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Teachers Resources for Pre-school and Kindergarten Currie Harris EDUC 210 Web. Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers Resources for Pre-school and Kindergarten Currie Harris EDUC 210 Web. Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers Resources for Pre-school and Kindergarten Currie Harris EDUC 210 Web. Resources

2 Lakeshore learning come from play Preschool- Kindergarten Preschoolte media/images/free_resources/teachers_corner/ lesson_plans/lessonPlansObjective.gifnObjectiv e CCSS Math: Measurement & Data K.MD.A.2: Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common to see which object has “more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference.

3 Preschool–Kindergarten Objective CCSS Math: Measurement & Data K.MD.A.2: Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common to see which object has “more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference.

4 Materials NeededChart paper Funny Fish illustrations Shorter/Longer sorting mat Safety Scissors Lakeshore Glue Sticks Materials Needed Chart paper Funny Fish illustrations Shorter/Longer sorting mat Safety Scissors Lakeshore Glue Sticks

5 Preparation Print a set of Funny Fish illustrations and a Shorter/Longer sorting mat for each student.

6 Introduction Explain to students that when we compare two objects, we use special comparison words to describe how they relate to one another (such as smaller/bigger, shorter/taller, shorter/longer, lighter/heavier and so on). Write each comparison word on chart paper, accompanied by a simple illustration.

7 Procedure Invite a pair of student volunteers to come up to the front of the room and stand side by side. Ask, “Who is taller?” and “Who is shorter?” Then follow up with “How do you know?” (Prompt students to explain that the top of one’s head is higher than the other’s, or to use similar language to describe their observations.) Continue making comparisons using finger length, hair length, arm length, foot size and so on, using a variety of student pairs. Encourage students to state their observations of measurable attributes while describing their differences.

8 Independent Practice Give each student a set of Funny Fish illustrations, a sorting mat and a pair of scissors. Set out glue sticks for students to use (or give one to each student). Have the students cut out the fish illustrations. Ask students to identify which fish in each pair is shorter and which is longer, and then sort them into the “Shorter” and “Longer” categories on their sorting mats. When they are finished sorting, invite students to glue the fish down and color them. You see learning, you see fun.

9 Creating a leading ship legacy Disney youth education series.Students learn how to develop their own leadership legacy, to become confident in their ability to accomplish their goals and motivated to achieve the impossible

10 teaching-ideas-and-resources / This educational section pretty much as it all, including classroom ideas, teaching resources, simple childhood songs, and homework resources also. Examples in the picture to the right.

11 oom-resources/grade/kindergarten/ Used to build student’s word recognition and to teach kindergarten students to think for themselves.

12 wheres-my-car The color by letter worksheets are made in such a way that students have fun while scouring through letters to find the right color to put on the image.

13 PreKinders is a resource site for teachers of Pre-K and Preschool with teac her-created activities, lesson ideas, printable’s, and themes for your classroom.

14 They are teaching kids how to read and how to enjoy it such as Sesame Street.

15 At Everything Preschool our philosophy revolves around the concept that Children learn through doing.

16 KidSparkz Preschool Resources offers free preschool curriculu m and activities,... childcare providers, preschool teachers and parents of preschoolers.

17 nce/professionals/preschool Preschool educators play a critical role in promoting literacy, preventing reading. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators.

18 The things we Can Do in preschool · The Things We... Tips for finding resources for your preschool classroo m.

19 Everything Preschool has more than 30,000 resources (most of them activities worth doing) that are great for preschool teachers.

20 The National Institute For Early Education Research (NIEER) is a well-known resource for teachers, administrators, and parents looking for innovative research in the preschool field. Basically, you can learn about the current research being done in your field.

21 DLTK's Crafts for Kids features a variety of printable children's crafts, coloring pages and activities including projects for holidays, educational themes and some of our children's favorite cartoon characters.

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