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 International Water Institute Red River Basin – Minnesota and North Dakota Download Portal 

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Presentation on theme: " International Water Institute Red River Basin – Minnesota and North Dakota Download Portal "— Presentation transcript:

1  International Water Institute Red River Basin – Minnesota and North Dakota Download Portal  Available Data  Raw LAS  Bare Earth LAS  Intensity  2’ contours  1 and 3 meter DEM

2  MN DNR Data Deli Minnesota Extent Available Data  3 meter DEMs – ¼ 1:24,000 Quad tile  Working to include RAW LAS Files – 1/16 1:24,000 Quad tile  Zipped/Compressed using LASZIP utility to facilitate quick transfer of data  401 gb uncompressed  43 gb compressed

3  Map Services Available WMS DEM and Contours  Data services published in the near future supporting Clip and Ship  Analysis services planned Profile generation Send a point get it’s elevation Derived topographic products  Contours, Slope, Aspect….


5  LiDAR Viewer and Retrieval tools  Google IWI and LiDAR and you’ll find it

6  Standard Navigation Tools  Printing to PDF  Measurement Area and length  Drawing and Markup Tools


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