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Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 1 Welcome to Talent Management Training Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 1 Welcome to Talent Management Training Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 1 Welcome to Talent Management Training Design

2 2 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Topics of the Day Introduction to the Design of Training Introduction to the Design of Training Organizational Constraints Organizational Constraints Developing Objectives Developing Objectives Design Theory Design Theory Facilitation of learning and transfer of knowledge Facilitation of learning and transfer of knowledge

3 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 3 Introduction to the Design of Training

4 Result Effective training differs from ineffective training in terms of the processes used to determine what employees need to learn and how training is designed and implemented. 4 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Introduction

5 Getting Started Effective Training differs from ineffective training in terms of the processes used to determine what employees need to learn and how training is designed and implemented. 5 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM

6 6 Design phase of Training The Design phase of Training is a process of identifying the set of specifications that will be used in the developing phase for creating the training modules.

7 7 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Design phase of Training The design phase answers the following questions: Why is training needed? Why is training needed? Who will be trained? Who will be trained? What are the training objectives, and what methods will be used? What are the training objectives, and what methods will be used?

8 8 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Design phase of Training When and where will the training take place? When and where will the training take place? What are the principles that will be used to facilitate the learning of the material and its transfer to the job? What are the principles that will be used to facilitate the learning of the material and its transfer to the job?

9 Copyright c 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-9 Design Phase Input Process Output Training Needs Organizational Constraints Learning Theory Develop Training Objectives Determine factors that facilitate learning & transfer Identify alternative method ofinstruction Evaluation objectives

10 10 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Design phase of Training Suppose that an HRD department completed a TNA that indentified that Supervisors need training in Effective Communication Skills, The next step decisions to be made include the following: What will the training achieve? What will the training achieve? What methods of training will be used? What methods of training will be used? How much time will be allotted for the training? How much time will be allotted for the training?

11 11 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Design phase of Training How many trainees will be trained at the same time? How many trainees will be trained at the same time? Whether this training will be conducted on company time or over time? Whether this training will be conducted on company time or over time? Whether this training will be voluntary or mandatory? Whether this training will be voluntary or mandatory? Where to locate training? Where to locate training?

12 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 12 Organizational Constraints

13 13 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Food for Thought If the HRD department does not have the resources to develop a program, or if trainees can not be off for the time needed for training “as per the design phase”, then these factors will help shape what the training will look like and how it will be offered.

14 14 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational Constraints Organizational / Environmental Constraints. Organizational / Environmental Constraints. Trainee Population Trainee Population

15 15 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational / Environmental Constraints. Budgets generally are limited, so choices must be made about who gets trained and what type of training they receive. Budgets generally are limited, so choices must be made about who gets trained and what type of training they receive. One way of making these decisions is to use the Strategic Direction of the organization to set priorities. One way of making these decisions is to use the Strategic Direction of the organization to set priorities. “ The Strategic Plan provides a rationale for determining who gets how much of what kind of training”.

16 16 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational / Environmental Constraints. If the organization does not have a clear strategic plan in place, the top Managers of the Human Resources Department can establish priorities by meeting with Senior Executives. If the organization does not have a clear strategic plan in place, the top Managers of the Human Resources Department can establish priorities by meeting with Senior Executives. Such meetings help define HR and HRD priorities and determining how to put resources inline with the direction of the company. Such meetings help define HR and HRD priorities and determining how to put resources inline with the direction of the company. “A side benefit is that the process might stimulate top management to engage in Strategic Planning”

17 17 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational / Environmental Constraints. The Technological Sophistication of the organization affects the type of training that can be offered. The Technological Sophistication of the organization affects the type of training that can be offered. If there are many locations, and each location has access to Computer Networks or Video- Conferencing, the type of training you can offer will be different from that offered by an organization without these capabilities. If there are many locations, and each location has access to Computer Networks or Video- Conferencing, the type of training you can offer will be different from that offered by an organization without these capabilities.

18 18 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational / Environmental Constraints. Decisions about training priorities also follow the Law. As, Some training is mandated by Law. Some training is mandated by Law. Some training is function of legal requirements. Some training is function of legal requirements.

19 19 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Trainee Population What if the TNA identifies two or more groups with the same learning objectives but different levels of KSA. What if the TNA identifies two or more groups with the same learning objectives but different levels of KSA. “ it is difficult to develop a single program to meet their needs”. Sometimes the TNA identifies a wide variability in the KSAs of the target population. Sometimes the TNA identifies a wide variability in the KSAs of the target population. Sometimes trainees hold negative feeling about a particular training technique. Sometimes trainees hold negative feeling about a particular training technique.

20 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 20 Developing Objectives

21 21 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Developing Objectives The term Training Objectives refers to all objectives that are developed for the training program. The term Training Objectives refers to all objectives that are developed for the training program. There are generally four types of training objectives: There are generally four types of training objectives: 1. Trainee Reaction Objectives. 2. Learning Objectives. 3. Transfer of Training Objectives. 4. Organizational Outcome Objectives.

22 22 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Trainee Reaction Objectives Describes the desired attitudinal and subjective evaluations of training by the trainee.

23 23 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Learning Objectives Describes the types of: Behavior that will demonstrate the learning, Behavior that will demonstrate the learning, The conditions under which the behavior must occur, The conditions under which the behavior must occur, The criteria that will signify that sufficient level of learning has occurred. The criteria that will signify that sufficient level of learning has occurred.

24 24 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Transfer of Training Objectives Describes the: Job behaviors that will be affected by training, Job behaviors that will be affected by training, Conditions under which those behaviors must occur, Conditions under which those behaviors must occur, Criteria that will signify that a sufficient transfer of learning from training to the job has occurred. Criteria that will signify that a sufficient transfer of learning from training to the job has occurred.

25 25 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Organizational Outcome Objectives Describes the organizational outcomes that will be affected by the transfer of learning to the job and the criteria that will signify that organizational outcome objectives were achieved.

26 26 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Objectives Objectives are statements about what is expected to be accomplished. A good objective has three components: 1. Desired Outcome: What should be expected to occur? 2. Conditions: under what conditions is the outcome expected to occur? 3. Standard: what criteria signify the outcome is acceptable?

27 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM 27 Design Theory

28 28 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Design Theory There are several theories related to the effective design of training, some are specific only to Cognitive Learning and others focus only on Attitude Change.

29 Comparison of Topical and Spiral Sequencing 1 of 2 Topical SequencingSpiral Sequencing Topical SequencingSpiral Sequencing Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Topic B Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Topic A Topic BTopic C Module 1 Module 1Module 1 Topic A Topic BTopic C Module 2 Module 2Module 2 Topic A

30 Copyright c 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Comparison of Topical and Spiral Sequencing 2 of 2 Topic CTopic ATopic BTopic C Module 1 Module 3 Module 3 Module 3 Module 2 Module 3 Topical SequencingSpiral Sequencing

31 31 Talent Management - Training Design - AUC / SCE - HM Questions Thank you,

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