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Language Learning 2.0: Creating Immersive Learning Environments for 21st Century Learners James C. Chan Indiana University - Bloomington.

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2 Language Learning 2.0: Creating Immersive Learning Environments for 21st Century Learners James C. Chan Indiana University - Bloomington

3 Who am I & What do I do? ◦ Director, Center for Language Technology and Instructional Enrichment ( ◦ Provide technology support and instructional services to the teaching/learning/research of over 50 languages at IUB ◦ Online resources:  CeLTIE WebRecorder CeLTIE WebRecorder  IU Foreign/Second Language Portal IU Foreign/Second Language Portal  IU Foreign/Second Language Share Fair IU Foreign/Second Language Share Fair

4 Who’re the 21 st Century Learners? “Digital Natives” ◦ ◦

5 How easy for them to speak a foreign language!

6 Reflection Take a moment to reflect on your own teaching or the classroom instruction you saw: ◦ Was it teacher-centered or learner-center? ◦ Did it in anyway address the digital natives’ learning styles? What do the new technology mean to you? ◦ Threats/Disruptions ◦ Empowerments/Innovations

7 Language Learning 2.0 Principles teacher-centered  student centered (Little 2007: learner autonomy) behaviorist  interactional (Long 1996: the importance of both 'comprehensible input' and 'negotiated meaning‘); social interaction and collaboration (Vygotsky 1978, Lave 1988, Brown, Collins & Duguid 1989) classroom drills  authentic contexts (audience) for communication (to negotiate meaning) (Chapelle 1998); situated learning (Lave 1988, Brown, Collins & Duguid 1989)1998 classroom learning communities  the target language communities (Alm 2006) direct instruction  experiential (learning by doing) / immersive learning; integrate learning into life homework feedback  immediate positive reinforcement

8 Web 2.0 a second generation of the World Wide Web that enables users to collaborate and share information online. users of Web 1.0 websites, in contrast, are limited to the passive viewing of pre-made content. ◦ Web 1.0 Web 2.0 ◦ Britannica Online  Wikipedia ◦ personal website  blogging ◦ movie sites  YouTube (video sharing) ◦ brower bookmarks  social bookmarking/tagging ◦ persoanl website  mashups/social media

9 Language Learning 2.0 using web 2.0 tools to teach & learn a language ◦ 2D: Google Docs  &dt=spreadsheet#spreadsheet &dt=spreadsheet#spreadsheet ◦ 2D: Online Whiteboards  Scriblink ◦ 2D: VoiceThread https://voicethread.com ◦ 2D: Skype, Gmail Chat  The Mixxer  xLingo  Livemocha  My Language Exchange ◦ 3D: Second Life   Meet people  Get educated 

10 Immersive Learning Environments A virtual world is a online community through which users can interact (role play) with multiple users and digital objects in real time. Users take the form of avatars visible to others graphically in a simulated world (telepresence). Multimodal communication among users - through text, graphical icons ('smilies‘), visual gesture, sound, and voice. Able to support most Language Learning 2.0 principles.

11 Congratulations!

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