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Exploring a Pipe Organ with CATO

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1 Exploring a Pipe Organ with CATO
Derby and District Organists’ Association Exploring a Pipe Organ with CATO Notes for teachers appear in this panel. Children and the Organ Project

2 When you look inside an organ you will see many pipes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
An organ with about 16 stops usually has more than 1000 pipes. A cathedral organ may have 10,000 pipes. However large or small an organ is, its pipes may be grouped into five main families: DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Although there are many different shapes of pipes made from a variety of materials, there are five families, whereby each family has a characteristic tone.

3 DIAPASON family These pipes are usually seen on the front of the organ. The tone is bold and full. Click on the speaker symbol to hear a sample of the tone.

4 DIAPASON stop names Double Diapason Open Diapason Principal Twelfth
Fifteenth Tierce Common names of diapason stops.

5 FLUTE family The pipes are often made from wood and sometimes have a stopper in the top. The tone is sweet and mellow. Click on the speaker symbol to hear a sample of the tone.

6 FLUTE stop names Bourdon Claribel Harmonic Flute Hohl Flute Rohr Flute
Nazard Piccolo Common names of flute stops.

7 REED family Each pipe has a metal vibrator in its foot.
The tone is sharp, clear and can be loud. Click on the speaker symbol to hear a sample of the tone.

8 REED stop names Bassoon Clarinet Clarion Cornpean Oboe Trumpet
Trombone Tuba Vox Humana Common names of reed stops. Sometimes, as in this picture, reed pipes are mounted horizontally.

9 STRINGS family These pipes are very narrow, giving a ‘thin’ clear tone. They tend to sound rather soft and mysterious. Click on the speaker symbol to hear a sample of the tone.

10 STRINGS stop names Gamba Salicional Voix Celeste Violone
Common names of string tone stops.

11 MIXTURE family There are 3 ranks of pipes which sound a chord for each note. They are pitched high and sound very bright. Mixture ranks are never used on their own. They are the highest pitch pipes in the organ and are usually added above a chorus of foundation stops.

12 MIXTURE stop names Mixture Sesquialtera Doublette Cornet Fourniture
Common names of mixture stops.

13 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL An organ is usually divided into sections, each with its own manual (keyboard). Need help? Click on Ollie.

14 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL Great Organ
An organ is usually divided into sections, each with its own manual (keyboard). The Great Organ is played from one manual. Great Organ Need help? Click on Ollie.

15 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL Great Organ Swell Organ
An organ is usually divided into sections, each with its own manual (keyboard). The Great Organ is played from one manual. The Swell Organ is played from a second manual. Great Organ Need help? Click on Ollie. Swell Organ

16 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL Great Organ Pedal Organ Pedal Organ Swell Organ
An organ is usually divided into sections, each with its own manual (keyboard). The Great Organ is played from one manual. The Swell Organ is played from a second manual. The Pedal Organ is played by the feet from the pedalboard. Great Organ Need help? Click on Ollie. Pedal Organ Pedal Organ To understand an organ it is important to have a clear idea of the different sections (divisions) of the organ which have distinctive functions. Swell Organ

17 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL Great Organ Pedal Organ Pedal Organ Swell Organ
Each section of the organ contains pipes from all the five families of pipes: DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Great Organ Need help? Click on Ollie. Pedal Organ Pedal Organ Swell Organ

18 GREAT – SWELL - PEDAL When you sit at the console and look at the stops, you need to spot the different families that they belong to. Need help? Click on Ollie. DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES

19 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. An organist needs to know the names of the stops and the type of sound each produces. It helps to recognise the families of pipes in each division.

20 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Diapasons: Open Diapason, Principal, Twelfth, Fifteenth, Tierce

21 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Flutes: Rohr flute, Bourdon, Bass Flute, Octave Flute, Claribel, Suabe Flute

22 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Reeds: Contra Oboe, Cornopean, Fagotto, Trombone, Trumpet

23 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Strings: Salicional, Vox Celestes

24 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Mixture , Mixture In a mixture rank there are several pipes for each note, in this case three pipes. The numbers describe the number of notes higher than normal pitch: 15 notes = two octaves higher; 19 = two octaves+fifth higher; 22 = three octaves higher; 26 = three octaves+fifth higher.

25 ♪ Try to spot the five families of pipes in each section of the organ.
DIAPASONS FLUTES REEDS STRINGS MIXTURES Need help? Click on Ollie. Notice that the stops are arranged with the lower pitch ranks at the bottom and the higher pitch ranks towards the top. The reeds are usually placed at the very top.

26 ♪ How many diapason stops are in this list
♪ How many diapason stops are in this list? Click on each name to find out. Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Diapasons: Double Diapason, Fifteenth, Open Diapason, Principal, Tierce, Twelfth Answers

27 Are you ready for the answers?

28 Diapason stops Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean
Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Diapasons: Double Diapason, Fifteenth, Open Diapason, Principal, Tierce, Twelfth

29 ♪ How many reed stops are in this list? Click on each name to find out.
Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Reeds: Bassoon, Clarinet, Clarion, Cornpean, Oboe, Posaune, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Vox Humana Answers

30 Are you ready for the answers?

31 Reed stops Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale
Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Reeds: Bassoon, Clarinet, Clarion, Cornpean, Oboe, Posaune, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Vox Humana

32 ♪ How many flute stops are in this list? Click on each name to find out.
Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Flutes: Bourdon, Claribel, Harmonic Flute, Nazard, Piccolo, Rohr Flute, Sub Bass Answers

33 Are you ready for the answers?

34 Flute stops Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean
Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Flutes: Bourdon, Claribel, Harmonic Flute, Nazard, Piccolo, Rohr Flute, Sub Bass

35 ♪ How many stops in the strings family are in this list
♪ How many stops in the strings family are in this list? Click on each name to find out. Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Strings: Gamba, Salicional, Violone, Voix Celeste Answers

36 Are you ready for the answers?

37 Strings family Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean
Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Strings: Gamba, Salicional, Violone, Voix Celeste

38 ♪ How many mixture stops are in this list
♪ How many mixture stops are in this list? Click on each name to find out. Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Mixtures: Cymbale, Sesquialtera, Mixture Answers

39 Are you ready for the answers?

40 Mixture stops Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean
Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Mixtures: Cymbale, Sesquialtera, Mixture

41 Pipe Families Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean
Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional Sesquialtera Sub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste There are many more names found on organs than the common ones shown here.

42 Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale
Several names of organ stops are borrowed from orchestral instruments. For these stops the sound is similar to the sound made by the instrument. Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional SesquialteraSub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Notice how many names are borrowed from other instruments, both wind and strings. Some of these borrowed names emerged in the 19th Century when organ builders began experimenting to make pipes which imitated the sound of orchestral instruments. At this time when mainly wealthy people had access to orchestral concerts, organs were used in concerts to play the classical orchestral music of the day.

43 ♪ How many instrument names can you spot in the list of organ stops?
Bassoon Bourdon Clarinet Claribel Clarion Cornopean Cymbale Double Diapason Fifteenth Gamba Harmonic Flute Nazard Oboe Open Diapason Piccolo Posaune Principal Rohr Flute Salicional SesquialteraSub Bass Mixture Tierce Trumpet Trombone Twelfth Tuba Violone Vox Humana Voix Celeste Bassoon, Clarinet, Clarion, (Viol da) Gamba, Oboe, Piccolo, Flute, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Violone (cello)

44 An organ contains hundreds of pipes
What have you learned? An organ contains hundreds of pipes Each family is different from the others which may be grouped into five families: by the type of their sound. Diapasons Flutes Reeds Strings Mixtures This slide may be used for revising the points covered in this topic. Members of each family have stop names. Some names come from musical instruments.

45 Children and the Organ Project
Materials prepared by Laurence Rogers for the Children and the Organ Project Team: Stephen Johns James Muckle Edmund Stow Gillian Chatto Laurence Rogers John Forster Chris Darrall Sponsored by Derby and District Organists’ Association

46 Children and the Organ Project
Derby and District Organists’ Association Children and the Organ Project The project aims to introduce young children to the fascinating world of pipe organs through practical workshops and fun activities. The building and playing of organs being such multi-disciplinary activities, their study has numerous spin-offs for the school curriculum. For more information, visit our website:

47 Copyright notice Copyright owner:Derby & District Organists’ Association This PowerPoint presentation and the accompanying worksheets are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Licence The work may be copied by not-for-profit organisations for educational use, provided due attribution to the copyright owner is given. Commercial use of the materials is prohibited. To view a copy of the licence, visit:


49 Yes! This is a diapason stop.

50 Yes! This is a reed stop.

51 Yes! This is a flute stop.

52 This is a strings family stop.
Yes! This is a strings family stop.

53 Yes! This is a mixture stop.


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