Testing, Verification and Certification Services Over 70,000 employees -1250 Offices and 340 Laboratories in more than 140 Countries Over 14,500 EMS clients world wide Local UK presence across the UK offering EMS and other certification services

3 3 Belgium Brazil France Canada Japan Germany Australia/ N. Zealand Italy Switzerland Holland Chile Spain China Philippines South Africa Mexico Indonesia Singapore Thailand Taiwan Korea Finland Portugal Argentina USA Hong Kong 30 Accreditations in 31 Countries Europe / Africa / Middle East UK Asia Pacific North and Latin Americas Bulgaria Romania Colombia

4 4 EMS Standards suitable for the NHS ISO 14001:2004 International standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS) which specifies requirements that help organisations, identify, evaluate, manage and improve their impact on the environment Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) EU wide environmental registration scheme requires organisations to produce a public statement on environmental performance. EMAS incorporates ISO 14001 BS 8555:2003 British standard which breaks down the implementation process for ISO 14001 or EMAS into 6 stages

5 5 ISO 14001 ISO 14001 can be implemented in all areas of an organisations, large and small, one site or multiple sites including:  Hospitals  Schools  Manufacturing  Procurement  Logistics ISO 14001 sets the framework for meeting:  Requirements of Legislation  Objectives of the organisation

6 6 ISO 14001 ISO 14001:2004 is an international management system standard designed to help organisations manage its environmental impacts including: Controlling significant environmental aspects to prevent pollution and minimise resource usage Continually improving environmental performance by setting and achieving environmental objectives in areas such as climate change, sustainable development, energy efficiency, resource consumption, waste, emissions to air, releases to water and land etc. Procedures to deliver compliance with legal & other requirements

7 7 ISO 14001:2004 – The main requirements The standard like a number of other international management system standards is based on the PLAN – DO – CHECK – REVIEW model. The main requirements are: Produce an Environmental Policy that reflects the organisation, its environmental impacts and commitment to comply with legislation and improve environmental performance Identify environmental aspects (risks) and find out which ones can have a significant impact on the environment Manage the significant environmental aspects by either control measures (hard or soft) or by setting improvement objectives to bring about better control

8 8 Identify environmental legislation that has to be complied with and evaluate the level of compliance Develop environmental objectives and targets and a management programme to achieve these objectives Audit and review the Environmental Management System to identify any areas of weakness and drive improvement ISO 14001:2004 – The main requirements

9 9 ISO 14001 can be used to address many of the environmental issues facing organisations, cut costs and improve quality This includes issues relating to both the provision of medical care and management of the estate These can include: Climate Change - Further reduction of the carbon footprint to help achieve year on year reduction targets and CRC reductions Energy consumption – Large heat and lighting demand in organisations and across the estate Water consumption – Laundries, cleaning activities and domestic usage ISO 14001:2004 – The issues

10 10 Waste – Application of the waste hierarchy (i.e. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle etc.), safe management & disposal of clinical, radioactive and hazardous waste Transport – Employees and supplies Procurement – Supplies, consumables, food and construction materials etc. Sustainable buildings – from design through to construction ISO 14001:2004 – The issues

11 11 There many benefits associated with a good EMS, both tangible benefits for organisations as well as for the environment. These can include: Cost savings due to reduction in waste, materials / supplies consumed and energy use Improved compliance with environmental legislation and relationship with environmental regulators Improved working environment for employees Demonstration of environmental commitment to stakeholders, the local community, charities etc. ISO 14001:2004 – The benefits

12 12 In their 2006 position statement Defra also identified the following benefits of an externally certified EMS: Protection of reputational value Confidence that the EMS meets recognised requirements and standards Independent review of the way the organisation is committed to its activities and their associated impacts on the environment Enhanced value and assurance to customers in the supply chain Closer involvement of employees and other stakeholders ISO 14001:2004 – The benefits

13 13 The route to certification Initial Enquiry Proposal On site Pre-audit (Stage 1) Document review (Stage 1) On site Certification Audit (Stage 2) Report Certification granted on completion of successful audit Ongoing surveillance – 6 monthly or annually Extensions to scope

14 14 Your SGS Proposal The time required to conduct an ISO 14001 audit is related to extent of the sites environmental impacts and the legislation that applies Outline information required to prepare a proposal includes: The scope of certification** i.e. the activities carried out by the organisation Site location and details The number of sites The number of employees An overview of the significant environmental aspects and most applicable legislation

15 15 Planning your certification Upon receipt of your signed application SGS will: Acknowledge receipt of your application Supply you with contact details for the administration team in the local SGS office Allocate an EMS Lead Auditor who has experience of both the processes and environmental issues of the NHS Arrange a date convenient for you when the Pre-audit can take place

16 16 The Certification Process Stage 1 - Pre-audit Is the EMS designed to achieve Environmental Policy? Have all environmental aspects been evaluated and does methodology used lead to logical conclusions regarding significance? Have all Legal & other requirements been identified and has and an evaluation of compliance taken place? Have procedures been put in place to respond to external communications? Has a management review taken place and have internal audits been planned and have commenced?

17 17 The Certification Process Stage 1 – Document review Generally undertaken off-site but can also be performed on site A review of EMS documentation and relevant records to establish that all the clauses of ISO 14001 have been adequately addressed within the EMS Documents and records reviewed would typically include: Environmental Policy, EMS manual and procedures, registers of environmental aspects and legal & other requirements, objectives & targets, and any environmental permits, consents or licences

18 18 The Certification Process Stage 2 Audit To confirm that the organisation adheres to its own policies, objectives and procedures, To confirm that the EMS conforms with all the requirements of ISO 14001 and is achieving the organisation’s policy objectives To determine whether the EMS is capable of, and designed to, achieve on-going compliance with applicable regulatory requirements To determine whether the EMS is capable of achieving continual improvement and preventing pollution.

19 19 What can SGS do for you? Provide integrated UKAS Accredited audits with other standards to save your time and money, for example:  ISO 9001  OHSAS 18001  ISO 50001 Provide experienced, qualified EMS auditors in your area Provide accredited environmental training courses Seminars, newsletters, white papers and case studies to keep you up-to-date – examples provided here. Certification within the NHS – potential to share best practice without breeching confidentiality agreements

20 20 What can SGS do for you? ISO 14001 certification BS 8555 assessment EMAS verification / validation ISO 50001 certification - Energy Management Systems EU Emissions Trading Scheme verification Environmental, Sustainability & CSR Report verification BS 8901 certification – Sustainable Event Management Systems Training

21 21 As the leader in professional training, we draw on our years of worldwide experience to provide effective learning and development opportunities. We make a difference to individuals, teams and businesses, nurturing talent and enabling continuous organisational progression. Our specialists partner with course participants, identifying improvement objectives and supporting the professional journey. SGS Academy Can Provide:  Over 100+ Training Solutions  Public courses in over 10 locations around the UK and worldwide in local languages.  Specialise in developing bespoke solutions that meet the unique needs of your individuals and culture. Delivered on your premises providing realistic, cost effective training.

22 22 If you would like more information……. SGS Systems Services and Certification SGS United Kingdom Ltd Martyn Clark Sector Specialist UK and Ireland Phone: +44 (0) 800 900 094 Mobile: +44 (0) 7824 089 998 Fax: +44 (0) 1276 697 696

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