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1-1 Create and Enforce Sell-Side Contracts with Oracle Sales Contracts.

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Presentation on theme: "1-1 Create and Enforce Sell-Side Contracts with Oracle Sales Contracts."— Presentation transcript:

1 1-1 Create and Enforce Sell-Side Contracts with Oracle Sales Contracts

2 1-2 Agenda Introduction to Oracle Sales Contracts Negotiating Terms on a Sales Quote Managing Contracts (legal) Blanket Sales Agreements in Order Management

3 1-3 Introducing Oracle Sales Contracts With Oracle Sales Contracts, companies can Standardize and enforce contract policies Streamline contract authoring and negotiation Improve contract compliance Track contract performance and risk

4 1-4 Oracle Sales Contracts is … A comprehensive solution to manage customer relationships Contract Administration & Renewal Legal & Business Approval Tracking Performance Contract Execution & Compliance Standards based Authoring and Negotiation Sales Contracts Repository Establish corporate contract policies  Library of standard terms represents corporate best practices  Terms are available for use on quotes, sales orders, and sales agreements  Automated compliance and tracking of performance against commitments

5 1-5 Oracle Sales Contracts is … Designed as an integral part of Oracle’s ‘Quote-to- Cash’ business flow –Contracts for one-time orders: Author and negotiate contract terms on a quote, iStore cart or sales order –Releases against a Sales Agreement: Enforce contract terms, including price and volume discounts, on Sales Orders released against a Blanket Sales Agreement (BSA) –Contracts for one-time orders: Author and negotiate contract terms on a quote, iStore cart or sales order

6 1-6 Sales Contracts Features Negotiating Terms on a Sales Quote Contracts Terms Library Create and Manage Sales Agreements Create Sales Order Releases against BSA Negotiate Contract Terms in Oracle iStore

7 1-7 Sales Contracts Features Negotiating Terms on a Sales Quote Contracts Terms Library Create and Manage Sales Agreements Create Sales Order Releases against BSA Negotiate Contract Terms in Oracle iStore

8 1-8 Demo

9 1-9 Sales Contracts Features Negotiating Terms on a Sales Quote Contracts Terms Library Create and Manage Sales Agreements Create Sales Order Releases against BSA Negotiate Contract Terms in Oracle iStore

10 1-10 Contracts Terms Library Introduction A comprehensive solution to establish global corporate contracting standards Centrally manage pre-approved terms and conditions representing best practices Enforce contract standards across the enterprise

11 1-11 Contract Terms Library Establish Organization-Wide Contract Standards Contract Terms Library Legal Sales Organizations Government Regulations Implement Best Practices Legal Requirements Regulatory Policies Implement Best Practices Legal Requirements Regulatory Policies Standard Clauses Contract Templates Standard Clauses Contract Templates Enforce Adopt as-is Localize Enforce Adopt as-is Localize Business Units Rich text formatting – bold, indent, bullet list Manage global and country specific standards Revision control and approval management Rich text formatting – bold, indent, bullet list Manage global and country specific standards Revision control and approval management

12 1-12 Contract Terms Library –Create library clauses –Create contract templates Built in Approval workflow

13 1-13 Contract Terms Authoring - Security Editing of contract terms can be controlled by user roles and responsibilities: Standard authoring –Change the contract template –Update user-defined variable values –Add standard clauses from the library –Delete clauses that are not mandatory Non-standard authoring –Modify a standard clause to make it non-standard –Create a new non-standard clause for this contract –Remove all contract terms Override authoring controls –Delete clauses that are marked as mandatory –Make clauses non-standard whose text is protected against update

14 1-14 Demo

15 1-15 Sales Contracts Features Negotiating Terms on a Sales Quote Contracts Terms Library Create and Manage Sales Agreements Create Sales Order Releases against BSA Negotiate Contract Terms in Oracle iStore

16 1-16 Create and Manage Sales Agreements Features Author contract terms on a Blanket Sales Agreement Capture price and purchase commitments Capture agreement effectivity Validate agreement Approve agreement Print agreement Record customer acceptance Manage contract documents Manage agreement changes Send notifications prior to expiration Terminate agreement

17 1-17 Author Contract Terms on a BSA Description Blanket Sales Agreement has been enhanced with contract terms authoring capabilities When authoring a BSA, users can –Apply a standard contract template –Modify standard clauses or pick alternates Contract terms editing can be controlled based on user role and responsibilities

18 1-18 How to Use this Feature Blanket Sales Agreement (BSA) flow Change product/price Add / remove clauses Add non-standard clauses Create BSA Apply Terms & Conditions Preview Contract Document Print for Customer Presentment Negotiate Sign Active Agreement Submit for Internal Approval Customer Acceptance? No Modify BSA Enter signing details Attach signed image Products Price holds Discounts Yes

19 1-19 Demo

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