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The Shoulder Acute Care Lab Spring ‘10. Bony Anatomy Clavicle  “Collar Bone”  Only part of shoulder girdle that articulates with the trunk (Sternoclavicular.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shoulder Acute Care Lab Spring ‘10. Bony Anatomy Clavicle  “Collar Bone”  Only part of shoulder girdle that articulates with the trunk (Sternoclavicular."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Shoulder Acute Care Lab Spring ‘10

2 Bony Anatomy Clavicle  “Collar Bone”  Only part of shoulder girdle that articulates with the trunk (Sternoclavicular Jt.) Scapula  “Shoulder Blade” Humerus  Upper Arm Bone  Articulates with the Scapula at the Glenoid Fossa

3 Soft Tissue Anatomy: Muscles Pectoralis Major Deltoids (Anterior, Middle, Posterior) Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major

4 Soft Tissue Anatomy: Muscles

5 Rotator Cuff Muscles Rotator Cuff  Supraspinatus  Infraspinatus  Teres Minor  Subscapularis

6 Soft Tissue Anatomy: Ligaments Acromioclavicular  Connects Acromion Process to the Clavicle Coracoclavicular  Connects Coracoid Process to the Clavicle Coracoacromial  Connects Coracoid Process to the Acromion

7 Range of Motion Flexion  Pec. Major (Clavicular Portion)/Ant. Deltoid Extension  Latissimus Dorsi/Teres Major/Pec Major (Sternal Portion) Abduction  Deltoids and Rotor Cuff Adduction  Pec. Major (Sternal Portion)/Lat. Dorsi/Teres Major

8 Range of Motion Con’t External Rotation  Supraspinatus/Infraspinatus/Teres Minor  Also known as the “SIT’s” muscles of the Rotator Cuff Internal Rotation  Subscapularis and Pec. Major Horizontal Abduction  Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Post. Deltoid Horizontal Adduction  Coracobrachialis, Pec. Major, Ant. Deltoid Circumduction

9 Range of Motion

10 Padding AC Joint Pad  Can be custom made using Orthoplast  Can be generic

11 Bracing “Sully” Brace

12 Shoulder Wrap Shoulder Spica  Have athlete place their hand on their hip with the elbow in a flexed position.  Beginning on Proximal Humerus, roll wrap twice to anchor.  Pulling wrap across the chest, crossing the shoulder at the Acromion process.  Pull wrap under opposite axilla region (armpit) and around behind the back crossing over the Acromion process, underneath the axilla and around crossing back over the Acromion.  Repeat steps until wrap is completed. Secure with stretch and white tape.

13 Shoulder Spica

14 Taping McConnel taping for AC Jt. Sprain  Use Cover-Roll to form a “T” shape with the long axis following the length of the humerus to the deltoid tuberosity. The short axis crosses the top of the long axis over the AC Jt.  Using Leukotape place along the long axis pulling in a distal to proximal manner. Place another strip on the anterior aspect of the short axis pulling from anterior to posterior across the AC Jt.

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