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Fighting fish (Betta splendens.) By Conor McNamee.

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Presentation on theme: "Fighting fish (Betta splendens.) By Conor McNamee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fighting fish (Betta splendens.) By Conor McNamee

2 origin BBBBetta splendens came from places were rice grows so they don’t like much light

3 Their young  Like all fish their young is called fry. When they are eggs the male looks after them but when they become free-swimming it is best to remove the male

4 Male and female  The male and female look very different Female betta veiltail Male betta crowntail

5 Breeds  To most common betta you get in pet stores is called betta splendens veiltail Male short-fined plakat There is also a breed called crowntail, plakat (tridional and new), detla, superdelta, halfmoon, super betta and vieltail

6 Colours  Bettas splendens come in every colour of the rainbow.

7 Fighting fish  When two males are put in a tank they will fight to the death. Several male bettas flaring at each other

8 breathing  Betta splendens has gills but breaths through a lung.

9 breeding  Fighting fish can be bred in captivity but it can be very difficult unlike goldfish they all have different personalities and they have to like each other for them to breed. The male will kill the female if she is not removed after they have bred. At my house I am breeding my bettas Bettas breeding

10 fry  Betta fry are very small and hardy. They need to be fed plenty of live and frozen foods three times daily. Fry full of bine shrimp Betta with servere tuma A fry after eating brine shrimp

11 Line breeding  If you line breed a betta any colour or traits it has have been like that as far back as you can go but if it hasn’t been line bred the colour it shows may not be it’s true colour. Royal blue betta

12 Illnesses  Bettas are especially proun to finrot or velvet because their long fin are usually eat or torn by a fake plant or another fish. Betta with finrot Betta with velvet Betta with dropsy

13 deformities  Pictures of deformed bettas

14 Pictures of illnesses

15 food  Bettas eat a wide varity of food but it is best to feed them live or frozen foods like bine shrimp, bloodworm or masqo larva A bloodworm Brine shrimp

16 The end  By Conor McNamee I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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