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NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Analysis Processes within Enterprise Architecture (EA) September 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Analysis Processes within Enterprise Architecture (EA) September 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Space Launch System (SLS) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Analysis Processes within Enterprise Architecture (EA) September 11, 2013 Mark Lee Guy Kubic Cover Page 2013 NASA IV&V Workshop

2 Agenda Objective: Describe how IV&V uses EA model and tools to perform IV&V on SLS Flight Software (FSW) SLS Flight Software (FSW) SLS Vehicle Design Architecture Flight Computer Avionics Software (FCAS) Breakdown Enterprise Architect (EA) Tools Overview Tools for IV&V IV&V Performance Definition IV&V Three (3) Questions EA Capabilities Map to Technical Framework (TF) Goals Summary EA to Perform IV&V Analysis Conclusion NOTES The objective of this presentation is: How to use Enterprise Architect (EA) tools to perform IV&V on the SLS Flight Software. Our Target Discussion Topic which is the SLS Flight Software How EA Modeling is utilized for both FSW development and IV&V IV&V Performance using EA Summary

3 SLS Vehicle Design Architecture
NOTES There will be a figure of the SLS vehicle architecture Talking points of what it does. SLS vehicle includes SRBs, engines, FC and US, CS, Payloads and ICPS and Launch Abort System (LAS).

4 SLS-Flight Computer Avionics Software (FCAS)
SLS IV&V Scope Guidance, Navigation & Control Thrust Vector Control-Stages Real Time Operating System M&FM - Mission Manager M&FM - Abort Manager M&FM - FC Redundancy Manager Redundant Inertial Navigation Unit Core Stage Engine Control Unit DOLILU Flight Design Mission Execution & Flight Ops Upper Stage Engine Control Unit 1553 I/O ICPS NOTES Functional breakdown of the SLS Flight Computer (FC) avionics architecture highlights Key Software (SW) design points. This is SLS and use outside drawing with SRBs, engines, FC and US, CS, Payloads and ICPS and Launch Abort System (LAS). The interface plane between FSW/FC spans multiple elements. Facilitate definition of functional interfaces between FSW/FC and SLS elements. Ensure FSW adherence to the design and interface requirements between the FSW and the elements.3 FSW/FCs which reside within Stages Element Take away Providing IVV for this FC System Big Deal, what is the value doing IVV and double checking 1: IV&V team provides analysis of the safety-critical SLS software

5 Enterprise Architect (EA) - Overview
EA is a full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) modeling Capability SLS-FSW Vehicle Functional Analysis Model (VFAM) architecture EA SPARX Systems package chosen as the Unified Modeling Language (UML)/SysML tool NASA Trade study evaluated tools such as CRADLE by 3SL, Rhapsody by IBM, CORE by Vitech, and EA by SPARX Systems. EA easy to create, navigate and view SLS Vehicle Functional Model Generates complex VFAM requirements, diagram structures, flows deliverables Relies heavily on UML hyperlinks between diagrams Compared to “other” functional analysis tools (i.e. Visio, WORD, Excel) EA is able to import DOORS requirements and specifications Easily identify new, deleted, and modified requirements NOTES EA is a full FSW development Life Cycle (SDLC) modeling capability NASA evaluated other tools including. Reference SLS-RPT-072 version 2; May 30,2013 EA Offered SLS-FSW modeling and integration advantages; Lower Cost; Availability; Tailoring Versions of diagrams; EA easy to create, navigate and view SLS Vehicle Functional Model. Generates complex SLS Vehicle Functional Analysis Model (VFAM) requirements, diagram structures, flows and deliverables; Relies heavily on hyperlinks between diagrams; Compared to Ad Hoc functional analysis tools (i.e. Visio, WORD, Excel). EA is useful to import DOORS requirements and specifications. 2: IV&V using EA modeling and tools to support key IV&V objectives for SLS

6 Use of EA to Meet IV&V TF Goals
EA End-to-End Traceability for Consistency (TF3.1-TF3.3) Inspect to validate requirements (Black Box [BB], Design Level Requirements [DLR]), and Design Elements against IV&V quality criteria EA High Value, End-To-End Modeling (TF5.1-TF5.3) Inspect trace to SLS-FSW requirements, design, implementation EA Model, Manage and Trace Requirements (TF3,TF5) Search SLS-FSW model build and report on BB and DLR hierarchy Performs impact analysis on requirement and design changes throughout SDLC EA Powerful Document Generation Utilize standard EA generation of requirements reports from SLS-FSW model Utilize customized scripts to generate report of requirements traces EA Advanced UML Driven Architecture Allows Automatic Interactive Visualization of SLS-VFAM EA Tools for IV&V immediate impact analysis and views across the SDLC: EA Manages Complex SLS VFAM release baselines Powerful Database Modeling High Value, End-To-End Modeling End-to-End Traceability – Black Box and Design Level Requirements, analysis, and design elements Model, Manage and Trace Requirements Manage Complexity Powerful Document Generation Generation and Reverse Engineering of Source Code Visualize your Applications Advanced Model Driven Architecture Debugging, Compiling and Visualizing Executing Code Automation - Harness the Power Systems Engineering and Simulation Build upon UML 2.4.1 Effective Project Management 3: IV&V uses EA modeling functions and tools to achieve IV&V on SLS-FSW artifacts

7 Enterprise Architect (EA) – IV&V
IV&V analysis and hierarchy views across SDLC EA End-to-End Traceability (TF3.1-TF3.3) EA End-To-End Modeling (TF5.1-TF5.3)

8 Enterprise Architect (EA) – IV&V
EA Powerful Document Generation Utilize standard EA generation of requirements reports from SLS-FSW model Utilize customized scripts to generate report of requirements traces EA Advanced UML Driven Architecture Allows Automatic Interactive Visualization of SLS-VFAM

9 IV&V Performance Definition - IVV SECTION (from IEEE 1012 V&V Std): “The dynamics of software and the multitude of different logic paths available within software in response to varying system stimuli and conditions demand that the software V&V effort examine the correctness of the code for each possible variation in system conditions.” Three IV&V Questions Examine Behavior of the In-Scope SLS Software: Will the SLS Software do what it is supposed to do? Will the SLS Software not do what it is not supposed to do? Will the SLS Software respond as expected under adverse conditions? 4: IV&V examines software behavior in response to varying system conditions 5: IV&V perspectives take on the form of three (3) questions

10 EA Capabilities Map to TF Goals
IV&V uses EA to perform IV&V Analysis Methods to accomplish Technical Framework Goals associated with Requirements and Design Enterprise Architect (EA) Tool TF-3 (Requirements) TF (Design) End-to-End Traceability 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5  Requirements Trace Trace Report 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5 Design Level Requirement Link Report Design Level Requirement Issue Report Element Compliance Event Analysis Rep Parametric analysis Difference Two Requirement Files for changes IV&V analyzes SLS-FSW Specifications, Bbox, Wbox, Design, CM IV&V makes an EA build after each SPRINT IV&V traces for Completeness and Cohesiveness IV&V methods applies 3 Questions to table for every tool, adhering to tool Method put together on tools and scripts help us achieve these goals Makes EA with functionality it easier enhancement to the tools. IV&V TSR/TF methods provide framework using EA to assure consistency and quality 8 Apply EA to perform IV&V using tools and scripts we believe provide these functions on. Specifications (Black box / White Box) Design Implementation (We apply TF/METHODS to perform IVV) Configuration Management (CM) Use TOOLS to apply methods. Make EA build after each SPRINT Trace Completeness and Cohesiveness How 3 Questions Applied to Table – State we are trying to meet objectives IPEP / TSR / Methods Traceability Using EA Tools HAZARD TF/METHODS provides application of Framework Assure consistency and quality 6: IV&V applies analysis methods using EA to accomplish Technical Framework goals

11 Summary In Summary IV&V uses EA tools to perform IV&V on SLS Flight Software (FSW) 1: IV&V team provides analysis of the safety-critical SLS software 2: IV&V using EA modeling and tools to support key IV&V objectives for SLS 3: IV&V uses EA modeling functions and tools to achieve IV&V on SLS-FSW artifacts 4: IV&V examines software behavior in response to varying system conditions 5: IV&V perspectives take on the form of three (3) questions 6: IV&V applies analysis methods using EA to accomplish Technical Framework goals


13 TF3 Elements and Methods
Narrative of TF Element Method(s) to be Utilized 3.1 Ensure that the system requirements are of high quality and are consistent with acquirer needs as they relate to the system’s software. 1) Validate Requirements by Inspecting Against Quality Criteria 3.2 Ensure that all (in-scope) parent requirements are represented in the appropriate child requirements and that the child requirements do not introduce capability that is not required. 1) Validate Requirements by Inspecting Bidirectional Traces 3.3 Ensure that the software requirements are of high quality and adequately meet the needs of the system with respect to expectations of its customer and users, operational environment, and both functional and non-functional perspectives. 3.4 Ensure that the requirements for software interfaces with hardware, user, operator, and other systems are adequate to meet the needs of the system with respect to expectations of its customer and users, operational environment, dependability and fault tolerance, and both functional and non-functional perspectives.

14 TF5 Elements and Methods
Narrative of TF Element Method(s) to be Utilized 5.1 Ensure that all (in-scope) requirements (e.g. SRS and IRS) are represented in the appropriate elements of the design (e.g. SDD and IDD) and that the design does not introduce capability that is not required. 1) Verify Software Design by Inspecting Traces to Requirements and Software Architecture 5.2 Ensure that the design provides the required capability (meeting software architecture and software requirements), is able to reliably meet user needs, and is sufficiently stable to proceed with implementation. 5.3 Ensure that the proposed software architecture satisfies the needs of the system, and that it is a feasible solution (i.e. will successfully satisfy the needs of the system, while still being practical). 5.4 Ensure that the internal and external software interface designs are provided for all (in-scope) interfaces with hardware, user, operator, software, and other systems and that they provide sufficient detail to enable the development of software components that implement the interfaces. 1) Verify Software Interface Design by Inspection Against Interface Requirements 5.5 Ensure that complex algorithms have been correctly derived, provide the needed behavior under off nominal conditions and assumed conditions, and that the derivation approach is known and understood to support future maintenance.

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