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Published byAnnabelle Mitchell Modified over 9 years ago
The Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) Programs “The Law” Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) programs in accordance with Title 38, Chapter 41 and 42 of the United States Code (38 U.S.C.). Today we are going to discuss the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program, more commonly referred to as the DVOP program, and the Local Veterans Employment Representative program, more commonly referred to as the LVER program. These programs are funded through grants provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service. Funding is provided to each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the form of yearly grants distributed to the states based on a formula that considers the state’s percentage of the total number of veterans seeking employment in the United States.
U. S. Department of Labor --- -- Organizational Chart
Secretary of Labor LVER/DVOP Program VWIP (WIA Section 168) HVRP TAP FCJL USERRA Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training RAVET Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) organizational chart. This first section indicates those programs for which VETS provides funding and performs oversight responsibilities. VETS is run by an Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training, known as the “ASVET” – currently this is Charles Ciccolella. The programs for which the agency is responsible are: The Local Veterans Employment Representative and the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (the focus of this presentation). The Veterans Workforce Investment Program – a training program directed at assisting veterans to obtain licenses and certifications to become a more competitive job seeker. This grant program is awarded based on a competitive process. The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program – a grant program also awarded based on a competitive process, to assist homeless veterans in successfully reintegrating into society. The Transition Assistance Program – trains retiring and separating service members and their spouses on how to job search in the civilian market. Usually a 3-5 day workshop. Federal Contractor Job Listing Program – requires Federal contractors to list most job openings with the public labor exchange. In addition, all federal contracts are required to provide affirmative action in the hiring of disabled, campaign badge, and recently separated (within 3 years after separation) veterans. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act which is handled by the Director of Veterans’ Employment and Training (DVET). This key piece of legislation, particularly with our current War on Terrorism, applies to active duty members as well as Guard and Reservists who are activated for military service. The statue requires job protection rights for these individuals. If you have any specific questions regarding this program, the person to call is the DVET (Name and number). This next group of positions are the Federal staff located in the states to provide oversight and technical assistance to grantees. The Regional Administrator for our state is ………. located in ……… Each state has a DVET. Our DVET is ……………. The DVET has other staff such as an Assistant Director, Veterans’ Programs Specialist, and Veterans’ Programs Assistant. The One-Stop Delivery System is responsible for providing priority assistance to veterans who are seeking employment. LVER and DVOP staff are to assist the state in accomplishing this task. These separately funded staff are to augment services to veterans and not to supplant other staff from providing priority service to veterans. DVET ADVET VPS/VPA CTDOL-OVWD LVER DVOP
STATE PLANS Section 4102 A ( c ) 2
Funds provided to States will be based upon an approved plan that contains: A description of services to be provided The duties assigned to DVOPs and LVERs The manner in which DVOPs and LVERs are integrated in the employment service delivery system The veteran population to be served and Incentive performance plan Title 38, Chapters 41, 42 and 43 govern the responsibilities of VETS. Public Law , passed in November 2002, made changes to Title 38. The most significant change concerns the manner in which states will request funding for these programs. Beginning in FY 2003, States provide a plan that details how the DVOP and LVER programs will be run at the state level using new parameters referenced in Chapter 41. In the past, grant funds were provided to the States. With the changes to Chapter 41, States now develop a plan that contains the items listed here in order to receive funds to support the hiring of DVOP and LVER staff. In addition, the state will be monitored according to the plan they have submitted, as negotiated and approved by VETS. The emphasis throughout the law and the state plan is on DVOP and LVER duties and how these positions will be integrated into the One-Stop system or employment service delivery system in the State. With the variety of State systems in use today, this allows increased flexibility to design a plan that best fits the needs of the State and the veterans that are seeking employment in that State. In addition, a new and more clearly defined role for DVOP specialist and LVER staff, as a way to clearly draw attention to the differences between the programs, is an important theme throughout the new law. History point: About 5 years ago, a survey was conducted by the General Accounting Office (GAO) of DVOP specialist and LVER staff. This study queried time usage by type of service for each program’s staff. The results indicated that most of a DVOP specialist’s time was spent on registration and referral. This was in direct contrast to the previous statute and Congressional intent. Congress desires that the two programs, DVOP and LVER, are separate and distinct. The changes under the Jobs for Veterans Act, or Public Law , are intended to make this distinction based on Congressional intent of the program.
Performance Goals for the One-Stop Delivery System
VPL 4-06 For All Veterans and Disabled Veterans: Veterans Entered Employment Rate Veterans Employment Retention Rate Just as your programs are measured on performance in one way or another, the One-Stop Delivery System in the State is measured on services to veterans and disabled veterans. The Congressional intent, codified in Title 38, Chapter 41, says the entire One-Stop Delivery System is responsible to provide priority service to assist veterans seeking employment. The levels of performance to be met are negotiated between the State and the DVET. These negotiated measures indicate a minimum acceptable level of service expected to be provided to veterans and disabled veterans being served within the entire One-Stop Delivery System.
DVOP/LVER Programs VPL 07-05
Preference for hiring: Qualified service-connected disabled veterans Qualified eligible veterans Qualified eligible persons Preference in the hiring of either position is required. As indicated, no matter what category the veteran falls, they must first be qualified for the position. Service-connected disabled veterans are the highest category of preference for hiring DVOP specialists and LVER staff. The next category is eligible veterans. The final category is eligible persons. An eligible person is a spouse of a service member who was (1) Killed in Action, (2) is rated at 100% permanent service connected by the VA, or (3) has died from their service connected injuries. They are considered honorary veterans. In the event that a qualified veteran cannot be located, the State can, in discussion with the DVET, temporarily hire a non-veteran for a six month period. During that period, the State is expected to seek out qualified veterans to fill the opening at the end of the six month period.
DVOP Program Full or part-time Intensive services Priority of service
Section 4103A Full or part-time Intensive services Priority of service A. Special disabled veterans B. Other disabled veterans C. Other eligible veterans DVOP specialists are discussed in Section 4103A and LVER staff are discussed in Section 4104 of Title 38, Chapter 41. For the first time, DVOP specialists can be assigned as either full or part-time; part-time meaning not less than 50% of their time. Previously, only LVER staff could be assigned as part-time. Intensive services, or case management, is now established in law. These terms are used interchangeably. DVOP staff are to provide intensive services to veterans. The priority order in which DVOP specialists are to serve veteran customers is also clearly indicated in the law. A special disabled veteran is a veteran rated by the VA at 30% or higher for a service connected disability. A disabled veteran can be a person who is rated at lower than 30% by the VA (and might be eligible for the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program) or was medically discharged from the service.
DVOP Specialist Duties
VPL 07-05 of intensive services to veterans with special Facilitation employment and training needs. a. Conduct an assessment b. Develop plan of action that is documented (EDP) c. Provide career guidance d. Coordinate supportive service(s) e. Make job development contact(s) f. Provide referrals to training g. Make Referrals to job openings Around the time Public Law was passed, a committee was formed to clarify new requirements for veteran programs. These next few slides contain excerpts from Veterans Program Letter (VPL) VPLs are the vehicle by which VETS provides additional guidance to the states to clarify veterans program requirements. This first duty for the DVOP specialist is a direct crosswalk from the law. Items a through g are those activities that a DVOP could perform to assist a veteran in support of this intensive services responsibility. Not all veterans will require intensive services. However, if a barrier to employment is disclosed, that veteran could benefit from the provision of intensive services. The State has the flexibility to determine the method to be used to screen individuals for intensive services by DVOP specialists. In order for a DVOP to be considered as having provided intensive services, requirements a and b must be accomplished. Once an assessment is completed and barriers to employment are identified, the DVOP and veteran can then begin work on developing a plan of action for the veteran to follow with the ultimate objective of obtaining employment.
DVOP VPL 07-05 (a) VR&E (b) HVRP
2. Conduct outreach to locate veterans for intensive services such as: (a) VR&E (b) HVRP (c) VA Medical centers and Vet Centers (d) Homeless Shelters (e) Civic and service organizations (f) Community Stand Downs Military Installations WIA partners State Vocational Rehabilitation Services This duty goes hand in hand with providing intensive services. Some DVOP specialists will work in an office where the number of veterans needing intensive services might be limited. DVOP specialists need to outreach to locate those veterans with employment barriers. Some locations that are appropriate for outreach are listed here. Outreach should be provided at locations where job seeking veterans, or veterans interested in becoming employed, might be located. If the DVOP is over loaded with veterans needing intensive services, then they will probably not be doing as much outreach as other DVOP specialists.
DVOP VPL 07-05 Provide a full range of employment and training services to veterans, with the primary focus of meeting the needs of veterans and eligible persons who are unable to obtain employment through core services. DVOP specialists facilitate Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Employment workshops as approved in the State Plan. In order to build flexibility into the duties of the DVOP specialist and assist with integrating the DVOP into the One-Stop system, DVOP specialists were tasked with assisting veterans in a capacity outside of intensive services. This duty does not negate the requirement for DVOP specialists to provide intensive services. The emphasis for DVOP specialists, by law, remains on those veterans needing more than core services in order to become ready for employment. No longer is the focus of either program on providing service to all veterans that walk in the door. It can be said that DVOP specialists provide one-on-one service to veterans in need. The DVOP is not meant to work with job ready veterans but rather to focus on those veterans requiring intensive services to overcome barriers before they are ready to be employed.
LVER Program Section 4104 (1) Conduct outreach to employers in the area to assist veterans in gaining employment, including conducting seminars for employers and, in conjunction with employers, conducting job search workshops and establishing job search groups; (2) Facilitate employment, training and placement services furnished to veterans. (d) Manager’s Report The LVER has principle duties defined in law. Outreach to employers, or employer relations, to assist veterans in obtaining employment and connecting veterans with employers is a primary duty. The LVER is also responsible to facilitate employment, training and placement services for veterans. The Manager’s report is also mentioned in law. The VPL’s identify the LVER duties in relation to the duties mentioned in law. The VPL typically defines the duties in a more descriptive manner.
LVER Duties VPL 07-05 As an integral part of the State’s Labor Exchange System, LVER staff work with other service providers to promote veterans as job seekers who have highly marketable skills and experience. The next few slides provide an overview of the LVER roles and responsibilities that are clarified in VPL LVER duties relate directly to enhancing the opportunities for all veterans in the workforce. Working with other workforce development providers and employers to develop their capacity to recognize and respond to the needs of the veteran customer can assist in accomplishing this responsibility. Again, no longer is the focus of either program on providing service to all veterans as they walk in the door. In contrast to the intensive one-on-one focus of the DVOP specialist, the LVER staff advocate on behalf of all veterans to enhance their overall opportunities for employment.
LVER Duties VPL 07-05 Advocate for employment and training opportunities with business and industry, and community-based organizations. Responsibilities may include the following activities: Plan and participate in job fairs to promote services to veterans. Work with unions, apprenticeship programs and business community to promote employment and training opportunities for veterans. Promote credentialing and training opportunities for veterans with training providers and credentialing bodies. This responsibility is pretty straightforward and also crosswalks to the statute. It is Congressional intention that LVER staff will work on building the capacity and increasing opportunities for veterans to become employed. In this capacity, LVER staff could be a part of a team that works with employers rather than necessarily on their own. How LVER staff might accomplish this responsibility would be appropriate to include in the development of the State plan. Probably the biggest issue with this duty is that across the nation, LVER staff have not been accomplishing this role. Instead, they have been in the office providing direct services to veterans as they walk in the door.
LVER Duties VPL 07-05 Establish, facilitate, and/or maintain regular contact with employers to include federal contractors. They should coordinate with employer relations representatives as part of the One-Stop system to include veterans in their marketing efforts. Again, the LVER staff can be a part of a team that makes contact and builds relations with employers. In addition, as a part of the flexibilities under the law, the LVER can market the entire employment system to employers, with a focus on veterans. Components of an employer relations contact plan, including identified federal contractors, may include the following: i. Telephone contacts ii. Employer visits iii. Ongoing research and analysis of local market conditions and employment opportunities Depending on that State employment service delivery system, the LVER could be coordinating with employer relations representatives in the service delivery point (SDP) to facilitate and promote opportunities for veterans seeking jobs.
LVER Duties VPL 07-05 Provide and facilitate a full range of employment, training and placement services to meet the needs of veterans. These services may include: Conducting job search assistance workshops Providing job development and referral Providing vocational guidance Providing Labor Market Information Providing referrals to training and supportive services The committee wanted to build flexibility into the duties of the LVER staff as they did with the DVOP specialist program. This duty allows LVER staff to assist veterans as needed in the office. Also to assist and train other service providers with responsibility to servicing veterans.
LVER DUTIES VPL 7-05 5. LVER staff facilitate TAP employment workshops as approved in the state plan. 6. Coordinate with the SDP manager in the preparation of the Manager Report on services to veterans. LVERs facilitate TAP workshops on the military bases. DVOPs also conduct this role. This is the one duty that overlaps between the two positions. As in Chapter 41, we see the manager’s report mentioned in the VPL as well. LVERs work with the local managers in preparing the report on veteran services.
NEED FOR DISTINCTION SPECIALIZATION OF ROLES OTHER STAFF ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR SERVICES TO VETERANS In summary, these three keys points indicate the direction these programs need to be heading now to ensure Congress continues to fund the DVOP and LVER Programs. The first item – Need for Distinction – is important in that DVOP specialist and LVER staff need to be distinct from each other. The General Accounting Office (GAO) has indicated that these programs are to remain different from each other. Program standards have been developed to indicate the importance that DVOP specialists and LVER staff remain different from each other. Second, is that DVOP specialists and LVER staff are specialized in their roles and how they fit into the One Stop System. If the staff that fill these positions continue to carry out as their main functions registration and job referral, as reported in the GAO survey 5 years ago, there will be no need to have a unique grant and statute to assist veterans in seeking employment opportunities. The new role of DVOP specialists and LVER staff is more like other separately funded staff, such as WIA. Wagner-Peyser funded staff continue to hold the responsibility to provide priority assistance to veterans seeking employment. DVOP and LVER staff were never meant to be the main or sole providers of core services to veterans. They are to assist in services to veterans appropriate with their roles and responsibilities as outline in law. They do not supplant employment service staff. Historical note – in the 1980’s ETA Wagner-Peyser took a huge hit in funding which resulted in the loss of staff. They continue to lose staff based on decreased funding. VETS assisted in efforts to serve veterans in place of this loss of staff. It is now necessary to get these programs back on track so that LVER staff are doing what Congress intended and DVOP specialists are doing what Congress intended for them to do..
P. L Section 4215 (a) (2) (3) Priority of service for veterans in Department of Labor job training programs “Qualified job training program” is any workforce preparation, development, or delivery program or service that is directly funded, in whole or in part, by the Department of Labor. Priority of service for veterans has been around for many years. It was previously written in the Code of Federal Regulations. This gave priority of service to veterans in referral to jobs. Typically through the 80’s and 90’s most states had a 24 or 48 hour hold on all job orders in order to accomplish a file search for veteran referrals before non veteran referrals. The passage of priority of service for veterans has now been written into Title 38, Section 42, U.S.C. Under these changes, the State is responsible for ensuring that veterans receive priority consideration in all Department of Labor funded job training programs. The changes have and will make and impact on many Department of Labor programs. In essence, if a veteran is meets the program qualifications to be enrolled in a WIA program, then that veteran has priority over non-veterans in program enrollment. (read section of new law)
Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 5-03
20 DOL-Funded workforce programs are covered by section 4215: WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker Wagner-Peyser Employment Services Trade Act Programs National Emergency Grants Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Program Indian and Native American Program Job Corps WIA Demonstration Projects Labor Market Information Grants Career One-Stop Electronic Tools Other Internet-based self-service tools operated by DOL programs This is a laundry list of programs affected by the passage of the priority of service law. This list is not all encompassing, but provides a good idea of the number of affected programs in which priority enrollment of qualified veterans exist. To get further guidance on each program, see the website:
P. L Section 4215 (a) (2) (3) Priority of service for veterans in Department of Labor job training programs `Priority of service' means, with respect to any qualified job training program, that a covered person shall be given priority over nonveterans for the receipt of employment, training, and placement services provided under that program. The key here is that the “covered person” – veteran - must first meet the qualification requirements of the program before priority can be provided. For example, a 30 year old veteran would not be eligible to enroll in the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) because that veteran would not meet the age eligibility for SCSEP.
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