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26.10.2004 The three level guidance of energy audit activity Official Guidelines for energy audits Ministry of Trade and Industry Energy Auditor’s Handbook.

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Presentation on theme: "26.10.2004 The three level guidance of energy audit activity Official Guidelines for energy audits Ministry of Trade and Industry Energy Auditor’s Handbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 26.10.2004 The three level guidance of energy audit activity Official Guidelines for energy audits Ministry of Trade and Industry Energy Auditor’s Handbook Motiva Oy Audit models, Guidelines for reporting and implementing audits for different sectors Motiva Oy

2 26.10.2004 The company’s special needs, targets The content, meaning and instructions of energy auditing procedure supported by the ministry Voluntary energy conservation agreements Links of energy auditing to environmental, quality and other functional systems or procedures of the company Resources for auditing (own work or outsourcing) Bidding Evaluation of the tenders Decision of energy auditing Starting of energy audits Filling the forms for subsidies, Decision of the support Start

3 26.10.2004 The same targets in every audit model Comprehensive study Heating/electricity/fuels/renewables/water costs and energy consumption Results: Break down of consumption Better understanding about energy costs, energy consumption etc. Proposals for saving measures Justification Economy (savings, investments… Other effects and impacts

4 26.10.2004



7 Energy Analyses in Industry Report Model (MOTIVA) A p p. 7. Saving measures and economy 6. Process 5. Process services 4. Building3. Consum ption, costs 2. Basic info TABLE 1 Cons. now Saving pot. Invest. Electr. Fuels Water Total 012 3-4 5- Savings € 1. Summary - text - tables 1,2 - - Sankey diagram - process block diagr. Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön tukema energiakatselmushanke DNro: 333/954/93 Päätöksen pvm 30.12.1993 J P - T A L O T E K N I I K K A ENERGY ANALYSES REPORT Company Ltd Helsinki 5.9.1999 Company Oy Jaakko Pöyry Group TABLE 2 Saving measur. 1 Saving measur. 2 : Savings € Invest. € Pay back period Total PL 27, 00131 HELSINKI Puh. 09 - 46911 Fax. 09 - 4691 311

8 26.10.2004 Energy audits in industry Energy audit process service systems facilities Energy analysis processes process sevice systems facilities Energy audits in process industry will be carried out in two phases

9 26.10.2004 report Energy-analyses for process industry CA PES CA Scheduling Auditreport Auditreport CA Budjeting Plans for energy saving (requirements of Agreement of Energy Saving) potential / targets shedulesand costs Survey phase = Factory audit carried out by a team of professionals Complementing analyses More detailedstudyof saving potential found in factory audit Report measures saving potential investments pay back period Strategic planning of the unit Strateg. invest. saving meas.. training... Report of the factory audit (Preliminary Plan for Energy Saving) energy breakdown, saving potential saving proposals needs for Complementing Analyses, rough saving potential and profitability, preliminary project plans Audit, phase 1 Annual Reports to the Finnish Industrial organisations Phase 2. Complementing analyses Phase 1: Factory audit

10 26.10.2004 Example: Load and energy efficiency analyses of compressed air systems need of compressed air and possibilities to replacements pressure level, condition of the network production costs, efficiency of use energy efficiency of production of compressed air, possibilities to improve the efficiency heat recovery etc. Electric load change (15 min average) during a week Idling and working load 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 time Electric load [kW] Week end 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1112131415161718191101111121131141151161171181191201 time [s] Electric load [kW] Energy efficiency in process services

11 26.10.2004 Total consumptions, energy costs, saving potentials and investments of 20 energy audits in the industry sector with total energy consumption of 70-500 GWh/a during the period 1992-2002

12 26.10.2004 Energy savings potential found in energy audits (in industry in Finland) Fuels 10-15 % Electricity 4-8 % (even lower in process industry) Water 10-15 % Average pay-back time for investments 2-3 years About one third of the savings potential can be realised without major investments (operational measures) Two thirds of the savings potential will be realised during next 3-5 years period after the audit

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