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Cytopathology Challenge!

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1 Cytopathology Challenge!
Weekly Cases Week of Nov 5th 2007

2 1 51 year-old male with lung transplant. BAL. Reactive CMV
Bronchioloaveolar carcinoma TB granulomatous changes Non-small cell lung carcinoma 1

3 2 67 year old female with pulmonary infiltrate. BAL.
Squamous cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma Reactive 2

4 3 34 year old female. ThinPrep pap Endocervical cells
Squamous metaplasia ASCUS LSIL HSIL 3

5 4 58 year-old male with lung mass. FNA cell block. Squamous metaplasia
Non-small cell lung carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Large cell variant neuroendocrine carcinoma Granuloma 4

6 5 44 year old female with “cold”
thyroid nodule. FNA demonstrated scant colloid and sheets of these cells in microfollicular pattern. Follicular adenoma Follicular carcinoma Indeterminate Papillary carcinoma Medullary carcinoma 5

7 6 34 year old female. ThinPrep pap Endocervical cells
Squamous metaplasia ASCUS LSIL HSIL 6

8 7 59 year old female with breast cancer and pleural effusion.
Pleural fluid cytospin. Metastatic breast carcinoma Reactive pulmonary macrophages Reactive mesothelial cells Viral inclusion Mesothelioma 7

9 8 29 year old female. ThinPrep pap Endometrial cells
Endocervical cells ASC-US LSIL HSIL 8

10 9 49 year old female with thyroid nodule. FNA DiffQuik A. Goiter
B. Graves disease C. Cyst contents D. Neoplasm E. Hurthle cells/reactive 9

11 10 67 year old male. Bladder wash. Reactive urothelial/umbrella cell
Papillary neoplasm – low grade Papillary neoplasm – high grade Squamous cell carcinoma HPV effect 10

12 Answers A Reactive E Reactive – endobronchial cells and macrophages
Multi-nucleated bronchial epithelial cell. Sometimes they do that…not related to tumor or specific virus E Reactive – endobronchial cells and macrophages Open chromatin, reactive nucleoli. No tumor in this. E HSIL High NC ratio, irregular nuclei B Non-small cell lung CA Probably squamous. Too much cytoplasm for neuroendocrine or small cell. NC ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei would argue against granuloma C Indeterminate The scant colloid and sheets or follicular cells (photo) in a microfollicular pattern would suggest a follicular lesion, but we can’t assess adenoma vs carcinoma on FNA so we call them indeterminate. D LSIL Koilocytes again! A Metastatic breast CA Mucin in the cytoplasm – almost forming a signet ring. B Reactive endocervical cells Normal. No dysplasia in this one. D. Neoplasm – Papillary thyroid carcinoma See the nuclear pseudoinclusion……. A Reactive urothelium/umbrella cell They can be binucleate. Looks like HPV – but it’s urothelium and not related in any way to HPV in cervix

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