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Creating A Betta Fish Vase. Supplies Needed! Colored Gemstones Fish Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating A Betta Fish Vase. Supplies Needed! Colored Gemstones Fish Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating A Betta Fish Vase

2 Supplies Needed! Colored Gemstones Fish Food

3 Supplies Needed Continued Plastic Liner Vase

4 More Supplies Needed! More Supplies Needed! One Plant Recommended plants to use.... Peace Lilies, Spider, or Philodendron plants. One Betta Fish

5 Final Materials Needed! Final Materials Needed! Distilled Water One Clear Straw

6 The First Step Rinse vase and gemstones with tap water to remove any dust that could harm the fish..

7 Step 2………. Cut a hole in the bottom of the plastic liner Step 2………. Cut a hole in the bottom of the plastic liner

8 A. Carefully remove plant from pot. B. Rinse ALL soil off the roots. Pull roots through the hole in the bottom of plastic liner Step 3…….

9 B. Place some gemstones into the bottom of the vase. A. Fill vase with room temperature distilled water to approximately one inch below the neck Step 4……

10 Steps 5 & 6…….. Steps 5 & 6…….. A. Gently & slowly place Betta fish into the vase. B. Insert plant into the top of the vase. Put moss or gemstones around plant.

11 Final Step…… Final Step…… Gently place the clear straw next to the plant. (you may want to cut the straw down to a smaller size and try to disguise it within the plant) Gently place the clear straw next to the plant. (you may want to cut the straw down to a smaller size and try to disguise it within the plant) Fish need air!! Fish need air!!

12 You’re Finished! Now, you have a beautiful, natural way to decorate. Also, watching fish swim can reduce stress. Feed your Betta a small amount each day to keep the fish a bright color. Fish will feed off the plant roots, but only out of desperation. Warning: Never place more than one Betta into a vase at one time. They will fight each other and probably die. Keep your Betta away from direct sunlight and heat. Enjoy! Replace water with distilled water as needed.

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