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Detailed Process Analysis Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training Six Sigma Simplicity.

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1 Detailed Process Analysis Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training Six Sigma Simplicity

2 Notes  If you do not find the answer with a high-level process Map (SIPOC), you can find which steps and inputs to focus on in complex problems using a systematic record of Defects per unit or cycle time.

3 The Basic Elements  Process maps (s,c,n analysis) should include:  Major activities and/or tasks  Sub-processes  Process boundaries  Inputs  Outputs  Customers and suppliers  Process owner(s)  They must be reviewed and updated frequently. Process maps are never “complete.”  The maps document the process as it is actually performed, not necessarily as it is supposed to be performed.  Process maps (s,c,n analysis) should include:  Major activities and/or tasks  Sub-processes  Process boundaries  Inputs  Outputs  Customers and suppliers  Process owner(s)  They must be reviewed and updated frequently. Process maps are never “complete.”  The maps document the process as it is actually performed, not necessarily as it is supposed to be performed.

4  The basic foundation of process improvement:  Ys are the results of completing the process step.  Xs are the inputs that impact the ability to achieve the Ys of that process step.  A “Y” from one process can be an “X” for a later process. Note: The DPUs of each process step are the defects per unit introduced by the materials added or the processes performed at that step.  The basic foundation of process improvement:  Ys are the results of completing the process step.  Xs are the inputs that impact the ability to achieve the Ys of that process step.  A “Y” from one process can be an “X” for a later process. Note: The DPUs of each process step are the defects per unit introduced by the materials added or the processes performed at that step. The Basic Elements Goal: Y = f (X 1, …, X N ) Inputs (Xs) Outputs (Ys) InputsOutputs X 1 X 2 X 3... Y 1 Y 2 Y 3... OR Process Step * DPU Cycle Time Process Step * DPU Cycle Time

5 Creating a Useful Process Map Step 1: Define the scope of the process you need to work on (actionable level). Step 2: Identify all operations needed in the production of a product or service (include cycle time and quality levels at each step). Step 3: Identify each operation above as value-added or non- value-added. A value-added operation “transforms the product in a way meaningful to the customer” and done right first time, customer willing to pay for it … Step 4: List both internal and external Ys at each process step. Step 5: List both internal and external Xs at each process step. Step 1: Define the scope of the process you need to work on (actionable level). Step 2: Identify all operations needed in the production of a product or service (include cycle time and quality levels at each step). Step 3: Identify each operation above as value-added or non- value-added. A value-added operation “transforms the product in a way meaningful to the customer” and done right first time, customer willing to pay for it … Step 4: List both internal and external Ys at each process step. Step 5: List both internal and external Xs at each process step.

6 Creating a Useful Process Map - continued Step 6: Classify all X s as one or more of the following (S,C,N):  Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.s): These are common sense items and things that you always do just because they make sense. Note: Just because it’s in a procedure doesn’t mean it’s an S.O.P. Procedures are often used to specify set-points of controllable parameters.  Examples: Cleaning, safety, loading components, setup  Controllable (C): These are inputs that you can adjust or control while the process is running.  Examples: Speed, feed rate, temperature, pressure  Noise (N): These are things are you cannot control or don’t want to control (too expensive or too difficult).  Examples: Ambient temperature, humidity, operator Step 7: Document any known operating specification for each input and output. Step 8: Clearly identify all process data-collection points. Step 6: Classify all X s as one or more of the following (S,C,N):  Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.s): These are common sense items and things that you always do just because they make sense. Note: Just because it’s in a procedure doesn’t mean it’s an S.O.P. Procedures are often used to specify set-points of controllable parameters.  Examples: Cleaning, safety, loading components, setup  Controllable (C): These are inputs that you can adjust or control while the process is running.  Examples: Speed, feed rate, temperature, pressure  Noise (N): These are things are you cannot control or don’t want to control (too expensive or too difficult).  Examples: Ambient temperature, humidity, operator Step 7: Document any known operating specification for each input and output. Step 8: Clearly identify all process data-collection points.

7 M a t e r i a l R a w E r r o r A s s y S l i c e r T r a n s p o r t M a c h i n i n g 50 60100200450 5.8 7.011.623.352.3 100.0 94.2 87.2 75.6 52.3 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 12mm Shaft Defects at Final Insp The Methodology — An Example Step 1: Define the scope of the process:  The machine improvement team has identified, through structured Pareto analyses, the products that contribute the highest defect counts to the shaft department.  By product, the Pareto for the shaft production area is shown to the right.  QUESTION:  Which product(s) and defect(s) should the team focus on first?  ANSWER:  ____________________ Important Note: Your process map must document the process of interest at an ACTIONABLE level. Step 1: Define the scope of the process:  The machine improvement team has identified, through structured Pareto analyses, the products that contribute the highest defect counts to the shaft department.  By product, the Pareto for the shaft production area is shown to the right.  QUESTION:  Which product(s) and defect(s) should the team focus on first?  ANSWER:  ____________________ Important Note: Your process map must document the process of interest at an ACTIONABLE level.

8 An Example Step 2: Identify all operations required in the production of a product or service (include cycle times and quality levels at each step). Machining a shaft on a lathe. Cycle Time = 5 mins DPU = 0.056 Inspection. Cycle Time = 2 mins DPU = 0.00 Re-work: Detailed cutting. Cycle Time = 40 mins DPU = 0.00

9 An Example - continued Step 3: Identify each operation as either value-added or non-value-added. Machining a shaft on a lathe. Cycle Time = 5 mins DPU = 0.056 Inspection. Cycle Time = 2 mins DPU = 0.00 Re-work: Detailed cutting. Cycle Time = 40 mins DPU = 0.00 VA NVA NVA Recall: A value-added operation “transforms the product in a way meaningful to the customer.”

10  S = S.O.P.  C = Controllable  N = Noise An Example - continued Steps 4 to 6: List the inputs (X s ) and output (Y s ) at each process step. Classify the inputs. Machining a shaft on a lathe. Cycle Time = 5 mins DPU = 0.056 Inspection. Cycle Time = 2 mins DPU = 0.00 Re-work: Detailed cutting. Cycle Time = 40 mins DPU = 0.00 VA NVA NVA (Xs) C Rotational Speed C Traverse Speed C Tool Type C Tool Sharpness C Shaft Material Characteristics C Shaft Length C Amount of Material Removed per Cut S Part Cleanliness C Coolant Flow N Operator Procedures N Material Variation N Ambient Temperature S Coolant Age (X,Y): Shafts needing detailed cutting (under-machined) (Ys) Diameter Taper Surface Finish

11 (Ys) Specification Diameter12 +/- 0.04 mm Taper(currently subjective) Surface Finish(currently subjective) (Xs) Specification C Rotational Speed100 rpm +/- 10 RPM C Traverse SpeedNot currently documented C Tool TypeTitanium C Tool Sharpness(not currently known) C Shaft Characteristics? C Shaft Length120 mm +/- 1.5 mm C Amount of Material RemovedNot applicable S Part CleanlinessFree of contamination C Coolant Flow(not currently known) N Operator ProceduresProcess procedure XYZ123 N Material Variation? N Ambient Temperature71 degrees F +/-? S Coolant AgeThree days +/- 1/2 day An Example - continued Step 7: Document any known operating specification for each input and output.

12 (Xs) C Rotational Speed C Traverse Speed C Tool Type C Tool Sharpness C Shaft Material Characteristics C Shaft Length C Amount of Material Removed per Cut S Part Cleanliness C Coolant Flow N Operator Procedures N Material Variation N Ambient Temperature S Coolant Age Hint: RTY = e -dpu (Ys) Diameter Taper Surface Finish (X,Y): Shafts needing detailed cutting (under-machined) Machining a shaft on a lathe. Cycle Time = 5 mins DPU = 0.056 Inspection. Cycle Time = 2 mins DPU = 0.00 Re-work: Detailed cutting. Cycle Time = 40 mins DPU = 0.00 VA NVA NVA 1-RTY = 5.5%  S = S.O.P.  C = Controllable  N = Noise RTY = 94.5% The Hidden Factory Step 8: Clearly identify all process data-collection points.  Machining process—modeling the hidden factory Step 8: Clearly identify all process data-collection points.  Machining process—modeling the hidden factory

13 Process Name Cycle Time DPU A Process Icon tm/sm Process Icon is a trademark and service mark of Improvement Initiatives. Process Detailing  Information management tool for organizational infrastructures  Process detailing: Identifying, at various dimensions, the inputs and outputs of any process step  The goal: To obtain a comprehensive view of any process step  The building block for process detailing is called the Process ICON  Information management tool for organizational infrastructures  Process detailing: Identifying, at various dimensions, the inputs and outputs of any process step  The goal: To obtain a comprehensive view of any process step  The building block for process detailing is called the Process ICON

14 The Product Flow Line Product In Assembly (From Previous Step) New Parts Product Out Assembly to Next Process Process Owner: Rev: Date: Process Name Cycle Time DPU

15 Adding Resources to the Flow Product In Assembly (From Previous Step) New Parts Product Out Assembly to Next Process Process Name Cycle Time DPU Resources In Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Resources Out Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Process Owner: Rev: Date:

16 Information Flow Resources In Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Resources Out Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Process Name Cycle Time DPU Product In Assembly (From Previous Step) New Parts Product Out Assembly to Next Process Process Owner: Rev: Date: Information In Data Instructions Drawings Programs Information Out Data Instructions Drawings Programs

17 Information In Data Instructions Drawings Programs Information Out Data Instructions Drawings Programs Resources In Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Resources Out Tools Fixtures Equipment People Test Sets Process Name Cycle Time DPU Product In Assembly (From Previous Step) New Parts Product Out Assembly to Next Process Process Owner: Rev: Date: Safety and Controls Safety Facility OSHA Environmental Controls Policy Procedures

18 Information In Oil Change History User’s Manual Oil Volume Oil Type Filter Type Plug Gasket Type Information Out Updated History Card User’s Manual Oil Volume Oil Type Filter Type Plug Gasket Type Resources Out Person Drain Pan Funnel Trouble Lamp Hand Cleaner Ramp/Jack Wrench/Plug Wrench Product In Car New Oil New Oil Filter New Plug Gasket Product Out Car Used Oil Used Filter Used Plug Gasket Oil Change Cycle Time 45 min. DPU 3 Controls Time of Year Mileage Safety Oil Disposal Common Sense Set Brake Block Tires Level Surface Redundant Supports Resources In Person Drain Pan Funnel Trouble Lamp Hand Cleaner Ramp/Jack Wrench/Plug Wrench An Example

19 Information InInformation Out Resources InResources Out Product InProduct Out Controls Safety Process Detailing Data Format

20 Escaping DPU DPU Removed Rolled Yield Test Efficiency DPU Added (Due to Raw Parts) DPU In DPU Added (Due to Process) DPU Out Assembly Test or Inspection The Defect Model

21 Raw Parts DPU = 0.0020 DPU In 0.00 Raw Parts DPU = 0.0027 DPU 0.0060 Receive Chassis Install Cables Test DPU 0.0023 Install Mother- board Receiving Process DPU = 0.0003 Process Induced DPU = 0.0010 Raw Parts DPU = 0.0040 Process Induced DPU = 0.0020 Re-Work/Scrap DPU = 0.0080 Shipped Yield = 99.6% Test Eff = 67% Escaping DPU = 0.0040 DPU 0.0120 Cycle Time 0.50 hours Cycle Time 0.0 hours Cycle Time 1.5 hours C.T. 2.0 hrs Receive Chassis Install Cables Test C.T. 0.50 hrs Install Mother- board Cycle Time 2.0 hours Total Cycle Time = 8.0 C.T. 4.0 hrs DPU Modeling: Cycle Time Modeling: Cycle Time 4.0 hours Ultimate Goal: Model Your Whole Factory  Predict product cycle times  Predict product defect levels Ultimate Goal: Model Your Whole Factory  Predict product cycle times  Predict product defect levels Total DPU: DPU = 0.012 Observed RTY = 98.8 An Example

22 In-Class Exercise  Break into your designated groups.  Choose no more than three focused steps of a real process (from one team member’s project).  Using the eight-step methodology you have learned; or, using process detailing, create a map for the chosen process steps.  Document the (estimated) DPU and cycle time for each process step. What are the overall RTY and cycle time?  Be prepared to report your results.  You have 40 minutes for this exercise.  Break into your designated groups.  Choose no more than three focused steps of a real process (from one team member’s project).  Using the eight-step methodology you have learned; or, using process detailing, create a map for the chosen process steps.  Document the (estimated) DPU and cycle time for each process step. What are the overall RTY and cycle time?  Be prepared to report your results.  You have 40 minutes for this exercise.

23 Attach Crank Assembly.100.0027 Attach Pedals.200.0027 Attach Fork.200.0027 Attach Handle Bar.200.0027 Alignment Tightness Concentricity Scratches N Operator C Gap dim C Materials S Grease Alignment Perpendicularity N Operator C Gap dim S Grease Alignment Tightness Dents Scratches N Operator C Fork slot dim N Slot damage Alignment Tightness Scratches Rotation N Operator C Gap dim C Torque S Grease Attach Rear Wheel.200.0027 Attach Chain.150.0027 Tension Scratches N Operator C Chain package C Chain length S Grease Location Spokes straight Scratches N Operator C Fork slot dim C Material S Grease N Shaft straight Attach Rear Brake.100.0027 Attach Training Wheels.200.0027 Location Tightness Scratches N Operator C Gap dim C Wheel size S Grease Alignment Gap Scratches N Operator C Gap dim C Brake thickness C Cable tension Attach Front Wheel.100.0027 Attach Front Brake.250.0027 Attach Seat.150.0027 Touch-Up Paint 3.3.0027 Location Spokes straight Scratches N Operator C Fork slot dim C Material S Grease N Shaft straight Alignment Gap Scratches N Operator C Gap dim C Brake thickness C Cable tension Alignment Tightness Angle N Operator C Gap dim C Shaft length N Shaft diameter S Grease Uniformity Drips Thickness N Operator C Viscosity C Color S Cleanliness C Brush size Inspect.250.00005 Box.250.0027 Ship.250.0027 Addressed N Operator Packed in box N Operator C Packing material All fasteners tight No paint chips N Operator N Lighting LEGEND: Process Name Cycle Time DPU Outputs Inputs Bicycle Example (s,c,n analysis)

24 Detailed Process Analysis Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training Six Sigma Foundations Continuous Improvement Training

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