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1. Our mission “… to preserve, promote, and improve the health and well being of populations, communities, and individuals. To fulfill this mission, we.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Our mission “… to preserve, promote, and improve the health and well being of populations, communities, and individuals. To fulfill this mission, we."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Our mission “… to preserve, promote, and improve the health and well being of populations, communities, and individuals. To fulfill this mission, we foster collaborations among public health and the health professions in education, research, and service.” 2

3  Behavioral Science and Community Health  Biostatistics  Clinical and Health Psychology  Environmental and Global Health  Epidemiology  Health Services Research, Management and Policy  Occupational Therapy  Physical Therapy  Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Our Departments 3

4  7 PhD programs  2 professional doctoral programs  6 masters degree programs  2 undergraduate majors - Bachelor of Health Science  5 concurrent/joint degree programs (e.g., MPH/DVM)  5 certificate programs (e.g., Geriatric Care Management) 4

5 PhD Programs  Biostatistics  Clinical and Health Psychology  Epidemiology  Health Services Research  Rehabilitation Science  Speech Language Pathology 5

6 Professional Doctoral Programs  Doctor of Audiology  Doctor of Physical Therapy 6

7 Masters Degree Programs  Biostatistics  Health Administration  Occupational Therapy  Psychology  Public Health  Speech/Language Pathology 7

8 Bachelor of Health Science 8

9 Our Students  Number more than 2,000  Range in age from 18 to 56 years old  79% are women; 21% are men  Approx. 30% are from minority backgrounds 12% Latino/Hispanic 10% Asian/Pacific Islanders 8% African American 9

10 Growth of Academic Programs 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 2007- 2008 2008- 2009 2009- 2010 Degrees Awarded Bachelors 198206182209204 Masters 185184160152155 Doctoral 7395141126171 Total Total 456485483487530 10

11 US News and World Report Ranking of Programs at AAU Public Universities PHHP Academic ProgramRanking Audiology3 rd Speech Language Pathology9 th Clinical Psychology17 th Health Care Management12 th Occupational Therapy5 th Physical Therapy4 th 11

12 Research 12

13 Research Grants and Contracts 13

14 FY 2000-2010 Research Awards Among UF Colleges Rank College Amount ($ million) 1Medicine305.1 2Engineering74.7 3IFAS66.8 4Liberal Arts and Sciences40.0 5 Public Health and Health Professions 18.3 6Dentistry18.0 7Education10.9 8Pharmacy10.5 9Veterinary Medicine8.7 10Health & Human Performance5.2 11Design, Construction & Planning4.0 12Nursing2.0 13Business1.7 14Journalism and Communications1.6 15Fine Arts0.2 16Law0.1 14

15 Centers  Florida Center for Medicaid and the Uninsured  Florida Center on Disability and Health  Institute for Mobility, Activity and Participation  National Rural Behavioral Health Center  Hearing Research Center  Center for Telehealth and Healthcare Communications  Center for Pediatric Psychology and Family Studies  Center for Research in Psychophysiology  Center for Pain Research and Behavioral Health  Florida Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation 15

16 Clinical and Community Services 16

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