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Facebook and online marketing Jono and Jason. what we’ll cover Increasing your Facebook Presence Campus-Wide Bird Bank Process Marketing Strategies Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook and online marketing Jono and Jason. what we’ll cover Increasing your Facebook Presence Campus-Wide Bird Bank Process Marketing Strategies Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook and online marketing Jono and Jason

2 what we’ll cover Increasing your Facebook Presence Campus-Wide Bird Bank Process Marketing Strategies Online Store – Campus-Wide – National

3 Meet Jono

4 Meet Jason

5 Facebook pages – building your presence online How is Facebook relevant to your success as a Campus Manager? Socialnomics

6 Facebook pages – building your presence online Think of yourself as a brand. When you talk to people, you want them to associate yourself with your business on campus

7 Facebook pages – building your presence online Email all of your contacts on campus – Give one-two easy to understand action items What are some examples of Action Items?

8 Facebook pages – building your presence online Suggest Page to Friends

9 Facebook pages – building your presence online Post your pages link to the following places: – Email Footer – Other social media accounts Personal Twitter Instagram – Any correspondence online Every time you talk to someone about apparel, an action item should be for them to check out your page on Facebook

10 Facebook pages – building your presence online Have friends share your page – This can be done in one sitting on the computer. – But how are successful pages getting people to like their page? Interaction with the Potential Customers!

11 Facebook pages – building your presence online Create content that encourages people to interact

12 Facebook pages – building your presence online Campus-Wide Bird Banks – Great way to drive traffic to your pages

13 We’ve Been Building To This! Importance of Birdbank – Using Birdbank in your Sales Pitches! Using Facebook to promote Campus Wide Birdbanks Marketing Strategies to Increase BB Sales

14 Before Bird Bank Hassles of organizing t-shirt orders – Collecting Money – Keeping track of sizes How Bird Bank will help – Users order their information individually – Payment is collected on the spot – Does all the work for you

15 Bird Bank Style

16 Campus-Wide Bird Bank How it works: Demand – Target an Event – Create custom artwork with your artist This too many times is what stops CMs from moving forward. You need to devote time to making a clever design that is going to sell. – Open the Bird Bank – Create an event on Facebook that references your Bird Bank and Utees Page

17 Campus-Wide Bird Bank You’ve laid the groundwork, now it’s time to make this order a success! Marketing is next:

18 Campus-Wide Bird Bank How it works (continued): – Promote event – invite as many people as possible, get your friends to help with this – build hype – Send an email to all campus contacts that you have about the Facebook group and the Bird Bank You can even look up all past Bird Bank signups and email them about your new Campus-Wide Bird Bank project! – Close order – Email signups letting them know to “like” your campus page in order to find out pick-up times – Receive shirts, pass out shirts! – WRONG – You NEED to count everything in the boxes before passing them out.

19 Unofficial – University of Illinois - BAG & TAG -Print Order Receipt - When To Use Flyers And When Not To - QR Code -How to do it

20 Homecoming – Illinois State University

21 Barcrawl – University of Illinois

22 Potential Barcrawl – Game of Thrones

23 Current Event Ideas These Barcrawls can work if they are relevant to a current event. – Example: We did two Harry Potter Barcrawls – Game of Thrones Barcrawl – St. Patty’s Day/Green Beer Day – Campus Specific Events Any ideas?

24 USA Jerseys Design is not Unique – Why is it selling? Philanthropy Attach with Local Charity – Now you and University Tees is working for the community Good Press – Charity drives traffic to your Birdbank Link. Effectively doing your job for you!

25 Bird Bank Marketing Strategies Pre-Sale -$2.00 off -The trick is “urgency” -Order now to save $2.00 on something you would have ordered already. -Then when closing comes you have Bird Bank say last day to order is Sunday at Midnight! -Learning that we can actually keep the Birdbank open until Noon the next day without hurting operations comes with experience and understanding of the business day on our end.

26 Bird Bank Marketing Strategies Free Items – - Malibu Two Toned Sunglasses - Order any 2 and get one pair free - ISU Homecoming order stagnant - Then offered free pair with every order and it sky rocketed. - This works because on Campus-Wide Bird Banks you can expect a higher quantity and yet you are still keeping everything at a higher price. We work the price of the sunglasses into each order.

27 Bird Bank Marketing Strategies Facebook Page Raffles / Contests – -Great way to increase Facebook Likes! -Free Jersey once we’ve hit 100 Likes! 500 Likes! 1,000 Likes! -Post a Photo with a ton of Utees Stickers and start a contest for who can guess the right amount in the photo! -Give a free Sweatshirt to whomever gets it right. -Make sure you count them before you start! -What other ideas do you have?

28 Online Store What is it? – Aesthetics – Payment Collections – User Experience

29 Online Store How it Works – Campus Sales – Target Organization or Event – work with BDL for ideas – Come up with list of items for sale – Work with BDL to Launch store with Jason Crocker – Promote your store (same as Campus-Wide Bird Bank) – Close store – Work w/BDL to place order in online system from orders in store – Count Money

30 Online Store How it Works – National Sales – Jason Crocker will send you an email with the National items up for sale on the store – If you have the organization on your campus, promote it to them – 10% commission on sales from your campus – Sales go toward your campus goals – Great way to reach out to current and prospective customers – No minimums

31 Coming Soon… Facebook 5 week plan

32 What we’ve covered Increasing your Facebook Presence Campus-Wide Bird Bank Process Online Store – Campus-Wide – National Marketing Strategies

33 Let’s get some more followers! Who wants to demo suggesting their page to their friends like what we’ve shown earlier?

34 Quick Recap! What you have Learned: – Increase Facebook Presence Get your Name out there – Campus Wide Birdbank Process How Bag & Tag will help Don’t half ass this task – Marketing Strategies Pre-sale Free Sunglasses – Online Store Easy way to Reach out to Prospective Clients Future Sales from small Introduction

35 What questions can we answer for you?

36 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?

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