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Industrial robots By: Nelly Hernandez & Leticia Ibarra.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial robots By: Nelly Hernandez & Leticia Ibarra."— Presentation transcript:

1 industrial robots By: Nelly Hernandez & Leticia Ibarra

2 What task does the robot perform
What task does the robot perform? What human function or task does this robot simulate? Robots that can learn and adapt are excellent evidence for machine intelligence. Robots can be taught concepts, motor skills, how to use their own sensors, how to gather information/navigate/ express emotion &even how to teach themselves. The industrial robot can be use in factories

3 Where is the robot used ? What is its work envelope (how many degrees of freedom or flexible joints does it have)? The industrial robots are used in the factories to help the owners and so the process can go faster. The axes of the robotic arm are controlled by a movement called a degree of freedom. Any industrial robot that can be vertical fashion is designed to have 6 degree of freedom

4 It depends on the robot because most of them have one arm.
Is the robotic end effector multi-functional? If so, what other tasks can it perform? It depends on the robot because most of them have one arm.

5 what sensors does the robot have and how does the robot use these sensors ?
industrial robots have tactile sensors which means it have a sense of touch. It is used by touching and sensing an object and has force for several machines.


7 Name some advantage and disadvantages of using a robot complete this task
Drastically improve quality Dramatically increase rate of production Creates a virtually human-free environment Cost efficient technology reduces the number of workers needed at a facility Eliminates operator error through carefully crafted scripts Disadvantages Robots are an expensive initial cost Lack of planning can result in major set backs Employees will require additional training and experience before working with the robots Creates a very dangerous environment if humans are present Can only do what it is instructed to do; nothing more, nothing less

8 Describe the impact that this robot has had or could have on its intended audience.
The impact that this robot has had or could have on it intended audience is that more people are not going to have jobs because there are going to get replaced by the industrial robots.

9 What type of jobs/careers can this robot create to provide employment for people?
industrial robots are used for factories that need help with a lot of things to fix or to wrap things like for example putting all the caps on the toothpaste for companies.

10 Predict and explain how this robot may be altered to perform more or different tasks in future.
These robots are going to be able to perform more tasks because later in the year they start to upgrade things that maybe it will become more faster because of the technology upgrade.


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