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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: NATURAL VEGETATION , WILD LIFE & EXTINCT ANIMALS."— Presentation transcript:




4 Introduction The planet Earth is the house of millions of living organisms starting from microorganisms like bacteria to a huge tree like banyan and elephants. The biosphere is full of biodiversity. Human beings along with other organisms form a complex web of ecosystem which is mutually exclusive and all organisms depend upon each other for their existence. For example, the plants, animals and microorganisms recreate the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that produces our food without which we cannot survive. Forests play a key role in the ecological system as these are also the primary producers on which all other living beings depend.

5 INDIA India is tenth in the world and fourth in Asia in plants and animals diversity. Their are so many factors responsible for the huge diversity in flora and fauna kingdom. Temprature,Sunlight,Rainfall,Soil and Relief are some of the factors.

6 Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
Types of Vegetation Natural Vegetation & Wildlife

7 Tropical Deciduous Forests. Thorns and shrubs. Tidal Forests.
Types of Vegetation Tropical Rain Forests. Tropical Deciduous Forests. Thorns and shrubs. Tidal Forests. Alpine and Tundra Vegetation.

8 Rainfall is more than 200cms. Height 60 meters and above.
Tropical Rain Forests Evergreen by nature Rainfall is more than 200cms. Height 60 meters and above. Main trees are ebony, mahogany and rosewood. The regions are Western Ghats,West Bengal,Orissa and N.E.India


10 Tropical Deciduous Forests
Also called Monsoon forests. Rainfall between 70cm to 200cms. Main areas are M.P,U.P,Chhatisgarh,Shiwalik hills. Main trees are Teak and Sal.


12 Thorn forest and shrubs
Rainfall below 50 cms. Main areas are Rajasthan,Gujrat,Haryana and M.P. Kikar, Babool and Datepalms are the main trees.


14 Found along the coasts and river areas.
Tidal Forests Found along the coasts and river areas. Can survive in both fresh and salty water. Sundari is a well known Mangrove tree. The main area is Sunder ban delta. It is a delta of Ganga and Brahamputra.


16 3600metres above the sea level. Merge into Alpine grasslands.
Alpine and Tundra 3600metres above the sea level. Merge into Alpine grasslands. Silver firs pines and birches are the main vegetation.


18 About Wildlife Sanctuary
India has over 500 animal sanctuaries, referred to as Wildlife Sanctuaries (IUCN Category IV Protected Area). Among these, the 28 Tiger Reserves are governed by Project Tiger, and are of special significance in the conservation of the tiger. Some wildlife sanctuaries are specifically named Bird Sanctuary, eg. Keoladeo National Park before attained National Park status. Many National Parks were initially Wildlife Sanctuaries. Wildlife sanctuaries of national importance to conservation, usually due to some flagship faunal species, are named National Wildlife Sanctuary, like: National Chambal (Gharial) Wildlife Sanctuary for conserving the Gharial (1978)

19 Map

20 About National Park Depending on the area and terrain National Parks provide ample opportunities to the visitors to have a close encounters with the wilds. But what is so exquisite about the Indian National Parks is the variance that they are equipped with. Whether it comes to the flora, avifauna, and aquafauna, or witnessing various wild forms in their natural surroundings on an elephant or inside a jeep, wild ventures in are simply amazing!

21 Map

22 About Bird Sanctuary Tweeting and chirping are a bird watcher's favorite sounds, and in Indian Bird Sanctuaries these sounds reverberate copiously. Owing to its varied topography, climate and long coastline, India provides a home to several species of birds. The nation attracts scores of migratory birds as well. Out of the 8650 species of birds' known in the world, India boasts of being a home to as many as 1200 species. Popular bird species in Indian bird sanctuaries include Racquet Tailed Drogas, Sun Birds, Kingfishers, Drogas, Tree Pies Jungle Owlets, Minvets, Mynas, Pipits, Larks, Siberia Crane, and more.

23 Map

24 About Biosphere Reserve
The Indian government has established 15 Biosphere Reserves of India, (categories roughly corresponding to IUCN Category V Protected areas), which protect larger areas of natural habitat (than a National Park or Animal Sanctuary), and often include one or more National Parks and/or preserves, along buffer zones that are open to some economic uses. Protection is granted not only to the flora and fauna of the protected region, but also to the human communities who inhabit these regions, and their ways of life. Seven of the fifteen biosphere reserves are a part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, based on the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme list[2]. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Simlipal Biosphere Reserve

25 Map

26 Extinct Animals

27 Dodo Extinct since mid to late 17th century Lived on one tiny island

28 Passenger Pigeon Once most common bird in North America
Flocks with more than a billion birds took several days to pass by Last one died 1914 in a zoo In 1857, a bill was brought forth to the Ohio State Legislature seeking protection for the passenger pigeon. A Select Committee of the Senate filed a report stating "The passenger pigeon needs no protection. Wonderfully prolific, having the vast forests of the North as its breeding grounds, traveling hundreds of miles in search of food, it is here today and elsewhere tomorrow, and no ordinary destruction can lessen them, or be missed from the myriads that are yearly produced"

29 Tasmanian Tiger Last known specimen died in captivity in 1936
Last known Thylacine died in captivity in 1936 Last known specimen died in captivity in 1936

30 Dinosaurs T-Rex Brachiosaurus

31 Meganeura Giant dragonfly with a 2.5ft wingspan

32 Armored Fish Dunkleosteus 20ft long, 2000lbs 20ft long, weighed 1 ton

33 Megalodon Giant shark likely around 49ft long

34 Mosasaurus 49ft long ocean lizard

35 Pterosaurs Some had a 33ft wingspan

36 About the size of an elephant, but with fur 3ft long
Wooly Mammoth About the size of an elephant, but with fur 3ft long

37 Sabre-toothed Tiger Weighed up to 880 lbs (Lions weigh 550lbs)

38 Giant Ground Sloth 20ft tall standing on its hind legs

39 Baluchitherium Largest land mammal ever known 25ft tall

40 Flightless birds 10ft tall
“Terror Birds” Flightless birds 10ft tall



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